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This work is based on the doctoral thesis of the
author Ebru Susur and includes part of the results
obtained from the articles published by the authors,
which was funded by the EMJD program«European
EDUARDO MOREDA DÍAZ Doctorate in Industrial Management (EDIM)»
funded by the European Commission, Erasmus
ENDESA Mundus Action 1.

Spain, like the rest of the EU Member States, has committed to a process of decarbonizing
its economy that must lead to a neutral system in greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. This
process, whose spearhead has been the decarbonization of electricity generation, it requires
very large investments, but also offers enormous opportunities. It is not an exaggeration to
say that nature

of the Spanish economy in the middle of the century been much more modest. In particular, transport and
and beyond will be determined by the way in which industry must replace oil and natural gas with
this process develops. renewable energy. The main lever of this process will
be the electrification of both sectors, but there are
The backbone of this energy transition is the niches where it will not be technically possible or
replacement of fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas) economically viable. In these cases, the presence of
with renewable energy sources. This substitution is an additional energy vector is necessary: hydrogen.
easier in electricity generation, since most renewable
energy sources are actually renewable electricity
sources. In particular, wind electricity and Hydrogen is therefore a way of conveying renewable
photovoltaics, which have benefited from a energy, mainly electrical as argued below, for these
spectacular reduction in costs in recent decades, activities that are difficult or impossible to electrify.
which is expected to continue in the coming years. But it also solves a problem posed by a renewable
Although there is still a long way to go, it can be said electrical system: that of seasonal management of
that the decarbonization process of the electricity variable wind and photovoltaic generation.
sector is already on a firm trajectory that, in general,
has broad political and social support.
The rest of the article is structured as follows. The
following section discusses how hydrogen can
Therefore, it is necessary to address the decarbonization contribute to solving the problem of seasonal
of other sectors, responsible for most of the balance of renewable electricity generation. Next, it is
emissions, where so far progress has about how

424 >Ei 153




daily excess



intraday energy movement

Daily deficit

Production matching demand

January February March April May June July August September October November December

Source: self made

that it is possible to move from a transportation Batteries are a very efficient form of storage for the
system based on oil to a renewable one, and the role daily cycle, but not for this seasonal cycle. The reason
of hydrogen in this transformation. A parallel is twofold. On the one hand, the energy that must be
transformation, the substitution of natural gas, is stored from, for example, day to night (the daily
discussed next. We then move on to study the role of excess or deficit) is much less than that which must
hydrogen as a raw material and its role in the be stored from one season to another (the seasonal
decarbonization of the economy. In a later section we excess or deficit), which is the sum of the excesses or
discuss the implications that all these parallel deficits of several days. Therefore, the storage
transformations have and the foreseeable structure capacity required for daily storage is substantially
of the hydrogen system that makes them possible. less than that required for seasonal storage. On the
This, in turn, has certain regulatory consequences other hand, daily storage spreads its (basically fixed)
that are discussed below. Finally it is concluded. cost over 365 cycles over a year. The cost per kWh
stored is, therefore, moderate. This contrasts with
the seasonal case,


