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Sexual Energy and Spiritual Energy

Sexual energy and spiritual energy don’t have much in common, however, the
common threads that they do share are very powerful. The sexual orgasm has a
way of bringing the hormones into balance, for both male and female. The orgasm
is a way the body restarts the [bodies sense of] emotional well-being. It is so vital to
have a healthy sexual relationship with your own body, because that will reflect
greatly on those around you.
A sexual orgasm is where we can physically feel the Life-force energy or Chi which is
the same as spiritual energy flowing through the body. Spirit; is your ray of light; the
all healing and transforming force. Your light-body and your Spirit are the same
thing, and the chakra system is apart of the light-body. It’s a way of describing the
Spirit and it’s multidimensional countless functions.
This spiritual energy is a very powerful healing agent. There are many fascinating
methods for harnessing and channeling spiritual energy through the act of sexual
intercourse, and redirecting it to heal the body, or balance the emotions.
This practice comes from Tantra: One that comes to mind, is during sex just before
climax stop, put your attention on the location in your body that needs healing, and
this spiritual energy will gather there and begin the healing. This application may
need to be repeated as often as needed, and this method requires a bit of discipline
from both involved.
For all you men out there who are looking to create deliberate strong bonds with
your lover. Envision your energetic penis extending long and entering her heart
space at the top of your thrust. You don’t need to physically go deep to do this. Feel
the connection and say to her “I choose to bond with you” as you come to climax.
Connect to the truth of this statement as you speak it.
Another deliberate bonding technique is to create a rainbow bridge from your heart
to theirs, and this can be done at any distance. This also works on enhancing your
telepathic abilities [to connect from a distance]. The page Spiritual Earth
Connections will explain this more in-depth.
Another deliberate bonding technique brings us into alignment with sacred sexual
intimacy: during sex just as you begin to climax, gently press the tip of your tongue
with theirs [kissing can do the same however the outcome is not nearly as intense].
This completes a circuit of energy [your Chi or Life force energy] that is now flowing
and mixing deliberately with your lover, through your body then through hers and
so on, mixing and merging the spiritual essence that you are. What activates it is a
spark of sexual excitement by both involved. Deliberately creating this bonding
experience is 1.000 times greater than if you don’t. During sex there is a merging of
energies, yours and theirs, just the act of sex alone does this. The average bond last
2-3 weeks, the deliberate bonding method time last 2-3 months, and a lot of this
depends on your sensitivities. This deliberate bonding blends your spiritual
essences together, and this heightens your sensitivities for telepathy and empathic
abilities between you both. This only works between 2 people, no matter what your
sexual preference is.
Sexual bonding through orgasm is automatic, it happens whether we want it or not,
however afterwards you can choose to respond or not to those emotions. Simple, if
you don’t want the bond, don’t have sex with that person.
His orgasm has him bonding to her, and her orgasm bonds her to him. Without the
orgasm, the bonding experience is a lot less. Emotional bonding doesn’t require an
orgasm, just cuddling while being deeply in love, and that nurturing bond has a far
more lasting effect.

This exchange of spiritual energy is not by choice, it is your choice however, for it to
last 2 to 3 weeks or 2 to 3 months. This spiritual bonding is a God-gift and a God-
reminder as to who we really are. Now you can either choose to ignore it, or
embrace it.

After meditating on love and gratitude, and those higher vibrations for long periods
of time, we begin to feel all warm and fuzzy inside. All forms of energy healing will
[when done right] give the practitioner that warm fuzzy feeling, of a more quiet Life-
force energy flowing through the body. Reiki, chakra healing, and anything to do
with chi.

Chakra healing through sex: Spiritual sex is the art of using the affectionate love,
that intense love and connection that is generated by sex, to open the chakras. If
sexual love opens your heart and not the lower chakras. Then open the heart as big
as you can, then allow the overflow to spill down and fill the next one below. It may
take time before you begin to feel that one open up, and when it does repeat for the
next one down. Energy can spill up as well. Amazing things will happen in your life
when all your chakras can be activated.

When sexuality is approached from a spiritual perspective it becomes “sacred

sexual intimacy”; an angelic-like approach to sexuality or more importantly an
angelic-like approach to your partner, this expression must go both ways [his
attention on her, her attention on him], and into the brighter vibrations of sacred
intimacy. “Nothing like splashing around in this environment”.
Sexuality can be used as a tool in reaching those higher realms of spirituality, and
this can only be achieved if you both are traveling this path together. You can’t use
another person for your gain, it cannot work that way. Sexual climax accelerates
your Chi in a way that you can physically feel it.
