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Quiz 1
1. What is NOT true about modern wars?
They emerge in the collapcing and collapsed states
Identity plays a great role in such conflicts
States are not the key actors in such conflicts
These types of conflicts started to become strikingly frequent right after the Westphalian
2. Inability to realize the full potential of a human in undeveloped countries IS NOT
associated with:
running for a post in elections
3. The effect of unequal distribution of gains among the states resulting from their
economic and political interdependence is called:
Radical persuasion
democratic deficit
liberalism of privilege
4. According to neo-liberals, states seek to maximize:
Absolute gains
Relative gains
Multiple gains
Perpetual gains
5. In 1989 one of the apologists of neo-liberalism, F. Fukuyama published an influential
book called:
The end of History
The end of World
The end of Realism
The end is Nigh
6. Which of the following is NOT the historical stage of Great Debates?
Realism vs Idealism
Neo-Realism vs Neo-Liberalism
Structuralism vs Post-Structuralism
Positivism vs Post-positivism
7. What are the cornerstones of reality, according to social constructivists?
Human consciousness
Human consciousness and material factors
Human consciousness and material factors and ideas
None of them
8. According to Finnemore and Sikkink, the life cycle of norms consists of
norm consciousness, norm consumption, norm realizationе
norm production, nord diffusion, norm internalization
norm emergence, norm cascade, norm internalization
9. Theory of gendered division of labor claims that women’s job-seeking behavior is
determined by
Logic of consequences only
Logic of appropriateness only
Logic of consequences at most?
Logic of appropriateness at most
10. Which of the following can NOT be treated as the pillar of realism?
(one more
11. What determines the pace and character of interstate relationships according to
structural realists?
Human nature
Unit-level politics
Absolute gains
12. Mitrany is famous for his contribution to the theory of ________
Democratic peace
Relative gains
Collective security
13. This concept is one of the key concepts for postcolonialist studies
absolute gains
anarchy of the world system
security dilemma
14. This claim about postcolonialist view of international relations is NOT true
popular culture play significant role in construction of IR
in order to understand the IR we need to pay attention to norms and identities
contemporary IR is a result of hidden working of global capitalism
IR should be studied from positivist perspective
15. What was the main change, caused by Treaties of Westphalia and Paris?
state borders are established
states got their rights
states agreed to set supranational government
states agreed to reduce the production of weapon
16. What were the products which became subject of trade liberalization between West
Germany and France in 1951?
oil and gas
textile and furniture
coal and steel
alcohol and non-alcohol beveragesWhat
17. The claim about postcolonialist view of international relations is NOT true:
postcolonialism produces claims of how the world is ought to be
the standard of human rights should be universally accepted
IR are driven by the states pursuits of power
personal diaries can be an important source of data for research
18. What state is NOT participant of Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN)?
19. The main basis of regionalisation in the North America is
economic union
custom union
common market
common security
20. Postcolonialism is a ___ theory
21. This methodology popular in the postcolonial studies requires strong feeling of
empathy from the researcher:
imaginative colonization
diachronic analysis
22. This concept is one of the key concepts for postcolonialist studies
absolute gains
capabilities differentials
23. What is the main feature of “new regionalism”?
participate of non-state actors
creations of supranational governance
formation of no-border space
harmonization of internal law
24. These events are connected with promotion of the Third World agenda in the IR:
creations of OPEC, creation of the Group of 77, Bretton Woods conference
creation of British commonwealth, creation of OPEC, creation of the Group of 77
creation of OPEC, Bretton Woods conference, Tricontinental conference
creation of OPEC, creations of the Group of 77, Tricontinental conference
Короче Бреттон Вудс точно нет, потому что конфа была во время 2 мировой войны
25. Which of the following stages of integration by B.Balassa is the deepest one?
common market
political union
customs union
economic and monetary union
26. Management of internationalism is …
setting the relations between states and former colonies
integration to provide security and peace
creation of big multilateral system
inclusion of non-state actors
27. How could one interpret the ‘tacit consent’?
the practice, where the act done by another country was considered as the rule, unless
others object
the practice, where the states should follow the rules, even the time has changed
the practice, where no state promises to follow the rules
the practice, where states agree to follow the rules of supranational body
28. ______ is a term used by postcolonialism to describe the ways in which oppressive
norms cannot be analysed separately from one another
mutual dependency
mutual indivisibility
29. WHO is the ____ of the UN Economic and Social Council
second name
30. The use of ‘post’ by postcolonial scholars ___
suggests that the effect or impacts of colonial rule are now long gone
by no means highlights the impact that colonial histories still have in shaping a colonial way
of thinking about the world
implies that consequences of imperialism past can be traced nowadays
claims that former empires are in vulnerable position in contemporary world
31. This direction of postcolonial studies is most closely related to marxism
subaltern studies
colonial discourse theory
oil-dependency framework
power-knowledge analysis
32. During _____ conference which was held in Cuba in 1966, Che Guevara called for
armed popular resistance to neo-colonial regimes supported by the USA
first universal
Quiz 2
1. Why the NGOs could be more successful solving the human rights issues than the
because they are single-focused on particular issues
2. Why the process of human rights development is slowed?
because of 9/11 in the USA
3. Nixon Shock of 1971 did NOT include 1. the US refusal to convert dollars to gold as
$35 per ounce 2. the US impose of 10% surcharge on import duties 3. the US
agreement with OPEC states 4. the US withdrawal from Bretton Woods system
the US agreement with OPEC states
4. International Bank for Reconstruction and Development was meant to
facilitate private investment in the European economies
5. The system of IMF 1980s loan crisis assistance in exchange for structural market
reforms was driven by
6. The most accurate description of liberalization is:
lessening of repression, especially decreases in violations of personal and legal rights, civil
liberties, and freedom of association
7. Which of the following IS NOT a complex interdependence feature?
Employing military force is the only way to exist in the anarchic world
8. What is the basis of global human rights regime?
based on national implementation of global norms
9. Moving away from dictatorship rule is called:
transition towards democracy
10. What organization has power to juridically punish states due to genocise, crimes
against humanity?
International Criminal Court
11. Freedom of Religion is of:
Civil and Political Rights
12. Liberal approach to international political economy supposes that
1. minimal government ensures smooth and unrestricted operation of world market
13. Which of the following is one of the core assumption of the transition paradigm?
the utmost importance of elections
14. The major instrument of ‘new protectionism’ is
non-tariff barriers
15. What approaches of combatting terrorism in the national level can be distinguished?
police alarm and fire call
16. The major violators of the Bretton Woods exchange rates system in terms of
appreciating and depreciating national currencies towards dollar were
France and UK
17. The 1960s problem of liability is associated with
the balance of US payment deficit
18. Which of the following organizations DOES NOT have human rights protections as the
main goal?
The World Bank
19. The idea that policies and preferences of governments reflect the actions of specific
interest groups in the economy is in the core of ______approach to international
political economy
Political economy
20. Why terrorists don’t use nuclear and chemical weapons to increase damage?
The risk of immense retaliation by international community is way too high to use WMDs
21. What was meant by C. Tilly by calling wars a highly organizing phenomenon
wars created modern states
22. Mercantilist approach to international political economy supposes that
trade rules are set by ‘hegemons’, i.e. most powerful states ???
23. ‘Good governance’ was incorporated into the IMF conditionalities system right after
1997 East Asian Crisis
24. Which of the following treaties DOES NOT have an individual complaint option?
International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination
25. Internalization is:
the increase of economic transactions across countries’ borders
26. The collective-action problem is the focu of ____ approach to international political
27. Which of the following is the most valid strategy to employ against terrorism?
Dealing with terrorism as a law enforcement problem
28. Choose the wrong statement about trends in terrorism
The pike of populatiry of terrorism issues on the media agenda was about 20 years ago

