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Daniella Phoebe C.

Alejandro Quiz 3

CE152P-2_A75 January 9, 2023

I. Write T if the statement is True and F if it is false. (5 pts each)

_T_ 1. The capacity of a hardened cement paste to maintain its volume after setting without experiencing delayed
destructive expansion is referred to as soundness.
_T_ 2. The primary importance of cement soundness testing is to make sure that the cement does not exhibit any
discernible subsequent expansion.
_F_ 3. The main causes of cement's unsoundness are too much lime, too much magnesium, or too much sulfate.
_F_ 4. Cement's effect on soundness does not manifest itself until after a long amount of time.
_T_ 5. Signs of unsoundness are Distortion, Cracking, and Disintegration.

II. Show complete solution and unit then BOX the final answer. (75 pts each)

6. As shown on the table below. Complete the table.

Fine Aggregates Coarse Aggregates

Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3 Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3
Mass of Steel Bucket, g 5000 5001 5000.50 5000 5000 5000.25
Mass of Steel Bucket filled with aggregate, g 8400.90 8400.80 8400.90 9400.30 9400.20 9400.50
Mass of aggregate, g 3400.90 3399.8 3400.4 4400.3 4400.2 4400.25
Volume of Steel Bucket, cm3 3001 3002 3000.70 3000 3000.15 3000.10
Unit Weight of Aggregate, N/m3 11,117.2372 11,109.939 11,116.714 14,388.981 14,387.9346 14,388.33789
5 37 1
Average Unit Weight of Aggregate, N/m3 11,114.63024 14,388.41783

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