While in that space connect to “the child-like joy… and laughter”. This kind of
sexual laughter is very powerful, because it manifests the agent of accelerated
healing, so while laughing connect to that part of yourself that needs healing.
Sexual laughter is powerful because it’s in direct relationship to your Chi [life force
energy is that ALL healing and transforming force]. However, you can use any deep
laughter that tickles your inner child. It’s also a key element if you’re into the art of
manifesting… anything. Like the Tantra healing exercise mentioned before, can be
very effective with this sexual laughter. This laughter is not for anything or anyone,
it’s an inner tickle. Try mixing this sexual laughter and inner joy with prayer and
watch what happens.

We can also channel sexual and spiritual energy into art on any subject, and those
creative flows, because they all come from that same field of Source Energy or God
space. To think of your lover, and or to think of God, then switch to thinking of that
creative project. Bring the energy up from the belly [2nd chakra, “creativity” and a
lower vibration] into the heart [4th chakra, “action” and a much higher vibration].
From thinking to acting. When an idea lands in the heart, it becomes action.
“Wisdom is knowledge in motion”.
When we find that alignment, the experience becomes an exciting ride, because we
find we can apply this anywhere.
Going from spiritual to sexual is easy, because we’re going from a higher vibration
to a lower one, and there’s no effort involved. Going from sexual to spiritual requires
focus and attention, shifting from your ego-self to the god-self while connecting to
her god-self, now that takes attention. Letting go of ego and self-gratification, bring
the mind into the present moment, lose yourself in the details of your lover, with
the end result of creating an incredibly strong bond. This bond is strengthened
greatly when this connection goes beyond the bedroom and becomes a “quality of
life statement”.
To bring in an angelic-like quality of awareness into your experience, is an amazing
space to splash around in! The spiritual experience of sexuality comes from having
a spiritual practice and that sacred connection, and if you don’t have one, it’s easy
to create.

A telepathic connection is made each and every time we have a sexual orgasm with
another person, and when we multiply that with many partners sometimes we can
lose our own sense of self. If your sleeping with multiple partners in a short amount
of time, and you start to feel “not like yourself”. Then you may need some time
alone. By withholding from sex the sexual bond will wear off. To learn more about
telepathic connections, read my post on Telepathic and Empathic.
Q: Why it’s important to know about energy exchange when having sex with
multiple partners? This is a question for those who are interested in those more
refined details of the power of influence. Say I choose to be successful in life, and
the sexual partner I’ve chosen is someone with very low self-esteem issues. That
persons issues becomes entangled with your emotional self, if that person is not
doing their inner work and therefore not moving forward… neither are you. And all it
takes is one encounter to weigh you down for the next 2 -3 weeks, multiply that by
a handful of people with trust issues, commitment issues, anger issues… you so
deserve someone who moves with you.
Q: What to do if your spouse has a lower vibration? Be patient with them. There’s a
reason you’ve chosen this path with them. It’s not about them catching up to you,
it’s about you slowing down to them. If you want a partner of equal vibration, you
must start with that. You can’t make the bud flower before it’s time.
Porn sex is NOT love, not even a little bit, it’s all about self-gratification; all about
climax/orgasm. Porn is all about ego, there’s no emotional heart connection here.
He is not even plugged into what it is that she needs for her own climax, or even
what organs maybe being effected. Guys that practice this form of sex often have
sexual frustration, and that can show up as dominance and control; slapping and
pulling hair. Grabbing the throat is no longer about dominance, and it’s all about
violence. Him grabbing your throat, is where his sexual frustration has him SO far
out there, that, that emotion has him a heartbeat away from killing you. He has
strong insecurities in his own life, so here is where he expresses power, a very dark
side of power. So this is what we see when we mix fear with sexual frustration. This
comes from dysfunction, and for a woman the consequences of such actions should
lead her away from him without thought. Because when we merge anger and sex
together, what we have is rape. If she values her life she needs to understand that
he is crossing the line from anger and into rage, and this behavior should not be
acceptable by any means. This is not something she can ever fix in him. This is his
threshold to cross. And it’s okay if your choice for him, is to not learn this avenue of
hard knocks through you.
Anything that is an expression of not getting enough, comes through a
dysfunctional expression of power through control. Sexual frustration comes from a
need to heal a hole in one’s heart, and when we try to fill that empty space with
sex, alcohol, more money we discover more frustration. Sexual frustration can be
healed by embracing emotional connections. Sexual frustration doesn’t come from
sex, this frustration comes from other places like lack of acknowledgement at work,
feeling like an unproductive person, and so on. Sex is where it shows up. So when
your with your partner, take time to let go of the past and the future, and just be
present as in the present moment. Let go of the need to climax and get lost in the
physical sexy details of your partner, and you may discover your climax to be more
potent. And yes, this takes time, don’t expect results after the first time, just get
lost in the practice of it.
