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The Immaculate Conception is

commonly confused with the virgin birth of Jesus,
the latter saying that Jesus was conceived and born
by his mother Mary without a human father. While
many Christians believe in the virgin birth of Jesus.
It is principally Roman Catholic, along with various
other Christian denominations, who believe in the
doctrine of the Immaculate Conception .Although
the belief that Mary was sinless, or conceived
without original sin, has been held since the Late
Antiquity, the doctrine was not dogmatically defined
in the Catholic Church until 1854 when Pope Pius
IX, declared ex cathedra i.e., using papal
infallibility, in his papal bull Ineffabilis Dues, the
Immaculate Conception to be doctrine. The Catholic
Church celebrates the Solemnity of Immaculate
Conception in December 8, in many Catholic
countries, it is a holy day pf obligation or patronal
feast, and in some national public holiday.

Submitted by:
Samantha Christine M. Durante
Submitted to:
Sister M. Louise Bacalla,OSF

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