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1. The main person responsible for introducing the labyrinth in the experimental study of learning was
a) Small b) Thorndike c) Watson.
2. The initiator of the comparative study of the animal and human mind was
a) Darwin b) Morgan c) Romanes.
3. The predominant American psychological orientation at the end of the 19th century was called
a) behaviourism b) structuralism c) functionalism
4. The psychological school that was interested in the adaptive utility of mental processes received the
name of
a) cognitivismo b) behaviourism c) functionalism
5. Small Used the labyrinth for his experiments because
a) like this it demanded it to him the director of his thesis b) the structure of the labyrinth is seemed to the
half natural of the rats c) felt nostalgia of his trip to London
6. The called "box-problem" is the characteristic experimental device of
a) Small b) Thorndike c) Watson
7. Characteristic feature of the experimental investigation of Thorndike
a) rigorous quantification b) observational approach c) study of the natural habits of the organism
8. In comparison with the ones of Small, the experiments of Watson supposed an advance mainly
a) conceptual b) methodological c) theoretical
9. After the studies of Small and Watson, in the experimental psychology of the learning the labyrinths
a) they have stopped being used b) have been little used c) have been very used
10. Small’s theoretical goal was
a) the natural behaviour of the animals b) the mechanisms of the association c) the animal nature of the
human mind.
11. The experimental situation of the labyrinth is characteristic of a procedure of conditioning
a) classical b) instrumental c) a and b are false
12. The first time that the rat visits the labyrinth and achieves the food, has to require the intervention of a
a) accidental b) intencional c) representational
13. The investigations carried out by Small concluded that in the learning of the labyrinth has to be
involved the sense
a) of the smell b) of the touch c) of the sight
14. For Watson, the best measure of the learning is
a) the number of errors committed b) the time employed in visiting the labyrinth c) a and b are correct
15. The results registered by Small and Watson are (1)___ , and his conclusions (2)___
a) (1) different; (2) different b) (1) different; (2) equal; c) (1) equal; (2) equal

1 Material taken of: Pellón, R., Lafuente, And. And Ruiz, G. (2008). Rats in the labyrinth: the starts of the experimentation in Psychology of the
Learning. Madrid: UNED.

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