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UC Sandbox for AWS labs

Part I: Create Ubuntu Linux VM

Launch an instance. Give it a name and select Ubuntu as illustrated:

Leave the default AMI as shown.

Change instance type to t2.medium.
Click on “create new key pair”

Give it a name.
Leave everything else the same and click to create the key pair.
This is downloaded to your desktop. Note where it is as it will be required for you to login.

Click the Edit button to the right of “Network Settings”

Scroll down to click on “Inbound Security Group Rules”
Change Source type to “My IP”
Then, click on “Add security group rule”

Under the security group rule settings:

Change Type to RDP by clicking on the pull-down button.
Change Source Type to My IP.
Under the storage section below, change 8 GB to 30 GB.

Once done, click to launch the instance on the lower right and your instantiation will succeed:
Click to view all instances and then click on your newly created instance.
It might display as initializing as illustrated but that’s ok.

Once you get to the instance page, click the connect button on the upper right:

If it does not land on the SSH Client tab, click on it.

Then, click on the copy icon right next to the ssh command as illustrated:
Open a windows terminal and go to the folder where you downloaded the key pair (most likely your
downloads folder) and then paste the copied command into the window.
Press enter and type in yes when prompted:

This will log you into your Ubuntu VM:

Part II: Setup GUI

From the command prompt, you will issue the following commands (only enter the bold letters):

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get dist-upgrade (type in y when prompted on this one, it downloads from repos.).

You may get this screen and if you do, press enter:

On the next screen, hit the tab key to get to the ok option at the bottom and then press enter:

You will be returned to your windows terminal prompt:

Then, issue the following:

sudo apt install xrdp (type in y when prompted)

You may get the window below. Hit the enter key:

In the next Window, hit the tab key to get to ok and then press enter which returns you to the prompt:

Then, issue the following command:

sudo systemctl enable xrdp (this enables remote desktop)

Then we need to add a GUI. Issue:
sudo apt install tasksel (enter y when prompted and in the window that pops, press enter:

In the next, press tab to get to ok and then enter:

You will be returned to the terminal window.

Issue the command:

sudo tasksel

Choose GNOME from the list (Press the spacebar key for GNOME to be selected)

This launches the GUI installation:

Once done you will be returned to the windows terminal prompt.

Then issue the command:
sudo reboot

Once back at the prompt issue:

sudo passwd ubuntu

enter a password you will remember twice (this will be your RDP login password for username ubuntu).
Go back to the VM webpage and copy its public IP address:

Open RDP on your desktop and enter this IP address:

Check off the box to ensure security settings are not asked everytime:
You are now prompted for a username and password. Enter ubuntu and the password you chose earlier:

This brings you to your GNOME desktop:

This is going to be your Linux VM sandbox for the course.

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