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Mid Lab Exam

BSCS7A -205309

Instructor: SIR HARIS

Q NO:1

Functional Requirements:
1. User Authentication:
>>Students and instructors should be able to securely log in with
unique credentials.
>>Password reset and account recovery mechanisms should be in place.
2. Course Management:
>>Instructors should be able to create, update, and delete courses.
>>Students should be able to browse available courses and enroll in
3. Content Delivery:
>>Instructors should be able to upload multimedia lectures, course
materials, and assignments.
>>Students should have access to these resources.
4. Virtual Discussions:
>>Virtual spaces should be provided for students and instructors to
engage in discussions.
>>Features like forums, chat rooms, and discussion boards should be
5. Assignment Submission:
>>Students should be able to submit assignments through the online
>>Instructors should receive these submissions and be notified.
6. Assessment and Feedback:
>>Instructors should be able to assess students' work, assign grades,
and provide feedback.
>>Students should be able to view their grades and feedback.
7. Communication Tools:
>>Messaging and notification systems for communication between
students and instructors.
>>Announcements, emails, or in-platform messaging.
8. Search and Navigation:
>>Users should be able to search for courses, content, and discussions.
>>An intuitive navigation system for easy access to various features.
Non-Functional Requirements:
1. Security:
>>Data security: Ensure the confidentiality and integrity of user data.
>>Secure authentication: Protect against unauthorized access.

2. Scalability:
>>The system should be able to handle a growing number of users and
>>Scalable infrastructure to support high concurrent usage.

3. Performance:
>>Fast content delivery: Ensure quick access to multimedia lectures and
>>Minimal downtime and high availability.

4. Usability:
>>User-friendly interface: Good design for both instructors and
>>Accessibility features for all types of users.

5. Reliability:
>>The system should be available 24/7 with minimal outages.
>>Backup and recovery mechanisms in case of data loss.

6. Compatibility:
>>Cross-browser and cross-platform compatibility to support a wide
range of devices and browsers.

7. Compliance:
>>Ensure compliance with relevant laws and regulations, such as data
protection and copyright laws.

8. Load Handling:
>> The system should be able to handle peak loads, such as registration
periods and exam weeks.
Q NO:1

Q NO:2

Class Diagram
Q NO:3

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