where there is only one cycle per year.
To solve this seasonal imbalance, a mass storage
Both wind and photovoltaic generation present a
system would be necessary whose cost, per kWh
very high temporal variability. In the case of
stored, is much lower than that of batteries. This is, at
photovoltaics, which is the generation technology
least for now, beyond the reach of current
that is growing most markedly, we have a daily cycle
on which a summer/winter seasonal cycle is
superimposed. Wind energy is more unpredictable, But if we do not look at the electrical system in
but several days of high wind can give way to many isolation, but rather consider the entire energy
days of very little wind, and in general it is usually system together, the situation is different. In any
higher in March and surrounding months, as case, in a well-designed electrical system, it is
reflected in the popular proverb. inevitable that a certain amount of spillage will
appear. Logically, the magnitude of these discharges
Electrical storage batteries have benefited from a
will decrease with the magnitude of the storage
spectacular cost reduction, comparable only to what
system, as shown in figure 2, which shows the results
has taken place in the photovoltaic sector. They will
of an Endesa analysis focused on a possible 100%
be extremely useful for managing daily cycles and
renewable electricity system in 2050. And it is also
providing firm energy, but they will not be able to
logical that, from the narrow point of view that only
manage seasonal cycles.
contemplates the electrical system, there is a certain
amount of discharges that is economically optimal.
Figure 1 illustrates the reason for this. The results are
from a scenario of electricity demand and generation in
But limiting ourselves to this narrow analysis would be a
the year 2050. There is an excess of generation in spring
serious mistake. The reason is that the objective is not
(maximum wind) and summer (maximum photovoltaic)
the decarbonization of the electricity sector but rather
that, in principle, could cover the deficit in autumn and
the decarbonization of the economy. Discharges are, in
winter. To do this, it is necessary to store the energy
this sense, a valuable resource since they can be
produced throughout the year.
converted into renewable hydrogen that transports

154 424 >Ei



Source: self made

you and industry are going to need you. Therefore, river to have firm generation free of emissions. It
the design criterion of the electrical system will not is possible that hydrogen-based electricity
simply be to cover the electrical demand in the strict generation systems will contribute to covering
sense, which in any case will be greater than the this need. Fuel cells are a technology in which we
current one due to the electrification of the economy. are also seeing significant cost reductions and
The criterion will be to cover electricity demand and that present efficiencies greater than 50%. They
hydrogen demand, inextricably linked. can be small (in fact, there is the possibility of
installing them in cars) although they do not
This integrated electricity-hydrogen system requires always have to be. If large facilities are required,
three basic elements: hydrogen combined cycles (similar to current
natural gas combined cycles) can have
1. Electrolyzers that use excess renewable electricity
comparable efficiencies and probably be
to extract hydrogen from water. Today the most
cheaper. But it must be taken into account that
mature technology is alkaline electrolyzers,
the process of producing hydrogen with
although there is a great development effort in
electricity and then producing electricity again
the field of proton exchange membrane (PEM)
with it is very inefficient, so the use of this
electrolyzers and research and development of
possibility should be kept to the minimum
other technologies. In any case, we are
witnessing a process of cost reduction and
increased efficiency, from the current 80% to
85% or 90%. These electrolyzers can preferably
be installed near the places of consumption, to THE END OF THE OIL ERA AND THE FUTURE OF
minimize transportation needs. It is cheaper and TRANSPORT
more efficient to transport electricity to the
electrolyzers than to transport hydrogen to Today, oil and its derivatives account for just over half
consumers. of the energy consumed in Spain, with transportation
being its main use. This is due to the very low
efficiency of gasoline or diesel thermal engines, of
the order of 25% to which must be added the losses
2. Underground storage. For example, in salt caverns in refining and the energy cost of fuel transportation
or other geological formations. Although there (Deloitte, 2017). This is one of the main reasons that
seem to be no major limitations in having the is driving the electrification of transportation, since
necessary capacity, which is substantial, it is an electric car, even including electrical losses in
necessary to keep in mind that current natural transportation and distribution, has an efficiency that
gas storage is not always appropriate for normally exceeds 80%, about 4 times higher.
hydrogen. Electricity consumption that, increasingly, is of
renewable origin. To this we must add
3. To maintain the necessary level of security of supply of
the electrical system, it will be necessary to
the absence of on-site emissions, the ease of maintenance

