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Name : Fresha varingga varienta

NIM : 202010300023
Class / Smester : B1 / Smester 1
Courses : English

"What I am going to do this Weekend"

Hi, I’m Fresha. I am a College student 1st semester of Muhammadiyah University of Sidoarjo. I
am the original people of Ponorogo. I live in Sidoarjo with two my friends since one and a half years
ago. Currently, I’m work at a consulting service company in Sidoarjo. I will tell you a little about what
I'm going to do this weekend. as an assignment for English courses. Joint leave will take place from
the twenty-eight to the thirtieth October 2020. However, unfortunately in my office there is no
leave. Therefore, my holiday this weekend nothing special. Today, I’m made a promise with my
sister. that this weekend, I'm going to the cafe with my sister to do a college assignment to make a
commercial video. and we will go to the cafe near the town square for some good videos. before
starting to record the video, we will create a video concept and select a product to advertise. Then, I
will start record the video. The plan, after finishing make the video. we will go to the mall to find
gifts. The gift was given to my sister friend who going to be graduation next week. the plan my sister
will buy her shoes. They have been friends for a long time. She is a good friend to my sister. he likes
to help my sister when trouble. that's all about my weekend plans I know my story about planning
this week's holiday is not that special. But, I am very grateful. if there is a writing error, please
correct it, thank you..

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