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You Should Visit a Dry Heat Sauna

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You Should Visit a Dry Heat Sauna

General Purpose Statement

To persuade the audience

Specific Purpose Statement

To encourage the audience about the benefits associated with visiting the dry heat


Core Idea Statement

Dry heat sauna is associated with various benefits, and people should consider

visiting it.


A sauna is a place (in a small building or room) which is designed for people to

experience wet and dry heat sessions. In the ancient days, the sauna was created in a fireplace

that heated stones. Water was then poured on the hot rocks to produce steam. People

surrounded the place without clothes to experience the heat. Due to technological

advancement, saunas have transformed from specific locations to people's houses

(Waddington, 2018). However, very few people can afford to build saunas in the house; thus,

people who cannot afford, visit saunas that are located in various places. Dry sauna creates

dry heat- in the traditional method, heat is generated by the use of wood in a stove, and the

rocks that are placed above the furnace heats the sauna bucket, which contains water. In

modern technology, electricity is used to heat the stove, which provides heat that is dryer.

Various benefits are associated with dry heat saunas, such as enhancing a relief of stress,

enhancement of health, and relaxation and therefore, it is significant to visit dry heat sauna.


To gain insight into why it is significant to visit dry heat sauna, it is vital to

understand its benefits. Dry heat sauna has a positive impact on human health. A study done

by Hussain & Cohen (2018) revels that regular use of dry sauna is beneficial in enhancing a

healthy heart. The research shows that the increase in the utilization of dry sauna leads to

diminished risk of cardiovascular diseases such as coronary heart disease and heart failure.

Notably, the use of dry sauna decreases all causes of mortality related to cardiac ailments.

There is an increased rate of morbidity and mortality rates linked to cardiac diseases in the

present world; therefore, dry heat sauna is essential in preventing cardiac conditions. Also,

dry heat sauna is a strategy of thermotherapy, which is useful in reducing the clinical

manifestations and complications of rheumatic diseases. People who suffer from conditions

like ankylosing, arthritis, and fibromyalgia can benefit significantly from dry heat sauna. If

one is suffering from one of the rheumatic diseases, he or she is in an excellent position to

reduce the complications associated with the disease by visiting a dry heat sauna. However,

having regular dry heat sessions can help people who suffer from pain syndromes, chronic

fatigue, COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease), and allergic rhinitis (Hussain &

Cohen, 2018). Therefore, it is significant to consider visiting dry sauna and develop the

culture of utilizing dry heat therapy to enhance healthy living.

Dry heat sauna is significant in prevention of skin problems. Research suggests that

people who have skin conditions such as psoriasis experienced reduced symptoms in dry heat

sauna. Some of the skin conditions that are also related to old age are prevented by the

utilization of dry heat sauna. Podstawski et al. (2019) suggests that dry heat sauna enhances

the exercise of the skin. When skin is exercised, blood flow in the integumentary system is

enhanced which leads to growth of skin. The consistent shedding of skin and growth of new

cells prevents the development of skin conditions. Furthermore, dementia and Alzheimer’s

disease has been pinpointed by research to be prevalent among may old individuals. Research

suggests that dry sauna is significant in lowering the risk of dementia and Alzheimer’s

disease. People who utilizes dry heat sauna 2-3 times every week have 22% less incidence of

developing dementia and 20% less in developing Alzheimer’s disease. Those who use dry

heat sauna 4-7% are 66% less likely to develop dementia and 65% less incidence of

developing Alzheimer’s disease (Laukkanen et al., 2016) This research suggests that dry heat

sauna prevents the incidence of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. However, it shows that

regular visits to dry heat sauna will reduce the risk of developing the two conditions even

more. Thus, it is significant to ensure that you visit a dry heat sauna regularly. This plead

goes to both young and old individuals. The young individuals can reduce their incidence of

developing skin and psychological conditions in old age while the older population who are

at higher risk will benefit more by prevention of conditions that are already there and those

that might occur.

