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The Digital

Th e digita l SAT exa m w ill be computer adaptive

Es s en tia lly pu t, s tu den ts w ill ea ch get a n SAT th a t

is cu s tom ized to th eir perform a n ce. Th e better th ey
do on th e firs t s ection , th e h a rder th e qu es tion s
th ey'll get for th e s econ d—bu t a ls o th e m ore poin ts
ea ch on e w ill be w orth .

(Th ere's s till n o pen a lty for gu es s in g, bu t it beh ooves

you to a n s w er a s a ccu ra tely a s pos s ible on th a t firs t
s ection s o th a t you ca n m a xim ize you r opportu n ities
on th e s econ d.)

Th e tes t w ill be s h orter

• Testing fatigue is real , a n d w e k n ow th a t it's tou gh to s ta y

focu s ed for th ree h ou rs .
• Th e n ew vers ion of th e tes t w ill be clos er to tw o-is h h ou rs .
• Les s tim e w ill be n eeded overa ll for exa m s etu p a n d tim e-
con s u m in g prea m ble, cu rren tly don e by a n in -pers on SAT
m on itor.
• In a ddition , th e n ew exa m w ill h a ve shorter reading
passages a n d m ore direct qu es tion s .

Ca lcu la tor u s e is expa n ded, a n d you ca n brin g you r ow n

In fa ct, th e "n o ca lcu la tor" portion of th e tes t

is bein g rem oved. An d a ll s tu den ts w ill h a ve
a cces s to a bu ilt-in gra ph ic ca lcu la tor (th ou gh
th ey ca n s till brin g th eir ow n ).

SAT Calculator Policy: Approved Calculators

h ttps :/ / s a ts u ite.collegeboa s a t/ w h a t-to-
brin g-do/ ca lcu la tor-policy

Tes tin g Devices
• Stu den ts ca n tes t on Bluebook ‪u s in g Win dow s
la ptops or ta blets , Ma c la ptops or iPa ds .
• You r device m u s t be a ble to con n ect to Wi-Fi.
• Windows laptops/tablets m u s t be ru n n in g
Windows 10 or la ter a n d h a ve a t lea s t 250 MB of
free s pa ce a va ila ble.
• Mac laptops m u s t be ru n n in g m a cOS 11.4 or la ter
a n d h a ve a t lea s t 150 MB of free s pa ce a va ila ble.
• iPads m u s t be ru n n in g iPa dOS 13.4 or la ter a n d
h a ve a t lea s t 150 MB of free s pa ce a va ila ble.

In tern a tion a l Fees : $127 +

SAT Registration Fee

Th e SAT regis tra tion fee is $60, plu s a $43 region a l fee
Additional Registration Fees
Tes t Cen ter Fee (s elect loca tion s on ly): $24
Score Service Fees
Addition a l Score Reports : $12 per report
• You r firs t fou r s core reports a re free if you order th em by n in e da ys
a fter th e tes t da te.
• Addition a l reports or reports ordered a fter th a t tim e in cu r th is fee.

Taking the
Digita l SAT
Im plem en ta tion Tim elin e

In tern a tion a l SAT Da tes a n d Dea dlin es

The Digital SAT Suite:
An Overview
h ttps :/ / s a ts u ite.collegeboa digita l
Form a t a n d delivery deta ils for th e digita l SAT Su ite

Form a t a n d delivery deta ils for th e digita l SAT Su ite

Form a t a n d delivery deta ils for th e digita l SAT Su ite


Students have, on average, 1.19 minutes to answer each Reading and Writing question and
1.59 minutes to answer each Math question.

Tim in g of th e Tes t

Digita l SAT Su ite Tota l Score a n d Section Score Sca les

Digital SAT
Practice and
Digital SAT
Pra ctice in
Digital SAT Practice in Bluebook‪

Fou r, fu ll-len gth digita l a da ptive tes t

form s a re a va ila ble th rou gh Blu ebook ‪,
College Boa rd’s tes t delivery pla tform .
Dow n loa d Blu ebook to ta k e pra ctice tes ts
1– 4 u s in g th e s a m e in terfa ce, form a t, a n d
s corin g a s th e digita l SAT.

h ttps :/ / blu ebook .a pp.collegeboa

A New Wa y to Ta k e th e SAT on a La ptop or Ta blet
When students download the
Bluebook app, they will be
able to click through a quick
demo to get a feel for digital

Tech n ology Th a t’s Flexible a n d Res pon s ive
● If the internet disconnects during
testing, students will still be able to
progress through the test with no

● If a student’s computer crashes

or runs out of battery, they can
simply plug in, restart their device,
and pick up where they left off—all
their work will be saved, and they
won’t lose testing time.

Test Sections
Section Direction s
Students will be able to
access section-specific
directions from any testing

Brea k s Betw een Section s
● Between sections, students
will have a break.

● A timer will let them know

when the next section

Mu ltiple-Ch oice Qu es tion s
The Reading and Writing
section and the Math
section will both feature
multiple-choice questions.

Stu den t-Produ ced Res pon s es
The Math section will also have
questions where students enter
their answers directly into the
exam app.

Testing Tools
Tes tin g Tools
The digital testing app will have
a series of tools built in and
available to students while they
test, including:

● Testing timer
● Graphing calculator
● Reference sheet
● Mark for review
● Help
● And more!

Tes tin g Tim er
● A timer at the top of the
screen will show how much
time is left.

● Students can show or hide

the timer, and they’ll get an
alert when time is nearly up.

Ca lcu la tor
● Calculators will be
allowed on the entire
Math section.

● Students can bring their

own approved calculator,
or they can use the
graphing calculator
that’s built into the exam

Referen ce Sh eet
When answering Math
questions, students can
view commonly used

Ma rk for Review
Students can flag any
questions they want to
come back to later.

● If students hit a snag
during testing, they can
click the Help icon for
troubleshooting tips.

● And they can always raise

their hand to ask the
proctor for help, too.

Official SAT Practice on
Khan Academy © is free,
Khan Academy
comprehensive, and
available to all students. test -prep/digital -sat
More information will be available soon. Please
ch eck ba ck h ere for u pda tes .

Th a n k You !
s a digita l

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