* Does the look in her eyes give you the signal that she’s having fun? If you have
the look of anger on your face, than you’re trying too hard. Become immersed in
those sexy details that they are.
Read my page on Boundaries and Personal Power and especially the section on
Processing. Because there are far better ways of processing challenges than
through sex.
* Anal sex is the guy’s idea, very few women actually like it. It’s just another place
for him to put his pecker, there’s not much of “what do you think of this idea, and
would you like to try it”? It’s more like “ready or not”. Some guys get off on inflicting
pain, and a lot of men secretively get off on “being some place they shouldn’t”.
* For women to do the action in sex is very unnatural. The masculine is about
action, and the feminine is about receiving.
* There are a lot of women out there who will go through great pain, and even
become very sick just to please their man. Going from anus to vagina can make her
very sick.
* If she is not wet, she is in pain. When she is in physical pain, and if he’s not
plugged into those needs, miss-trust is created and the relationship begins to
unravel. And a way back is a practice of: “what can I do today that is positively
different from yesterday”.
* Does porn lower your vibration? Yes. It transforms an awareness of the beautiful
personality that you are, into the sexual object of instant gratification, as well as all
the dramatized judgement around that. It’s very ugly, NOT a good thing.
* What does porn do to spiritual energy? It transforms from a very high spiritual
energy to a very dense low energy. Porn shreds spiritual awareness and has a strong
tendency to bring out a sexual greed. As an intuitive relationship consultant: the
addiction of porn and sexual greed is by far the darkest, and the most stubborn to
Porn is as dark as sacred sex is bright, two opposing sides of the same coin, and the
extreme strength being equal in either direction. Choose wisely.
* If you’re someone who takes your spiritual development seriously, porn and the
act of loveless sex will keep you from becoming an Ascended Master; the realm of
Jesus, Buddha, Mother Mary, Master Saint Germain and many others.

In choosing a partner, one person will look at someone and see wonderful physical
attributes for fun and games. And another person will see the potential merging of
two powerful personalities. Sex is a bonding agent, a merging of not only two
hearts, it also mixes emotions and mixes the personality essence you are… his and
hers [you are what you eat]. If you’re in a good emotional place in your personal
development, look for someone who is also conscious in theirs, and the relationship
will move on silk.
If he’s had a bad day and is now a bit grumpy, you may want to hold back on the
sex until he’s processed back into being happy. Otherwise he’ll just be dumping into
you, and it’s not yours to process. And yes, this goes both ways.
So remember this: when you merge your body into theirs in the act of sex, you’re
doing much more than inserting item A into Slot B. You’re taking in that person’s
energy and their state of being. “Accept into your body only someone you would
want to become“, because there’s nothing so influential as a person’s energy as
transmitted through sexual intercourse, for the quality of life your choosing to lead.

Sexual energy… lust, drive just for climax is egotistic sex, and there’s nothing wrong
with that. It’s the flip-side to sacred sex, which is what happens when we bring
spirituality into sex, and a higher quality of relating. There’s a very distinctive
difference, the first has animal energy, and the second has engaging thoughtful
connection. Polar opposites of each other, and two sides of the same coin. The first
is quick and just in there for the rush and release of the climax. While the second
may take hours and is not attached to climax… is only attached to the hearts depth
of connection.
The difference between sexual energy and sacred sex is by practicing ego-less
relationships which in turn brings forth sexual empowerment, and that has a very
distinctive difference once you’ve experienced it. Sexual energy comes from
chemistry, that “turned on” feeling we get, that’s chemistry, and that need for the
climax release is chemistry. Chemistry is loud so it can get your attention. Real love
comes from clarity of thought or a quiet spirit, and with far less ego in it. Sacred sex
springs from that stillness, and from there comes the power of being vulnerable…
comfortable with being emotionally transparent creates incredible connection and
Continue on the post “Transparency“.

Notes: the creative side of spiritual sexuality

* The difference between sexual energy and spiritual energy, is sexual energy
comes from chemistry, that sexual super charged magnetism is chemistry, and has
that “gotta-have” energy behind it. Spiritual energy comes from stillness and when
it’s mixed and becomes sacred sex, because of the stillness influence, the sacred
sexual expression has more presence, as in you’re in tune with your partner’s
experience, and you’re matching her rhythms. Which opens doors of intimate
communications, and creates more lasting bonds. Sacred sex begins when you can
begin to see the other person beyond the physical flesh, and into the magical gift
that they naturally are. When you’re in there and focused on your experience and
focused only on your climax, then that becomes a one-way street. Sacred sex is all
about being in-tune with each others rhythms, and moving as one.
