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Hello Negro es = 1

Hi bro Azul es = 2
I heard you went on vacation, where did you go?
yes bro I went on vacation to acapulco
when did you go?
I went last week
ok bro and who did you go with?
with my family it was a family trip
ok bro good
where did you stay?
In a hotel near the beach I had a nice view
how was the weather
the weather was almost always sunny it was almost never cloudy
What did you do during the day?
Well, I went swimming and I was sunbathing
What did you do at night?
So I went out to the clubs to dance
you had a good time
the truth is that yes bro I had a great time
did you have any problems?
no bro the truth is that everything went very well
well bro I have to go later we keep talking see you bro
bye bro
hola bro
supe que te fuiste de vacaciones, a donde fuiste?
si bro me fui de vacaciones a acapulco
cuando fuiste?
fui la semana pasada
ok bro y con quien fuiste?
con mi familia fue un viaje familiar
ok bro que bien
donde te quedaste?
En un hotel cerca de la playa tenia una bonita vista
como estuvo el clima
el clima casi siempre fue soleado casi nunca estaba nublado
Qué hiciste durante el día?
pues me fui a nadar y estuve tomando el sol
qué hiciste en la noche?
pues sali a las discotecas a bailar
Pasaste un buen momento
la verad es que si bro me la pase muy bien
tuviste algun problema?
no bro la verdad es que todo salio muy bien
bueno bro me tengo que ir luego seguimos hablando nos vemos bro
adios bro

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