424 >Ei 155


maintenance and the very long useful life of electric ñola. Its main use is heat production. It is necessary
vehicles, which are increasingly cheaper due to the to distinguish here between low temperature and
spectacular decrease in the cost of batteries. high temperature heat. Although there is no
universally accepted definition, domestic systems
Therefore, it can be expected that wherever possible, that do not exceed the boiling point of water belong
transport will be basically electric in nature. This will to the first category, while industrial systems
be the majority situation in land transport, where intended to heat to hundreds of degrees belong to
cars, trucks and electric railways will be the most the second.
used means. We must keep in mind that we are
witnessing not only a change in the fuel used in Most low-temperature heat goes to heating homes
transportation, but also in its very nature. This and businesses. In this segment, heat pumps are
change is driven by electrification, and includes the much more efficient, 3 or 4 times more, than burning
widespread extension of light means of transport fuel, be it natural gas or hydrogen (IDAE, 2014). The
(e.g. skates), vehicle rental or leasing, or traditional disadvantage of these devices was the
intermodality. In sum, the nature of personal difficulty of operating in low temperature
transportation is in a state of flux. Electrification is environments. However, there has been a very
not only compatible with this process, but also substantial improvement in technology in recent
facilitates the change that society demands. years. This explains, for example, why the
Scandinavian heat pump market is one of the largest
in Europe (Johansson, 2021). The climatic conditions
in Spain are, a priori, much more favorable.
However, there are niches where electrification will Therefore, it is not expected that hydrogen will be the
not be feasible. These niches are likely to include main energy source in this segment, with some very
some heavy ground transportation, shipping specific exceptions.
(especially offshore) and aviation. In these cases, fuel
will continue to be needed. Hydrogen, whether
compressed or liquefied, is a promising alternative The discussion for the high temperature sector is
for land transportation. In the case of maritime more complex. These are, for the most part, very
transport it is also feasible, although hydrogen varied industrial processes. In some cases there are
derivatives such as ammonia are also promising alternatives, many of them electric (Madedduet al.,
(Gallucci, 2021). Efficiency losses in the production of 2020), while in others hydrogen appears to be the
ammonia from hydrogen would be offset by greater most viable option. The research and development of
ease of storage. Additionally, there are synergies with these alternatives is a highly relevant issue, which will
the chemical industry's need for ammonia, which is determine how electricity and hydrogen are
discussed below. distributed in the industry's energy supply, currently
dominated by natural gas.

Finally, aviation is the sector that presents the

greatest challenges. Weight is a fundamental HYDROGEN AS A RAW MATERIAL
restriction here, which can work against hydrogen,
In addition to their importance as energy sources,
which requires heavy containers if it is pressurized or
fossil fuels also have a relevant role as raw materials
complex technology if liquefied. That said, there are
in various industrial processes. In many of these
aircraft projects that produce electricity on board
cases hydrogen can also play this role.
using efficient fuel cells that power electric motors
(Ansell and Haran, 2020). Another alternative is the
transformation of hydrogen into synthetic fuels Steel is produced in blast furnaces through processes
(Transport and Environment, 2021). If these fuels that require iron ore and coking coal. Coke plays a
contain carbon, it is necessary to find a source that double role: as an energy source and as a chemical
does not imply additional carbon dioxide emissions. reducing agent. Hydrogen can also play both roles
One way could be biomass, with hydrogen treatment (Vogl V., Åhman M. and Nilsson LJ, 2018). There are
being a way to increase its calorific value and, in already demonstration plants whose mission is to
general, improve its properties. Another alternative, explore this technology, with a view to its possible
currently the subject of research, would be to obtain large-scale development.
it directly from the atmosphere. The process is,
however, energy intensive.
The chemical industry is today the main consumer of
hydrogen. Most of it is obtained from the reforming
of natural gas, a process that is intensive
in carbon dioxide emissions. Its replacement with
renewable hydrogen makes it possible to avoid these
Natural gas is today an energy source of emissions (Ghavamet al., 2021). The importance of these
fundamental importance in the Spanish economy. chemical processes cannot be underestimated. Inclu-