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Quiz 3
1. The first wave of global human rights corresponds to
political rights
2. ___ reflects human rights as national interest
3. The Second wave of global human rights corresponds to
labor rights
4. The following agreement establishes states’ responsibility for polluting the nature
beyond their boundaries:
Principle 21
5. Is nuclear power green ( a renewable ) ?
6. Which century did the 3nd wave of Feminism appear in?
XX century
7. What are parts of the modern environmental agenda?
8. What is not pushing forward the advancement in the green energy
political willingness
9. The following organization produces the most important scientific reports on climate
10. Income poverty is the measurement indicator in _____ approach
11. The following is NOT among the most-used rare earth materials for energy capacitors
production lead
12. Critical Approach to hunger is a ___ approach
13. What is the scientific and political consensus on what is not an important factor
among those that shape the current pattern of the global climate change?
volcanic activity
14. Human capacity, in terms of development as freedom does not include
trade freedom
15. Year when “Montreal Protocol on substances that deplete the ozone layer” was
16. The following was the first to emerge in environment protection efforts:
The Antarctic Treaty
17. Which century did the 1st wave of Feminism appear in?
19 век
18. Which century did the 2nd wave of Feminism appear in?
XX century
19. Which is not the part of the intersectionality frame?
20. Ideologically the approach of development as modernization clams that
developed countries are the countries of liberal democracy
21. For the approach of development as freedom, freedom is
22. Artificial disasters of previous centuries have not given birth to the following
Human Rights Watch
23. The approach of ___ claims that development equals access to material and
economic goods
development as meeting basic needs
24. Malthusian understandings of hunger is relevant for ___ approach
25. What is better description of the energy transition impact on fossil fuels exporters?
domestic vulnerability and loss of geopolitical standing
26. Embedded liberalism is associated with ___ approach
development as meeting basic needs
27. What are the most important issues in liberal feminist approach to IR?
Human rights and equal pay
28. ___ mate issues in Paris HAS NOT given birth to the following alliance
29. Women job-seeking behavior is determined by
logical consequences only
30. What is the effect of energy transition on counties exerting their geopolitical
influence through natural resource export?
This will destabilize these countries and weak their governments
31. The following IS AMONG the dangerous to biofuel commodities:
Harvesting issues in particular countries

