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P3 Detailed Outline

Introduction: R1: How does biodiversity influence the society of Costa Rica?
Tremendous loss of biodiversity is causing effects that negatively impact the population of Costa

What are the 3 main points

(Points that will be covered)
Biodiversity is defined as all living things in the planet or in the ecosystem, and the main threats
to endangered species in Costa Rica are habit loss, climate change, and hunting. In Costa Rica,
big part of the population knows the importance of having a big percent of biodiversity in the
world because it plays a crucial role in maintaining the ecosystem’s health, providing important
ecosystem services, such as air, water purification, soil fertility, pollination, and all goods that
human need from the biodiversity where they live. Recent studies show that the Costa Ricans
have an important policy to improve the environment issues, and came with organizations to
support environmental activities.

Thesis Statement - What is gone to be the essay about?

Environmental issues obligates the country to come up with a policy and clean technologies that
help people to work day by day to produce food that society needs.

Point #1: Biggest environmental problems in Costa Rica impacted threats in the population of
Costa Rica for the loss of biodiversity.

1. Biodiversity has such an important impact that can affect us as humans who live for
living things, that conserves all the environment, and important species where they live in
an ecosystem and get more affected because they live for biodiversity. Some of the main
threats that affect Costa Rica species are habit loss, climate change and hunting.
However, not only environmental issues affect our biodiversity, it’s also people who like
to study animals, plants where it is necessary to end the lives of this species or because
these species produce meat, hides, or feathers.
2. The habitat loss happens when an area that was once used as a habitat is no longer
inhabited by nature. For example; things like deforestation, mining, agriculture and
industrial activities often remove crucial habitat space for wildlife and plants. This issue
is very common in different parts of the world, that is why it's important to respect local
habits wherever we go, and protect native plants that can often outcompete any invasive
species to promote biodiversity.
3. Climate change has had significant effects on the environment, and also in society.
Seasons are coming earlier or later than expected, which can leave animals struggling to
find resources to survive and adapt. Also, our world is changing so fast that every species
can’t adapt fast enough. As climate and temperatures continue to change, the threats to
biodiversity will only increase, and that is something that Costa Rica avoids during these

Point #2: Saving endangered species in Costa Rica to maintain the ecosystem's health providing
services from society.

1. The loss of species can disrupt the food chain, affect other species, and even lead to
human health problems. Costa Rica has over 200 species of mammals, 900 species of
birds, and over 34,000 species of insects, and losing any of these species can have a
devastating effect on the environment and the people who rely on them, and is crucial for
the health of the planet and the well-being of humans.
2. Costa Ricans know that it's a problem that we can find in any part of the world, but they
are conscious that they have a big percent of the biodiversity in the world that not all
countries have. So, many organizations and individuals from Costa Rica are working hard
to address these threats and protect endangered species. Some of these efforts include
reforestations projects, creating wildlife corridors, and they are also working with local
communities to promote sustainable development.
3. Unfortunately, many species in Costa Rica are facing threats from habitat loss, climate
change, and hunting, but there are ongoing conservation efforts and success stories that
give hope for the future of endangered species in Costa Rica. It is important to get
involved and support these efforts to protect the environment and the animals that call it

Point #3: Some of the environmental issues obligate the country of Costa Rica to provide better
policies and clean technologies because it not only benefits the species, but also the society.

1. The Costa Rican government offers rural farmers incentives to refores pastures in an
effort to increase land usage for nondestructive ecological purposes. The Ministry of
Environment, for example, encourages Costa Rican citizens to protect their native land by
providing grants or cash payments to farmers committed to the sustainable management
of their agricultural lands.
2. Costa Rica has also evolved from its previously conservative environmental policy to one
that is dedicated to sustainable development performance index projects, former
environmental minister Carlos Manuel Rodriguez noted that he used the EPO to inform
his country’s environmental policies.
3. Costa Rica became the first Latin American country to ban sport hunting tourism in an
effort to protect their endangered species. Any individual that participates in the illegal
activity of animal hunting for sport in Costa Rica can be subject to a fine of up to $3,000
USD and even four months in prison. The country takes very seriously the issue that they
were considered among the most progressive nations on Earth with respect to climate
change or other environmental issues that can affect biodiversity.


The loss of Biodiversity it really affected the population of Costa Rica, they were very concerned
that they would need to save the species, that’s why they created a strong organization that really
made the difference. Residents from the country who changed their mind with the best possible
attitude creating technology to be able to help themselves, both the species of the environment
and humanity, where they also influenced the government by making a policy to protect their
country. “With a prosperous society, relatively small size and progressive government, it appears
that Costa Rica has a very clean future ahead of it.” Sincerely, this is the solution that other
countries need to involve people with organizations and individuals that were created in Costa
Rica to make future generations to conservative the same care of the environment and help the

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