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1. I chose to organize my chart based on where my students were sitting. This was the first day that they were allowed open seating instead
of assigned seating, so they made their own personal alliances pretty clear. From that, I added in information based off of the people that
they had been previously assigned to sitting with, and how I had seen them interact, and continued to interact with them across a spread
out classroom.
2. The bulk of the connections seem to come from the back left of the classroom, I think this is mostly due to the fact that these were the
most social individuals, so they engaged in conversation with everyone else in the room while simultaneously talking amongst each
other. This is also the furthest from the teacher's desk, so just by proxy it allows for a little bit more freedom of conversation and
expression. There isn't as much pressure for the students to be perfect since it is harder for them to be constantly evaluated and
3. I think it's worth noting that although there was discontempt between a couple of students, overall the classroom seemed to work really
cohesively together, and as a unit provided an environment for students to learn and communicate with one another if they so chose to.
There wasn't really pressure to be in a group if you didn't want to be, but they definitely was the option, and if a student got up and asked
if they could sit somewhere, they were always welcomed.
4. Luckily, I didn't really need to erase lines, because I made this not only based on where the kids chose to sit and interact with, but
literally just from a bird's eye view watching standpoint. I took the entirety of the class. that I made this to be simply observing and
building from there.
Leaders (Most Popular): Roxanna, Larkin, Selah
Isolated (Least Popular): Zaiden, Mirl
Major Alliances: Roxanna, Lucas, Sam, & Auriella (very close group, lots of banter with each other), Larkin & Selah (close, both volleyball
players, their sport unites them), Coleman & Carter (similar to Larkin and Selah, both football players, their sport unites them)

Overall I enjoyed this activity. I feel like overall this is something that we do unconsciously as humans, especially as educators, so it’s
nice to put some conscious thought into it and see it all written down and charted like this. I definitely see the benefit to this exercise and how it
could be useful in a classroom environment in the future.

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