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Q1: According to ungrammatical Sam Harris song, this "Don't Bite"?

The crrect Answer is: Sugar

Q2: His return to bicycle racing took a fall when he fell & was injured during a race in March

The crrect Answer is: Lance Armstrong

Q3: This "Family Guy" guy hosted the Oscars in 2013?

The crrect Answer is: Seth MacFarlane

Q4: Jojo Moyes:"Before"?

The crrect Answer is: <i>Me Before You</i>

Q5: Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr.?

The crrect Answer is: Illinois

Q6: Dewaele won the Tour de France, Coco Chanel was the toast of Paris & Sacre Bleu!, the
market crashed in this year?

The crrect Answer is: 1929

Q7: Every 10 years a group travels from Britain to Reichenbach Falls in Switzerland to re-
enact this?

The crrect Answer is: where either Professor Moriarity or Sherlock Holmes went
into the falls

Q8: The Man of Law's Tale in this Chaucer work tells the story of Constance, an emperor's
The crrect Answer is: <i>The Canterbury Tales</i>

Q9: This type of decorative picture is made up of small tiles, often glass, called tesserae?

The crrect Answer is: mosaic

Q10: This alliterative author served in MI6 & used his real code number for a character in
"Our Man in Havana"?

The crrect Answer is: Graham Greene

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