Sexual love relationship is about chemistry: wanting to be with them all the time.
Kissing, touching and sex. “Gotta have” or “can’t live without”, this is all about
* Spiritual love relationship is quiet devotion. It’s sex with a best friend in which it
happens to work. You both find it easy to be responsible with your emotional needs,
as well as the responsibility with one’s own dysfunctional ego.
* Sexual energy for most feels like a powerful spiritual experience, however, what
separates sexual from spiritual is attachment [an attachment is “conditions of
love”]. When we have such a strong need to connect to our lover, so we feel all
these powerful feelings because of this other person… this is attachment and this is
chemistry. There is nothing wrong with this, however, if you’re seeking a spiritual
experience through sex it helps to let go of attachment, and practice an ego-less
relationship. Ego-less relationship is a love expression in its higher forms. Spiritual
love is loving someone in a way that is without judgement and without expectation,
as in without conditions of love. It’s the lost art of acting from your ethical-self.
Disconnect from self-gratification, and connect to a higher expression of your inner
potential. Understand? Now “stay there”.
* When we transform sexual energy into spiritual energy we do one of two things:
1) We sit quietly and remove ego by elevating our awareness into the higher self or
higher awareness. 2) Slow down, let go of your needs and focus on your partner.
What can you do to enhance their experience, as they will with you. This exercise
has a far more positive outcome if both participate.
* Sacred sex from a spiritual perspective is a personal journey, anything spiritual is
personal. When your off by yourself and you’re reflecting on this powerful energy
that sacred sexuality stirs, remember that each understanding is a stepping stone
leading to something greater, until you arrive at that place of stillness. Stillness is a
place where there are no attachments, no judgements, far less ego, or you’re not
pushed or pulled in any direction. It becomes a sacred presence.
This journey moves in cycles… understandings, empowerment’s, enlightenment’s.
* Almost EVERYONE wants to know what is it that will give them great sexual power.
[Read post “Power and Being Powerful“] The things to remember are: “No one has
an effect over you”, has power over you, can make you feel, can take away from
you, is the reason you feel, simply because of Free Will. You can’t change another
person, although you can change yourself, and the only way another person can
change you, is if you on some level allow it… this is Free Will, and a God gift to us
* There’s absolutely no difference between men and women in terms of amount of
spiritual energy. It is however, a personal victory to how much spiritual power you
can bring into the room.
* Young people up to the age of 26 to 28 respond through emotion. Anything that
doesn’t work out has a strong emotional response. A new relationship and the
emotions are very intense. It isn’t until the late 20’s and early 30’s do we learn how
to navigate the emotions, and some mature faster through this. So when the
emotions are high, it’s difficult to know the difference between sexual and spiritual,
and that is okay… there’s a time and a place for everything.
* Did you know that women are really horny only 30 hours a month, it has to do with
the timing of her ovulation, and in her mid to late 30’s this lets up dramatically. So
when your girlfriend/wife comes on to you sexually, take her seriously, because that
time will pass. Men are on nearly all the time. This is how amazingly different we
Men are like fire; they burst into flames, burn up quickly and are out.
Women are like water: they take a while to come to a boil, and once they do, they
stay hot for quite-a-while.
* When a woman has a hysterectomy, a lot of what is taken out are glands for
hormones that promote sex drive, and 9 out of 10 women will lose their sex drive
because of this. If you love sex, please look for other alternatives than a complete
* Gay men are learning how to navigate and process sensitivities/emotions.
Gay women are learning how to navigate and process power/emotions.
For couples of gay men and women the orgasmic energy patterns move differently,
they move within the individual as a single circle. However, because they’re bodies
are physically close together, the energy exchange is still experienced. During
orgasm the Auric field expands 6 to 8 feet, and anyone within that field may
experience the bonding. A wall is not a barrier, spiritual energy does not recognize
those limitations.

* Is sex a spiritual act? No, only the fleeting moment of orgasm is. However, when
we choose to follow the ego-less love-relationship, we can accelerate the quality of
the orgasm. The orgasm is a reminder of what it’s like to be in the presence of God.
And when we start having loveless sex, we are withholding from the development of
the spiritual self.
* How can i find a spiritual sex partner? In looking for a spiritual sexual partner, look
to connect to someone who is spiritual. The order in which we look for a mate is sex,
money, family, and the last to come along is spiritual when it should be the first.
