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Chapter 4-5

1.Apart from economic perspective, globalization is also viewed in terms of the

intensification and expansion of political interrelations across the globe. These
relations eventually gave rise to a political system to describe the contemporary
world. What system is being referred?

-Global Interstate System

2.Interrelations in the international system are driven primarily by actors engaged

in social, economic, political and military activities. Which of the following is the
major actor in the international system?

-Nation- states

3.Which of the following does NOT characterize the emergence of the

international system out of the nation-state?

-When nation-state safeguard against the migration of people into their


4.Scholars opines that formal interstate relations began in a period when the Thirty
Years’ War between Catholic states and Protestant states in Europe ended. Which
event was this?

-Peace of Westphalia

5.History accounts the rise and fall of great powers especially during the 17th and
18th centuries when powerful states in Europe dominated the international system.
At the height of this imperialism, weaker states band together to ward off against
powerful states from becoming too strong. Which concept does this show?

-Balance of power

6.Which system in the global order refers to the dominance of one single country
in the international system which happened during the end of the Cold War?

7.Today’s global order can be described as the dominance of a number of states
such the United States, China, India and the European Union. Which system is
being characterized?


8.At the end of the Second World War, two global superpowers emerged in
particular the United State and the Soviet Union who will soon engage later on in a
soft war called the Cold War. Which global order does this feature?


9.Along with the growing interconnectedness of nations and people is also the rise
of various global issues as well as the demand for common goals of peace and
prosperity. In other words, internationalism will remain the driver in today’s global
interstate system. Which of the following internationalist idea refers to the
surrendering of some extent of freedom to the bounds of law in order to prevent
lawlessness and war?

-Liberal internationalism

10.It is a short-lived internationalist idea which proposed that the means of

production, distribution and exchange of goods should be owned and regulated by
the community. Which is being described?

-Socialist Internationalism

11.This internationalist idea advocated for the self-determination of nation-states to

chart its own development and chart the course of direction as a nation. Which idea
is characterized?

-Nationalist Internationalism

12.Advocates of this internationalist idea seek to avert war, and as such, nations
must give up a certain of their freedom and subject themselves to a larger system
of law.

-Liberal Internationalism
13.China is widely acknowledged as a rising global superpower due to advances in
economy, technology and military. Its rise could change the structure of the
international system especially in the Asia-Pacific region.


14.Nation refers to a political organized sovereign community, independent of

outside control, bound by ties of nationhood, legally supreme within its territory,
and acting through a government functioning under a regime of law.


15.Internationalism implies the active engagement of global actors in addressing

global challenges brought by globalization.


16.Which of the following is NOT true about global governance?

-Enabled by rise of International and intergovernmental organizations

17.United Nations was founded by a number of countries including the Philippines

following the end of the Second World War. It was established to prevent similar
war in the future and promote peace, justice, and freedom among others. Which
kind of global governance actor is being described?

-International Government Organization

18.The Philippine Institute for Development Studies (PDIS) is the Philippine

government’s socioeconomic think tank. Which kind of actor in global governance
is PDIS?


19.Amnesty International and Oxfam International, both a global movement of

people, are leading organizations engaged in addressing human rights and ending
poverty respectively. Which kind of actor in global governance are these two?

-Non-government Organization
20.United Nations is an organization of about 193 member states established
following the end of the Second World War. As such there are attached agencies of
UN who deals with various concerns. Which of those following agency acts as the
decision-making and representative body of the organization?

-International Court of Justice

21.In 2016, the Philippines strengthened its position in the West Philippine Sea
territorial dispute when this UN agency invalidated the nine-dash claim of China
which covers almost all areas in the South China Sea. Which agency of UN ruled
in favor of the Philippines?

-International Court of Justice

22.Myanmar is currently facing backlash over violent crackdown of protesters

against the military junta drawing international attention especially the United
Nations. In case of possible intervention nos such as deployment of peace keeping
forces, which UN agency will decide discuss this?

-UN Security Council

23.Antonio Guterres, a Portuguese, was appointed as secretary-general of the

United Nations since 2017. Which UN agency does Guterres represent?

-UN Secretariat

24.In consonance with its mandate to protect human rights, the United Nations
adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) which provides for
human rights standards that were made mandatory in all countries around the


25.The Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) 2030 was adopted in 2015 as a blue
print for socio-economic and the overall development of the people.


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