156 424 >Ei


yen, for example, the synthesis of ammonia or prudent is another question. In short, it is very
necessary, among other things, for the manufacture possible that we will never see such a thing as a pan-
of nitrogen fertilizers. Let us keep in mind that today European hydrogen transport network, the situation
food is produced for a world population about six being therefore very different to that of natural gas.
times larger than that existing a century ago, without
an even remotely comparable increase in the land The possible hydrogen distribution network has an
devoted to agriculture. These needs will grow in the even more dubious future, if possible. The expected
future, as richer societies demand greater meat future consumption of hydrogen is relatively
consumption that requires a high increase in certain concentrated (ports, airports and industrial centers)
crops (1). To this we must add the manufacture of and, therefore, does not require large distribution
plastics and other products. infrastructures. The most dispersed users, and in
particular domestic consumers, will have their energy
consumption almost completely electrified, making
anything analogous to electricity unnecessary.
IMPLICATIONS current natural gas distribution network.
Hydrogen turns out to be a fundamental element in a These points have clear regulatory consequences.
series of functions: balance of the electrical system, But before moving on to consider them, some
maritime and air transport, source of energy and raw thoughts on the role of biomass or biofuels may be in
material in industry. There are evident synergies order. In principle, biomass can be the source of
between these sectors that point towards a still renewable fuels, from biodiesel to biomethane. But
diffuse image of the future hydrogen system. the quantity available is limited, and it is therefore
necessary to decide what use it is going to be given.
IDAE (IDAE, 2011) estimates the biogas production
A first comment is that it is likely that this hydrogen is
potential in Spain at 20.6 TWh. Being a significant
fundamentally renewable and of electrolytic origin.
amount, it is much lower than the current
Firstly, because it is a necessity for the balance of the
consumption of natural gas. Naturally, it is always
electrical system. Secondly, because it is foreseeable
possible to speculate on massive imports from other
that it will be cheaper than fossil alternatives, given
countries. However, in a scenario of increasing
the expected decrease in the cost of renewable
demands on the global agricultural sector and very
electricity generation. In addition, hydrogen from
possibly increasing ecological restrictions on it (e.g.
fossil sources requires carbon dioxide capture and
maintenance of biodiversity or greater restrictions on
storage technologies. These technologies have been
the biogeochemical cycle of nitrogen) these imports
discussed for decades in the context of coal, without
could be expensive or inexpensive. prudent In short,
having taken off technologically or gaining social
it seems that the most promising strategy is to
acceptability. Finally, this path implies a strong
dedicate biomass to those sectors that are most
energy dependence on the outside, which could not
difficult to treat, such as aviation.
be prudent as the current behavior of the gas system
reminds us.


In a system dominated by hydrogen of electrolytic Renewable hydrogen will be a fundamental element

origin it is expected that the required transport of the future energy system. The cost and
system will be substantially smaller than the current characteristics of the necessary technologies
natural gas transport system. First, because the total (electrolysers, fuel cells, etc.) are improving rapidly,
amount of energy to be transported will be smaller. but still require substantial development. In many
The amount of gas, hydrogen or of another nature, ways, the situation is similar to that of renewable
necessary for the air conditioning of homes and technologies a few decades ago.
businesses, will be much smaller than today, if not
unnecessary. The gas required by the industry will
also be significantly less, due to the electrification of This suggests the need for public support for these
numerous processes. technologies. Said support, however, should not be
the same as that given then to renewable energies,
given the very different technical characteristics. It
Secondly, a significant part of this hydrogen will be must also be linked to renewable hydrogen in
domestically produced. Therefore, production will be general and electrolytic hydrogen from green
closer to consumption, and the transportation electricity in particular, without wasting scarce
infrastructure required will be smaller (Agora resources in other ways.
Energiewende, 2021). Exactly what part of
consumption will be national and what part imported It is natural that initially this support is linked to the
is to be determined. It is certainly technically possible substitution of fossil hydrogen, which is already consumed
to produce hydrogen in North Africa and transport it in appreciable quantities by the industry. Naturally, it will be
to Spain and Europe. If this is desirable necessary to analyze whether the best option is

