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Group Project

Class: Form 3P
Date Assigned: Tuesday 17th May, 2022.
Physical Education Presentation: Categories of Drugs.

Anabolic Steroids
What are Anabolic Steroids?
Anabolic steroids are man-made emulations of testosterone – the male sex hormone which
facilitates the growth of facial hair, sperm production, etc. The correct name for these
compounds is “anabolic-androgenic”; anabolic meaning muscle building and “androgenic”
refers to the increase of masculinizing features. This drug type can be taken orally, by injection,
by eye or topically.

What were they originally used for?

Testosterone was first synthesized in Germany in 1935 and was used medically to treat
depression and hypogonadism – testosterone deficiency. Profession athletes began misusing
them during the 1954 Olympics, when Russian weightlifters were given testosterone. It began
to extend to the general public in the 1980’s.

Pros and Cons


 Better performance – The athlete’s endurance and muscle strength are increased as
more red blood cells are produced and more testosterone increases growth of lean
tissue. This gives them an advantage in many sports, especially ones like weightlifting.

 Medical uses – They can treat specific types of anemia and breast cancer, to treat
hormonal imbalances such as puberty and menopause problems, to help persons gain
weight after suffering an injury or illness.
 Addiction – A research survey shows that 32 percent of people who misuse anabolic
steroids become dependent as they want to feel “buff” and keep up that look. That then
leads to withdrawal symptoms including restlessness, mood wings and depression.

 It is illegal – Unless prescribed by a doctor, all use of steroids is illegal and can result in
fines, jail sentences and an athlete can get banned from professional sporting events
and stripped of their prizes.
 Harmful side effects – This includes blood clots, hypertension and heart disease and
weakened ligaments and tendons. Men may also face things like reduced sperm count,
testicle and penis shrinkage and growth of breasts while women face shrunken breasts,
deepened voice and problems with their menstrual cycle.

 Long-term, serious health effects may develop – This includes kidney problems or
failure, liver damage and tumors and increased risk of heart attack/stroke.


These are commonly misused by athletes who desire to improve their appearance and physical
strength and young teens and adults who are gravely concerned about their physical
appearance and other’s opinion. They are overdosed to over ten to one hundred times the
prescribed amount by a doctor. They may also use the methods in hope that the drug works
quicker, despite the fact that there is no proof that they are effective:

· Cycling – persons may consume for a prolonged period of time, rest, and then restart

· Stacking – take more than one anabolic steroid at once in hoping that they work faster

· Pyramiding – gradually increase their intake of steroids

· Plateauing- use an alternative steroid to hinder a liking for one type of steroid

Cultural Uses
Lance Armstrong – Lance Armstrong was a famous cyclist who was revoked of his seven
successive Tour de Frances victories in 2012 after evidence of him using steroids was
discovered. He suffered a lifetime ban from all profession sports for disobeying the Anti-Doping
Rocky IV – In this movie, the character Ivan Drago, utilizes steroids in his fight with Rocky
Balboa in order to obtain larger stronger muscles and a better physique, thus enhancing his
What are Depressants?
Depressants, also referred to as “downers”, are sedative, mind-altering drugs which affect the
neurons in the CNS by reducing the pace at which messages can be transmitted between the
brain and body. They can be snorted, injected, taken orally or inhaled and they lower arousal,
energy levels, reduces concentration and calms the person.
Cultural Uses
Thor Scene (Avenger’s Endgame) – After the events of Infinity War, Thor lost a lot of family and
friends. He was suffering depression and resorted to a depressant drug – alcohol – and he
began to gain weight, experience slurred speech and appears more confused and lacks
concentration in some scenes. He went from a powerful hero to just a beaten-up, sad man.
Michael Jackson – An American singer, songwriter and dancer who died in 2009 due to cardiac
arrest caused by acute propofol and benzodiazepine intoxication.

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