“Do you speak my spiritual language”? If they don’t than simply move on to the
next. If you want this kind of quality connection, be patient and give it time to come
into alignment. There are many thousands of people to fill those shoes for you, it’s
all in finding a way to connect to them. Remember: the right connection is made
easy, and the wrong connection is difficult.
* So am I spiritually connected to everyone my partner has ever had sex with? No,
only within the last 2 weeks, and even that will fade away. A lasting bond happens
by renewing that connection. A sexual bond is very potent, even though it may only
last anywhere from 2 weeks to 3 months. The emotional bond on-the-other-hand will
last years.
* Does sex make telepathy stronger? Yes. Telepathy is apart of the extra sensory
perception [ESP] triggered in our light-body through the act of sexual intercourse,
and one of our countless functions of our multidimensional Spirit. Yes, telepathy
becomes the strong link in the sexual bond.
* What is spiritual significance of sexual energies? The act of sex opens and turns on
centers within the lightbody, creating an experience that reminds us of our
connection to God.
Spiritual significance of any experience is to go beyond what is considered normal,
and discover something spiritually profound about yourself. Like the layers of an
* What do you look like through the eyes of Spirit, when engaged with your lover?
* What moves you in becoming whole within yourself, and how would that effect
your relationship?
* What does it mean to you to be able to be your true authentic self with your lover?
* Connect to the core of the person you are, if applied how would this change your
relationship? If applied how would this change your $job? The reason I ask this
question is more-often-than-not we are one person at home, and a very different
one at work. It’s when we have the freedom to merge the two, do we discover
another level of personal power in outward application.
* How powerful is spiritual energy? The human concept of power is in having power
over another person. Spiritual power is consciousness, or the ability to see than act
beyond illusion. Spiritual energy is the action part of intuitive thought; there is the
intuitive thought of something, then there is the action of the follow-through.
Spiritual energy works outside the confines of the laws of men. It’s not something
we can give away, lose or trade-in, and there’s not a limited amount of it. It’s vast
and can exist in mufti-dimensions.
How powerful is spiritual energy? Well, how determined is the mind that belongs to
it? And you will know where it can take you. Doing our spiritual work is learning to
transform anger into joy, hate into love, and this elevates the consciousness. This
also creates closer God Connections, and from there we start receiving His
abundance and His loving protection and that IS power.
* What are spiritual attachments to sexual intercourse? Attachments are conditions
of something. Spiritual is the clarity of thought in which there is no attachments.
* Where does a spiritual orgasm come from? The orgasmic climax triggers and lights
up the lightbody / spirit, and the merging of the lightbodies during orgasm opens
the centers for telepathy. And opens you up to the spiritual cosmic connection, or
what I like to call “God connection”. For that brief orgasmic moment, is what it feels
like to be in the presence of God. And because God is not physical, we seek that
same connect in people.
* Can someone else use your energy if you’re spiritually connected? Yes. There are a
lot of people who unknowingly tap in and suck emotional and mental energy from
others to fill their own tank. Spiritual energy [different from emotional and mental
energy] is a constant, no one or no thing can take it away from you. If you feel
drained after being around such people, this is why. Read my post Energy Shielding.
* Sharing men does it mix up your spirit? No. The essence that you are, and the
essence that influences you are 2 very separate things. Nothing can touch your
spirit without your permission, this includes God. This is what Free Will is capable of.
Only you can change it.
When sharing sexual partners, if you’re sensitive to subtle energy and or you live in
a very quiet environment. You may be able to sense your friend, in your energy-
field, just by sharing the same partner. This experience comes from you both having
an orgasm with this person, and the second person feeling the first person. All
within a week to week-and-a-half, after that the energy begins to fade.
* How to get more spiritual energy. There are many methods, and they all require
dedication to practice. Creating more spiritual energy comes from a consistent
practice of acting with clarity of compassion with everyone and everything around
Meditate on raising your energy up into the higher self. Imagine this energy ball that
is your consciousness, rising above your head and attached to it is a string that’s
pulling your spine straight. This rising of consciousness enters a space where ego,
anger, resentment all falls away, and you connect to bliss, love, gratitude, Spirit.
Practice, practice, practice… amp up your energy, blow it up like a balloon, fill the
room, fill the house. Meditation can be a form of prayer and can become a very
powerful tool for connecting to clarity. When a challenge feels impassable,
meditation can open one’s clarity of thought.
How to get more spiritual energy? Focus on God or whatever your language is,
transform all your anger, hate and need to fight, into love. The more compassion
and love you have for EVERYONE, where you see God in EVERYTHING and
EVERYONE the more spiritual power you’ll gain. Only on earth do we see this as
power. In any other realm we see this as “clarity of spiritual awareness”. Power is
ego and clarity is love.
