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TOEIC® tips

Incomplete sentences

Tip: Look for the correct form of the word.

The president wants to reduce prices to keep the company ____________.

(A) competitive
(B) competition
(C) competitor
(D) competed

Answer: The four choices are different grammatical forms of the word compete. The correct choice has to be an adjective. Therefore,
the best answer is (A).

Short conversations

Tip: Read the question first so that you know what to listen for.

Woman: I’m afraid we’re going to have to cancel today’s meeting.

Man: Yes, I heard that the vice-president is not feeling well.

Woman: I hope she will be able to go on our trip to Paris.

Why is the meeting being cancelled?

(A) The vice-president is going to Paris instead

(B) The woman doesn’t like meetings
(C) One of the participants is sick
(D) The trip has been postponed

Answer: The meeting is being cancelled because the vice-president is ill. Therefore, choice (C) is the best answer.

Error recognition

Tip: Sometimes the passive voice is required.

The furniture we sell (A) is shipped (B) from abroad (C), ready to be assembling (D).

Answer: This sentence requires the passive voice, “to be assembled.” Therefore, choice (D) has the error in it.

Incomplete sentences

Tip: Identify the missing part of speech. This will help you to determine which word will fill in the blank.

The finance manager yesterday cancelled the _______ for new computers in the customer service department.
(A) ordering
(B) ordered
(C) order
(D) to order

Answer: This sentence requires a noun. Therefore, choice (C) is the best answer.

Short conversations

Tip: Listen for synonyms – words that mean the same thing.

Man: What’s the deadline for submitting our bid?

Woman: It says August 30th on the website.
Man: We should get the vice-president to OK the price by the 15th.

What does the man want to do?

(A) Extend the deadline
(B) Have the proposal approved
(C) Look at the website
(D) Increase the price

Answer: The words “OK” and “approved” have the same meaning. Therefore, choice (B) is the best answer.


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