What are the global commons?

All of that
Global atmosphere
Outer space
Oceans (beyond 200-mile zone)

The following agreement established states' responsibility for polluting the nature beyond
their boundaries:
Global Environment Facility
Principle 21
Agenda 21
Kyoto Protocol

The following is the most correct description of rules applied in World Trade:
The WTO rules are of the utmost importance
Environmental regulations must be considered first
The norms are of advisory nature and can be ignored
The norms applied must be mutually supportive

leader in clean energy technologies

what is pushing forward the advancement in the green energy
all of the above

The dominance of Russia in the post-soviet space caused the new participant in the region
(to counter-balance Russia). The state is ...

a. India
b. China (правильный!)
c. Turkey
d. USA

Management of internationalisation - it is ...

a. inclusion of non-state actors

b. integration to provide security and peace

c. creation of big multilateral system

d. setting the relations between states and former colonies

In their studies, Marxist Feminists are generally focused on:

a.identifying the barriers for women's participation in the areas of social life

b.describing the ways in which oppressive institutions are interconnected and cannot be
examined separately from one another.

c.unpacking the assumed universality of experience between women

d.elaborating the framework for transformation of the conditions of women's oppression and

What would be the most important point in Post-Structuralist Feminism IR


a. unfair distribution of economic power between sexes leads to oppression

b. colonial experience is the structural cause of patriarchy

c. international relations shape masculinity and femininity, and these attributes shape
international relations (maybe this)
Mercantilist approach to international political economy supposes that

a. order and stability in world economy is achieved through ‘invisible hand’

b. trade rules are set by ‘hegemons’, i.e. most powerful states

c. сountries benefit from specialization in world economy

d. global capitalist order is set in the interests of the owners of means of production

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