* Does having sex without condom bring a closer spiritual connection, or effect an
emotional connection? No, the spiritual or emotional bonding happens with or
without a condom, spiritual energy does not recognize those limitations.
* Does sex makes you lose spiritual power? No. If there’s that crazy emotional
drama in a relationship, or a third person as in a love triangle, and you’re trying to
stay spiritually focused, it may become an issue of holding you back. You can not
lose it, give it away or have it stolen. Your spiritual power/energy is a constant, like
God is a constant, it’s the energy/vibrational frequency signature of who you are.
And that my friend doesn’t change; that is your spiritual finger print.
* What does spiritual energy feel like? It’s an ego-less high where anger and hate
don’t exist. It’s that “falling in love high”, although this love is not for anyone, it’s a
hug by Spirit… wrapping you in the warmth of bliss [there are no words for
something that has no contrary]. This bliss puts us into a space of clear perception,
clarity of understanding, and an ability from love to see into one’s own shady
places. Connecting us to spiritual wisdom and creating an avenue of appropriate
course of action.
* What is spiritual sex like? It’s the experience of Oneness, however, because it’s
spiritual the energies are subtle and very quiet. You become very aware of the
energy movements within and between you both. Everything slows down and you
become very present. You may discover that the orgasmic energy can open psychic
centers, and quietly give you the ability to perceive into places not seen before. This
experience will be different for each person. Because it’s quietly spiritual, we may
see the changes as in “after-the-fact”.
* Is there a spiritual connection after sex? Spiritual love is maintained by devotion.
* How do I know I’m having sacred sex? Do you feel empowered by the entire
experience? Do you feel emotionally connected, nurtured and well cared for? Do
you feel emotionally satisfied? Do you feel whole and complete by your experience?
And does this experience go beyond the bedroom?
* What is the difference between someone who is spiritual and someone who
channels? Spiritual is perception through connection and experience. Channeling is
perception through information of spiritual wisdom. One is feeling the experience,
and the other is explaining the experience.
* Spiritual sex, can it be one-sided? No, it always takes two. If you masturbate by
yourself you can keep your energies clear; nothing is piled up [backed-up] and
nothing is stale.
* Spiritual bond stronger to first person you sleep with? It is because you have
cracked the mold, as it is with any first time thing. First child, first car, first house,
and yes first sexual encounter.
* Can you feel the person spiritually after having sex? Yes. However, the most of us
live in the part of the world that can be very busy and very loud. To be able to tune-
into those subtle shifts, one has to slow down, quiet the inner chatter in the mind,
soften the spirit.
Chemistry, that excitement and rush we feel when our eyes meet for the first time,
or after that first kiss. That is chemistry, and chemistry is VERY loud. Anything
spiritual is very quiet, and to get to that place in which we can tune-into that
spiritual essence of them, we will have to wait until the chemistry has worn off.
There is a time in all relationships in which it shifts from romance to partnership,
and that is when chemistry fades and the vision of that person’s essence of who
they are becomes clearer.
* Where do you feel energies between another person? When your mother walks
into the room, how do you know it’s her, and where do you feel that connection? It’s
the same thing, except NOT with your mother!
* Is there a spiritual connection during intercourse? Yes every time, with or without a
condom doesn’t matter. God gave us a multidimensional light-body with countless
functions, and we with our great knowledge have just scratched the surface. The
spiritual side of intercourse is a reminder of connection and the reality of Oneness.
Whether or not sex is beautiful or ugly, through the connection of it we find healing
and balance. We seek trust and deep emotional connection, the same kind of
connection we see with God. And because God is not physical, we seek that same
connection in people. Through the relationship and connection with our Light-body
and chakra system, we discover only true validation of deep connection and trust
can come from God. So through that connection with God, we validate ourselves
stronger than we validate our partner’s, which puts us in a space of living in
empowerment of self value. And the birth of the ego-less relationship begins.
Without ego we don’t need another person to complete us. And some things are
more fun doing them with someone else.
* Is it sacred to have sex with more than one person? If your approach is sacred,
then yes. And if you have “many relationships” going on all at once… if you can be
honest to each one about the others and have them be okay with it all, then yes.
* When you have sex and don’t connect with someone? It’s okay, all your intuitive
sensitivities are telling you that “they’re not the right one for you”. This is about
you, so own it. Bless them and let them go.
* How to create intense sexual chemistry? Do your inner emotional work; transform
your fighting instincts into loving instincts. And become it so much that it becomes
your life. Stay humble and watch the chemistry build.
