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M10: Activity 2 Sustainability FT

1. Define Ecological Footprint and Overshoot Day?

 According to Earth Overshoot Day, the Ecological Footprint measures how much
resources individuals or populations consume, including plant-based food, livestock,
timber, urban space, and forests for absorbing carbon dioxide emissions.
"Overshoot" occurs when the planet consumes more resources than it can replenish.
At a global level, both ecological deficit and overshoot mean the same thing because
the planet doesn't receive a net import of resources.

2. What is your Ecological Footprint (in terms of the number of earths) and Personal
Overshoot Day. Attach your printscreen results here. Explain why you do have
more (or less) than one earth footprint.

 My Ecological Footprint shows as 2.6 Earths, with an Overshoot Day on May 20. I
believe this high footprint is due to increased consumption of food and electricity,
especially because there are seven of us residing in a large house.

3. Discuss three ways that you can actually do to reduce your ecological footprint.
(1) I can start by opting for eco-friendly products with minimal packaging and choosing
energy-efficient appliances. I'll focus on reducing food waste through better meal
planning, composting organic waste, and supporting local and organic produce.
(2) Second is to conserve energy, to cut down my energy usage, I'll be more mindful of
turning off lights and unplugging electronics when they're not in use. I plan to invest in
energy-efficient light bulbs, appliances, and possibly explore renewable energy sources
like solar power.
(3) Third is, considering using public transportation more often, carpooling, or even
biking and walking to reduce my carbon footprint. If possible, I might explore options like
hybrid or electric vehicles and plan my errands more efficiently to minimize unnecessary
trips and emissions.

4. How do you define sustainability? Discuss how the concept of sustainability

related to your field of study.
 Sustainability, in essence, means meeting today's needs while ensuring future
generations can meet theirs. In management accounting, sustainability involves
looking beyond finances and considering social and environmental impacts. It's
about integrating long-term thinking into decision-making. As a management
accountant, I play a crucial role in this by assessing the environmental effects of
production processes, evaluating resource efficiency, and weighing social aspects in
financial analyses. I help identify and manage risks related to environmental
regulations, implement sustainable practices, and develop performance metrics that
don't just focus on financial gains but also consider environmental and social
impacts. This approach ensures our business operates sustainably, supporting long-
term success while minimizing harm to the environment and society.


Earth Overshoot Day. (n/d). What is the Ecological Footprint?. Earth Overshoot Day.

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