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Conteúdos para AVALIAÇÃO DE INGLÊS – 4º Bimestre/Ano letivo


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*Black Awareness Day in Brazil: A Day to reflect on the past and

Black Awareness Day is a national holiday in Brazil that commemorates

the abolition of slavery in 1888. The day is often celebrated with
marches, rallies, and other events that promote black culture and
heritage. However, it is also a day to reflect on the legacy of slavery and
the ongoing struggle for racial equality in Brazil.
The history of slavery in Brazil is a long and complex one. Africans were
first brought to Brazil in the 16th century to work in the sugarcane
plantations. Over the centuries, millions of Africans were enslaved in
Brazil, and they suffered greatly under the yoke of slavery. They were
subjected to physical and psychological abuse, and they were denied
basic human rights.
The abolition of slavery in 1888 was a major victory for the black
community in Brazil. However, it did not end the legacy of slavery. Black
people in Brazil continue to face discrimination and inequality in all
aspects of life. They are more likely to be poor, to live in substandard
housing, and to be victims of crime.
Black Awareness Day is a time to remember the struggle of black people
in Brazil and to recommit ourselves to the fight for racial equality. It is
also a time to celebrate the rich culture and heritage of the black
community in Brazil.

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