Connect to and build your self-confidence: she is looking for his confidence as a
provider, he is looking her confidence as an emotional nurturer.
* Can you send energy that you want sex? No. To send a clear message through
telepathy to another person, you must enter the field of Source Energy or God
Connection. And the only way sex and God happen in the same space is through the
orgasm. If you send a message, the other person also has to be in the field of a
strong intuition at that very moment you send it in order to receive it. And if they
don’t know who you are, they’ll not have a point of reference to make that
* Is it possible for one person to feel sexual chemistry? Oh yes, it’s called attraction.
However just because you feel it doesn’t mean they have to experience it.
* What type of energy do you get from the one your sexually involved with? It’s the
quality of their essence; if they move forward in life with ease and joy, so will you.
And if they don’t, that essence will slow you down. “You are what you eat”. What is
love to you? Is it where you will take the good with the bad? Or, is it the devoted
path of moving forward?
* During sex is spiritual transfer one-sided or does it go both ways? Yes, if Bill is
having sex with Lisa and Bill is the only one who comes to climax, they both have
the experience… every time. Most people are completely unaware of this exchange
of energy, it takes focus and attention to quiet the mind, quiet the spirit, and
connect to that inner stillness well enough to feel that subtle energy mix.
* Is there spiritual bonding in anal sex? Only if you are BOTH “sexually excited” by
the experience.
* Can someone use sex energy to watch someone in the spirit? No. Everything you
see on TV or in the movies is ALL about fantasy, there’s NO truth in it what-so-ever.
It’s ALL about Hollywood selling movies.
* Can one person enter another person’s body through energy? No.
* How does sex connect two persons spiritually? At the moment of climax the
orgasmic energy we feel brightens the Auric fields and lights up the chakras, and
your light-body vibrates at a much higher frequency. The energy moves in a circle:
out his penis, in her vagina, up her back, through her heart, in his heart, down his
back, out his penis and round and round. If you could see the energy in light, the
orgasmic experience and expression is very bright, and about the size of the
average stadium. It’s a pulsating energy, or it can feel like ocean waves. Each
person’s experience may be different from the next.
* Is sexual energy spiritual? Sexual energy becomes spiritual when you approach
your partner with angelic-like feelings. Before that when you are sitting across the
room from each other and have sexual feelings, that is all chemistry. The feeling
and expression of sexual chemistry is loud and wild, so it can get your attention.
Spiritual energy is quiet and comes from stillness. To have an emotional connection
and spiritual experience in a sexual encounter, it helps to quiet the loud and tame
the wild.
* Do animals spiritually connect when having sex? No, animals are not here to grow
through their experiences like us. They have agreed to be here to teach us
compassion. As the Earth has agreed to be the vessel of our learning.
* Where does sexual energy come from? Sexual energy comes as a response from
our primal reactionary brain, or it comes from instinct, and chemistry is instinct. As
our light-bodies awaken, we begin to process more information through centers like
the heart, instead of just the mind. So we are moving into a time in which our
focused need for sex will become more balanced between climax and connection.
More balanced between masculine and feminine powers in play. However to answer
your question directly, sexual energy comes from chemistry. Orgasm is a spiritual
energy flowing through the body and lighting up your chakras as it goes. We can
choose to ignore it, or feel the rush and excitement of being influenced by it.
* Is sexual energy a strong force? Not compared to spiritual energy, no. It’s like
comparing the flea to the elephant. Sexual energy is like a flash, where spiritual
energy once you connect to it… it stays on forever. Sexual chemistry is a very
strong force. However the human spirit is stronger, and can overcome those urges.
And if you give-in, it’s simply because you’re “wanting” was bigger than “the need
to avoid”.
* What does love feel like? Love is not just a place for him to put his pecker because
he’s bored and you’re looking for something to do. Love is: having the feeling,
knowing, hearing that, and seeing them being responsible with the care of your
welfare. Love is getting lost in the details of your partner. Love is doing what is right
over what is easy. Love is not connected to being “right” in a communication, or its
acts being seen, or even being heard by anyone. Love is the presence of your
awareness that’s engaged with the clarity of action, because when you’re in this
space you’re connected to the environment and your place in it, and when you’re
with your lover while in this space, you’re connected to their needs. It’s automatic
you don’t have to think about it.
For her, he is thinking about her physical needs while speaking her language of
emotion… are you okay? Are you upset? What can I do to make things right? Are
you hungry? Are you warm? Before I leave for work, is there anything you need from
me? What do you need from me today? What are your dreams? Give her the
freedom to fuss over you.
For him, she is thinking about his emotional needs while connecting to him through
his physical world… your behind this morning, let me make your lunch. A touch on
his shoulder; an emotional connection helps him to release tension like nothing else.
