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Friend 1: Hey, what are you doing this summer?

Friend 2: I don't know yet. Do you have any plans?

Friend 1: Yeah, I'm going to Hawaii with my family. We're going to stay in a beach house for a week.
Friend 2: Wow, that sounds amazing! I've never been to Hawaii before. What are you planning to do there?
Friend 1: We have our own beach house and also some relatives. We're going to meet them and do some
snorkelling, hiking, and just relax on the beach. I can't wait!
Friend 2: I have no idea about snorkelling. What do you mean by that?
Friend 1: Snorkelling is swimming near the water's surface with the use of a mask and a breathing tube,
called a snorkel. We can also see many fishes there swimming with us.
Friend 2: That sounds fun. I haven’t visited Hawaii yet.
Friend 1: You should come with us! I'm sure my parents wouldn't mind.
Friend 2: Really? I don't want to be a burden on your family.
Friend 1: Don't worry about it. We have plenty of space in our beach house and having you there would be
so much fun.
Friend 2: Okay, I'll talk to my parents and see if they're okay with it.
Friend 1: Awesome! Let me know if you need any help convincing them. I’ll also let, my parents know.
Friend 2: Thank you so much, I appreciate it.

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