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Part 2 - Plan to Change Behaviour

Introduction to Psychology

Professor Michelle Pompeo

Dame Valencia

Improving sleep schedule

Certainly, the bidirectional relationship between sleep and everyday experiences is an

intriguing aspect of research. A good night's sleep is associated with improved cognitive

functions such as memory, attention, and problem-solving. Adequate sleep can enhance an

individual’s ability to navigate and engage with daily tasks effectively. Sleep plays a crucial

role in emotional regulation. Lack of sleep may lead to increased irritability and decreased

tolerance to stressors, affecting one’s emotional experiences throughout the day. Sleep is vital

for physical health and recovery. A well-rested individual is likely to have more energy,

experience less fatigue, and engage more actively in physical activities, influencing their

daily experiences. The bidirectional relationship between sleep and everyday experiences

underscores the importance of considering both the impact of sleep on daily life and how

daily experiences influence sleep. This approach contributes to a more comprehensive

understanding of the complex interplay between sleep and various facets of individuals’ lives.

Positive reinforcement is a fundamental principle of behaviourism, a school of

thought in psychology that focuses on observable behaviours and their environmental

influences. It occurs when a desirable stimulus or reward is added or presented immediately

after a behaviour, increasing the likelihood that the behavior will be repeated in the future.

It’s about providing positive consequences to encourage the continuation of a particular

behavior. The purpose of positive reinforcement is to strengthen and increase the probability

of a specific behavior occurring again in similar situations. It creates an association between

the behavior and a positive outcome, making the behavior more appealing or rewarding for
the individual. In addition, positive reinforcement is widely used in various settings,

including education, parenting, and workplace environments, to encourage desired

behaviours. It’s an effective way to motivate individuals to engage in specific actions by

associating those actions with positive outcomes. Understanding the principle of positive

reinforcement and other operant conditioning concepts is crucial for behaviour modification,

training, and promoting adaptive behaviours in various contexts. It’s important to note that

positive reinforcement is just one aspect of operant conditioning, which also includes

negative reinforcement, positive punishment, and negative punishment, each involving

different consequences to behavior.

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