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ESL Podcast 141 - A Brainstorming Session

Tags: Business
Audio Index:
Slow dialog: 0:41
Explanations: 2:10
Fast dialog: 14:07

Judy: I've called this meeting so we can brainstorm some fundraising ideas. As you
know, we're in danger of closing. Any thoughts?

Stan: I thought that Juan was working on getting donors.

Judy: He is, but we can't count on that coming through.

Dominique: How much do we need to raise? What's a ballpark figure?

Judy: We need at least $50,000 for next year.

Dominique: That's a lot of money, but I think we'll come up with something. How about a
benefit performance?

Stan: That sounds promising . Who can we get to perform?

Judy: It would be great to get someone like Barry Manilow.

Dominique: I think we're shooting too high. I was thinking more like a local band or
comedy group.

Stan: I've got it. My brother works for The Improv. He knows a lot of comedians from
this area. Maybe we can get a few of them to perform.

Dominique: That would be great.

Judy: I like how this is shaping up . We're out of time, but let's meet again on Friday to
hammer out the details. Thanks everybody.

Script by Dr. Lucy Tse

Special thanks to Dr. Marlene Rodriguez

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