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Internal Exam I, June 2022
Fourth Semester: Electronics and Communication Engineering

Q. No Question Mark
Compare Von-Neumann and Harvard computer architectures with any 3 points. 3
(1 Mark each)
Importance of address bus in a processor. (1 Mark) 3
2. Importance of data bus in a processor. (1 Mark)
Importance of control bus in a processor. (1 Mark)
Distinguish between microcontrollers and embedded processors stating any 3 3
points. (1 Mark each)

4. 3
List the 6 status bits in 8051 microcontroller with its importance. (3 Marks)
List any 3 instruction with explanation used for arithmetic operation with 8051 3
Microcontroller- ADD, ADDC, SUBB, MUL, DIV, DA, INC, DEC
PART B (Answer one full question from each module)
a. Status register. (1 Marks)
Accumulator. (2 Marks)
Program counter. (2 Marks) 7
6. Stack pointer. (1 Marks)
General purpose registers. (1 Marks)
b. Explain the architecture of basic processor. (4 Marks)
Diagram. (3 Marks)
a. Illustrate the basic functional unit of a computer. (4 Marks)
7. Diagram. (3 Marks)
b. Explain Instruction Cycle. (4 Marks) 7
Diagram. (3 Marks)
a. Explain the architecture of 8051 Microcontroller. (4 Marks) 7
8. Diagram. (3 Marks)
b. Illustrate the ROM memory organisation of 8051 Microcontroller. 7

(3.5 Marks)
Illustrate the RAM memory organisation of 8051 Microcontroller.
(3.5 Marks)
9 a Explain any 4 addressing modes of 8051 with examples. (7 Marks) 7
b Describe: 7
a). PSEN| b). ALE c). EA| d). RST e). RXD f). INT0| g). RD|
(1 Marks each)
10. To write an assembly language program to add 20CD H and 65DE H. (7 Marks) 7
To write an assembly language program to do basic arithmetic operations of two
11. numbers stored in internal memory 20H and 21H and store the result in internal 7
Registers of 8051. (7 Marks)

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