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The Effectiveness of Time Management Strategies Instruction on students' academic

time management and academic self efficacy


This study aims to evaluate the impact of targeted time management interventions on
the academic performance and self-efficacy of freshman college students with learning
disabilities. While tightly focused on a specific population, findings could provide valuable
insights into specialized educational practices tailored to supporting students with learning
needs. However, the brief introduction lacks sufficient detail on the ethical protocols involved
in protecting human participants.

Research Problem and Questions

The research problem and questions are clearly defined, focusing directly on assessing
the effectiveness of time management skills instruction among learning-disabled students - an
important issue given this group's unique challenges. However, a more comprehensive
explanation of how ethical guidelines were implemented would strengthen confidence in the
study procedures. The quasi-experimental pre-test/post-test design with experimental and
control groups seems well aligned with the stated aims and research questions.

Literature Review

The literature review offers an appropriately focused synthesis of highly relevant prior
research on time management, self-efficacy, and connections to academic performance,
specifically for students with learning disabilities. By thoroughly reviewing the gap in
existing literature related to time management interventions for this population, the study
establishes a compelling rationale for investigating this under-examined area. The balanced,
comprehensive overview reflects a strong command of the knowledge base and underscores
the contribution this study can make.

Data Collection

The targeted sampling and use of comparison groups strengthens the experimental
design. However, the introduction lacks important details about the validity and reliability of
the Time Management Questionnaire and Academic Self-Efficacy Questionnaire used in the
study. The reader cannot properly evaluate the accuracy and consistency of these
measurement instruments without understanding their psychometric properties. Furthermore,
explicitly addressing triangulation of data sources would also boost confidence in the overall
robustness of the data collection and measurement approach.

Data Analysis

The quantitative analyses using ANCOVA and t-tests seem appropriate given the
study aims and design. However, the integration between statistical findings and visual
representations (tables/charts) requires further clarification and elaboration. Ensuring the
narratives and visual displays closely align would improve the communication and
interpretation of results.


While the data indicates promising improvements in time management skills and self-
efficacy of the intervention group, a more nuanced discussion of sample demographics and
examination of generalizability is needed to properly contextualize the findings. Additionally,
practical implications for educators warrant further exploration to maximize the applied value
of the study.


The study does not thoroughly discuss the validity and reliability of the measurement
instruments utilized for data collection. Additional details on how these tools were validated
would improve confidence in their accuracy. Furthermore, while practical implications are
briefly mentioned, more analysis is needed on how the findings could translate to real-world
educational settings. Expanding on concrete applications would increase the study's practical
relevance. Moreover, the relatively small sample size of 60 students raises concerns about
generalizing results to a wider population. The sole reliance on self-report questionnaires also
introduces potential participant bias in providing socially desirable responses.


This study effectively tackles a meaningful research problem through an appropriate

experimental methodology. The literature review comprehensively synthesizes relevant
background research, providing a solid rationale for investigating this issue. Additionally, the
links between statistical analyses, tables, and figures require clarification. The results appear
accurately interpreted, but a deeper discussion of external validity and practical implications
would further strengthen the study.

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