424 >Ei 157


electrolysis in the proximity of the industry, or if it is Therefore, they do not reflect the nature of the
more economical to locate them in the proximity of electricity actually consumed by the electrolyzer. They
renewable plants and transport the hydrogen must be carefully designed to avoid the risk of double
produced. But this is possibly secondary to the need counting, both for the renewable electricity and at
to create a market for electrolyzers. the same time for the hydrogen it produces. And
finally, there is a risk of becoming a purely financial
The strategy that does not seem to make much sense product, incapable of efficiently financing agents with
is to proceed with the mixture (blending) with natural technological capacity who have to invest in physical
gas in the transportation system (Bardet al., 2022). renewable hydrogen installations.
First, this is not the most appropriate path to develop
the necessary hydrogen technologies, since at the
present time it involves the injection of very marginal Subsidies for electrolysis capacity (€/MW) could be an
quantities of hydrogen into a system that is still appropriate instrument. The dynamics of the market
basically natural gas. The practice of gas transporters itself, which encourages the use of electricity in
in giving the mixture as a percentage of volume periods of low prices when electricity has a majority
instead of as a percentage of energy (more relevant renewable component, will naturally tend to ensure
in the context of energy policy) inflates the degree of the criteria of additionality and temporal simultaneity
injection (2). that appear in European regulation.

Worse still, blending carries the risk of lock-in on

obsolete gas technology. The bottleneck of replacing CONCLUSIONS
natural gas with hydrogen is not in the
Hydrogen is thus a vector of capital importance in the
transportation and distribution infrastructure (which
energy transition towards a decarbonized system. It
in any case presents serious problems) but rather in
will be closely integrated with the electrical system
the final applications. These today allow very
and with various industrial activities both as a source
different hydrogen mixing levels. If they are in the
of energy and raw material.
same distribution network there will be a level of
mixing where it will be necessary to simultaneously
change all end-use appliances from models that burn What cannot be expected is that its role will be very
natural gas with some hydrogen to those that burn similar to that currently played by natural gas.
pure hydrogen or perhaps hydrogen with some gas. Natural gas is one of the main fossil fuels imported
natural. The affected part of the distribution network into Europe, being mainly used as a source of heat
will have a different gas than the rest of the network, and electricity. Quite the contrary, hydrogen will be a
which will likely require separation systems, which product of electricity and will have an important but
involve a significant additional investment and have not dominant role in the heat sector, predictably very
their own restrictions and operational problems. In small in the low-temperature heat sector. This in turn
short, there is no such thing as a gradual switch from implies a hydrogen transportation network with a
hydrogen to natural gas: the switch is possible but very different architecture from that of natural gas
complex, expensive and inefficient. This is a now.
completely different situation from the historic switch
from city gas to natural gas (H21 Leeds City Gate,
2016). On the other hand, a gradual change from This does not imply that the current natural gas
natural gas to electricity is perfectly feasible, with the sector has no relevance in the future hydrogen
only requirement possibly being the gradual sector. Quite the contrary, the experience
reinforcement of the electrical distribution network. accumulated in the operation of industrial gases and
the technical personnel that currently operate the
gas sector are assets of critical importance. But it
In general terms, it is necessary to begin to see the does imply that a majority of the current natural gas
natural gas network as an essentially sunken asset, transportation and distribution infrastructures are
where only some facilities will be reusable for the sunken assets. In this sense, and like any sunken
transport and distribution of hydrogen. This requires asset, the amount of the investment made is actually
that investment in new regulated assets be very irrelevant when planning the future system,
prudent and consider useful lives lower than regardless of how the commitments that may have
technical useful lives. been acquired with the regulated companies involved
are met.
It is necessary to ensure that resources are directed
towards renewable hydrogen. Systems of guarantees In this sense, it does not seem reasonable to promote
of origin have been proposed as a possible way. regulations that are a carbon copy of the current natural
However, these systems should be substantially gas regulations. Quite the contrary, we must think about
different from the current ones. The current system proactive regulation, more oriented towards the
of guarantees of origin is based on guarantees issued development and encouragement of the use of new
one year late, and that for infrastructure and incentives than towards recovery.

158 424 >Ei


of the costs already incurred. The tension between Transport and Environment (2021) FAQ: The What and
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