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ALI RAZA (22-CS-92)




DATE : NOVEMBER 23,2023.

1. Acknowledge: Admit the existence or truth.
Sentence: She refused to acknowledge her mistake.

2. Affirm: State as a fact; assert strongly.

Sentence: He continued to affirm his innocence.

3. Advocate: Publicly support or recommend.

Sentence: The organization will advocate for environmental protection.

4. Argue: Present reasons for or against a point.

Sentence: They would often argue about politics.

5. Assume: Take for granted without proof.

Sentence: Let's not assume anything until we have all the facts.

6. Assert: State a fact or belief confidently.

Sentence: She confidently asserted her position in the debate.

7. Believe: Accept that something is true without evidence.

Sentence: I believe in the power of positive thinking.

8. Condone: Accept or allow behavior that is morally wrong.

Sentence: His silence seemed to condone the inappropriate actions.

9. Confirm: Establish the truth or correctness of something.

Sentence: Please confirm your attendance at the meeting.

10. Content: In a state of peaceful happiness.

Sentence: After a good meal, he felt content.

11. Declare: Announce or make known in a formal manner.

Sentence: The president will declare a state of emergency.

12. Dismiss: Disregard or reject as unworthy of consideration.

Sentence: He chose to dismiss the rumors as baseless gossip.

13. Disregard: Pay no attention to; ignore.

Sentence: It's essential not to disregard warning signs.

14. Emphasize: Give special importance or prominence to something.

Sentence: The speaker tried to emphasize the importance of teamwork.

15. Establish: Set up or create.

Sentence: The company aims to establish a strong presence in the market.
16. Ignore: Refuse to take notice of or acknowledge.
Sentence: She decided to ignore the negative comments.

17. Infer: Deduce or conclude information from evidence and reasoning.

Sentence: From her expression, he could infer that she was upset.

18. Maintain: Keep in existence or continuous operation.

Sentence: It's important to maintain a healthy work-life balance.

19. Negate: Nullify or make ineffective.

Sentence: The positive effects were negated by unforeseen challenges.

20. Oppose: Disapprove of or resist actively.

Sentence: The community came together to oppose the construction project.

21. Recognize: Identify someone or something from previous encounters.

Sentence: She couldn't recognize him after all these years.

22. Reject: Dismiss as inadequate, unacceptable, or faulty.

Sentence: The committee decided to reject the proposal.

23. Reveal: Make known to others; disclose.

Sentence: The detective was about to reveal the identity of the culprit.

24. Challenge: Dispute the truth or validity of.

Sentence: The scientist decided to challenge the established theory.

25. Concede: Admit that something is true or valid after denying or resisting it.
Sentence: After a lengthy debate, he had to concede defeat.

26. Conclude: Arrive at a judgment or opinion by reasoning.

Sentence: Based on the evidence, we can conclude that he is guilty.

27. Deny: State that something is not true or does not exist.
Sentence: He chose to deny any involvement in the scandal.

28. Determine: Ascertain or establish exactly by research or calculation.

Sentence: It's difficult to determine the exact cause of the problem.

29. Dispute: Argue about something; discuss heatedly.

Sentence: The team members began to dispute the best course of action.

30. Doubt: Be uncertain or skeptical about.

Sentence: She couldn't help but doubt the sincerity of his apology.

31. Endorse: Declare one's public approval or support of.

Sentence: The celebrity was chosen to endorse the new product.
32. Highlight: Draw attention to or emphasize something.
Sentence: The report will highlight the key findings of the study.

33. Impute: Attribute or credit to.

Sentence: It would be unfair to impute all the blame to one person.

34. Insist: Demand something forcefully; persist in one's views.

Sentence: Despite objections, he continued to insist on his decision.

35. Misinterpret: Understand or explain wrongly.

Sentence: It's easy to misinterpret someone's intentions in text messages.

36. Object to: Express or feel disapproval; oppose.

Sentence: She decided to object to the new policy.

37. Presume: Suppose that something is the case without proof.

Sentence: Don't presume to know what I'm thinking.

38. Recommend: Put forward as being suitable for a particular purpose.

Sentence: The doctor will recommend a specific treatment plan.

39. Refute: Prove a statement or theory to be false.

Sentence: The scientist was able to refute the hypothesis with new evidence.

40. Stress: Emphasize or give special importance to.

Sentence: The coach will stress the importance of teamwork during the training session.

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