Also, a dry heat sauna is associated with reduced weight loss. Therapy from dry heat

is a great strategy that can help in weight loss with minimal efforts. The presence of

technology in the digital world has influenced people to embrace sedentary lifestyles. Obesity

has become a disease that has gained public health attention due to the increased incidence.

Therefore, visiting a dry heat sauna helps to ensure that those who are overweight and those

at risk can lose weight with minimal effort. Podstawski et al. (2014) show that 20 minutes of

dry sauna heat at 170 degrees helps burn 500 kilocalories. Therefore, dry heat sauna is

beneficial in enhancing the loss of weight.

Furthermore, enhancement of exercise occurs when dry heat sauna is utilized.

Improvement of exercise performance is significant for footballers, athletes, gym-goers,

among other people who are involved in physical activities. Notably, the human body

tolerates a certain level of heat. Regular visits to sauna enhance the endurance of people in

sports, which leads to less fatigue, and energy level can be maintained over a more extended

period (Podstawski et al., 2019). Therefore, the performance of people in sports is useful

when making regular visits to dry heat sauna. People who visit dry heat sauna look younger

and more energetic. Human skin is one of the body systems that determine the appearance of

people. Just as the body requires regular exercise to be healthy, the skin needs to be

exercised. Dry heat sauna is an excellent chance of exercising the skin. As people grow older,

the dead cells amass in the skin, which makes it lose elasticity. Visiting dry heat sauna

enhances blood flow in the integumentary system, which influences the growth of new skin

while removing the dead cells.

In addition, visiting a dry heat sauna can enhance a positive lifestyle. Dry heat sauna

exposes people to an experience of relaxation, which improves their wellbeing. The

psychological well-being is promoted because of the lower level of stress associated with

therapy (Hussain & Cohen, 2018). Health issues are among the leading causes of stress.

When people are used to a dry heat sauna, their health is enhanced by reducing health risks

such as cardiovascular diseases, obesity, and respiratory ailments. Therefore, the lifestyle of

people is enhanced by living a disease-free life.


As evident, dry heat sauna is associated with various benefits to people. Multiple

scholars have revealed that it is beneficial for people to visit dry heat sauna to experience its

related perks. People can benefit from dry heat sauna in various ways. The significant

advantage related to visiting dry heat sauna is improving the health status of people through

the prevention of cardiac ailments, enhancing weight loss, prevention of rheumatic diseases,

and pulmonary ailments. Also, the use of dry heat therapy increases exercises tolerance,

which is advantageous in performance among the people involved in sports. Therefore, dry

heat sauna is beneficial to every individual, and people should visit them frequently.


Hussain, J., & Cohen, M. (2018). Clinical Effects of Regular Dry Sauna Bathing: A

Systematic Review. Evidence-based complementary and alternative medicine:

eCAM, 2018, 1857413.

Laukkanen, T., Kunutsor, S., Kauhanen, J., & Laukkanen, J. (2016). Sauna bathing is

inversely associated with dementia and Alzheimer's disease in middle-aged Finnish

men. Age and Ageing, 46(2), 245-249. doi: 10.1093/ageing/afw212

Podstawski, R., Boraczyński, T., Boraczyński, M., Choszcz, D., Mańkowski, S., &

Markowski, P. (2014). Sauna-induced body mass loss in young sedentary women

and men. TheScientificWorldJournal, 2014, 307421.

Podstawski, R., Borysławski, K., Clark, C., Choszcz, D., Finn, K. J., & Gronek, P. (2019).

Correlations between Repeated Use of Dry Sauna for 4 x 10 Minutes, Physiological

Parameters, Anthropometric Features, and Body Composition in Young Sedentary

and Overweight Men: Health Implications. BioMed research international, 2019,


Waddington, G. (2018). Sauna use plus heat acclimation accelerates heat adaptation in

females. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 21(2), 109. doi:


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