Being touched. Giving him the freedom of space to process his concerns. Giving him
the space to build metaphoric castles around you; That being something unusually
special just for you.
* What does sexual energy feel like? It is emotionally extremely powerful, even for
those of us who are experienced. It’s a feeling and need to curl-up in the arms of
the one who triggered the response. Sexual energy to me is all about connection,
heart connection, spiritual connection, and for some it’s about release of tension. As
a first timer, I would say from experience, choose to have sex with someone you’ve
loved for a while. The emotional power that sex changes in a relationship can be a
bit overwhelming at times, so this is not to be taken lightheartedly. It’s such a
powerful experience that it can easily become addictive. Over all, this experience is
unique to the receiver.
* Does having sex with someone connect your energies? Yes every time. It’s your
spiritual bodies or your light bodies merging… there’s no way around it. If you cheat
on your wife and have sex with someone else, depending on her sensitivities, she
will pick up on someone else being in your energy field.
* Can a kiss transfer spiritual connections? Not like you want them to. I’m sorry and
no. If that where true we’d be scattered all over the place.
* Do we feel the sexual energy between us? Yes we can intuitively pick up on sexual
energy of others. However, to act on it is another issue, just because we feel it
doesn’t mean they have to experience it.
* Feeling intense sexual chemistry sitting next to a male friend is the energy mine
or his? Is he somebody that turns you on? Then yes it’s yours.
In describing telepathy: if you’re minding your own business and fully focused on
something completely different from that person, or in this case sexuality, and that
thought pops into your head that’s unrelated to what your focus is. Then it’s the
other person who is thinking of you. If you become horny and think of someone,
then those feelings are yours.
* What can I do if I have a lot of sexual energy? When sex with another person is not
possible, masturbation is a wonderful form of release. If you masturbate just before
you go out on a date, you won’t have that sexual drive bothering you, and you can
just enjoy your night out.
If you don’t currently have a partner and you don’t satisfy yourself at least once
every few days, you will become an angry and bitter person. Part of the essential
human experience is sexuality. When we cut that part out of life, we find
disharmony and dysfunction, and it can become extreme as in murder. Sexuality is
life affirming.
* Does masturbation lower your spiritual vibration? No, not at all. However, if you
keep your thoughts clean, as in how the story unfolds in your mind; the story that
brings you to climax. The reason being: the Chi or the climax energy we all
experience in an orgasm, is a very powerful manifesting agent. It doesn’t draw to
you the person in the “story”, however, it will draw to your life experiences the
flavor of the story. In-other-words, if the story is about taking what you want, or
including heart connection. Those qualities begin to manifest into your life
experiences. Manifestation goes from thought to emotion to action. Choose wisely.
The flow of Chi or Life Force energy is a constant, the orgasm whether it’s triggered
by sex or masturbation, opens a door and allows us to experience the physical
sensation of that flow.
* Does masturbating decrease chi energy? No, not at all. Nothing can take Chi or
spiritual energy away. Chi is a constant, and we are here having the experience of it.
We can’t lose it, or even add to it. We can however fine-tune the experience of it, as
to feel the experience more or less than. It does however keep your Chi clean by
resetting your bodies sense of well-being.
* What does masturbation do to your Chi? It keeps it moving, and it keeps it vital
and fresh. People who commit mass murder are those who don’t have enough
orgasms. Withholding from the sexual orgasmic release lowers our vibration and
creates drama in our lives.
* Can someone feel my sexual energy from a distance?
* Can people send their sexual energy to other people while masturbating?
* Can I connect with someone I masturbate to spiritually? They may only sense you
if you ARE currently in a sexual relationship with them. If you masturbate to
someone where they don’t have an emotional sexual bond to you, then they will
NOT sense you.
* Can we pick up on sexual energy of others? Or can you feel when someone is
thinking of you sexually? Not like you want them to. If you’re a sensitive empathy,
while meditating daily on the high frequencies of love/god connection, and they are
someone you intimately know… then yes it’s possible.
* Does Reiki make sex incredible? No. Reiki has nothing to do with sex.
* Can a ghost influence a person’s sexuality? No.
* Love is spiritual energy? YES!!! ;)
Spiritual energy; awareness by itself is many 1000 times stronger than when we
add sexuality to it. Spiritual awareness through meditation can take you to far more
places. Alternative healing without sex will always be the stronger way to go.
Spiritual sex or sacred sex is a way of relating to our partner from our god-self.
Spiritual sex is a way for us to explore our multidimensional light-bodies, and the
experiences from the unity of that bond.

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