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Immune Reconstitution Inflammatory Syndrome

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Professor’s name



Immune Reconstitution Inflammatory Syndrome

Erik’s barriers after losing his vision

After the loss of eyesight, Erik will no longer be able to participate in the sports activities

he used to: football and bike racing. But he can continue with his academics and achieve his

goals through the use of braille for the blind. He might lose most of his friends. Finding a

suitable job for him will also be difficult as well.

Is it possible any of these barriers reflect society’s biases?

The barriers I had picked reflect the society’s biasness. People tend to look down upon

the disabled believing they cannot achieve much in their lives. Loss of eyesight is a catastrophe

that could be imagined to weigh one down but through Erik, I have learnt that the disabled also

have a chance and can achieve a lot despite their impairment.

Would you eliminate some of the barriers now that you know the whole story? if so, which


I would eliminate some of the barriers I had mentioned earlier for Erik. Since he participated in

the two biking activities and made it, I would wish to eliminate that as a barrier. He also

participated in sky diving, marathon and wrestling, I would eliminate the barrier I had mentioned

of him failing to participate in recreational activities. I also thought he would lose his friends

including his girlfriend but he married her at the end. I would eliminate this as a barrier as well.

“Society makes the handicaps, not the disability” Paul Longmore

This proves that the disability is caused by the way the society views it rather than the

person’s impairment. What the society believes about the person does not determine the barriers

that his disability holds. One can always pursue the unexpected despite his impairment.

Consider the scholarship for Erik’s climb. His major sponsor was American

Federation for the blind

The government as well has a way of supporting those with disabilities. This proves that

their opportunities are not limited and they can always aim for the best despite their impairment.

They are as well represented just like the persons with no disability.

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