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1. OOP & JAVA:

- What is Polymorphism?
- What is the oop concept for remote ?
- How would you describe the difference between an "is-a" and a "has-a"relationship?
- What is the difference between Abstraction and Encapsulation?
- Are constructors and initializers also inherited to subclasses?
- Final method w b3mlha override a wshof hetb3 eh
-What is the difference between Association and Dependency?
- What is the diamond problem in inheritance?
- code kan by3’r variable final w tshuf eh ely 7y7sl print wala error
- what is the difference between break and continue
- explain the final variable, final method and final class
- given code and print result
-Garbage collector
- Code Static methods have recursion → nateg el recursion
- Java call by value
- difference between string / string buffer / string builder
- Type of the function inside the interface
2. Database
- what is no sql database and what is its types
- what is database transaction
- create table → 3 columns as 2 of them are unique
- What is the diff between no sql and relational DBMS
- What are the relations of DBMS
- create table → columns eh el foreign key w eh el primary key w eh esm el table ely bn3mlo reference ll
foreign key
- What are the features of no sql and sql ?
- What are the advantages and disadvantages of View ?
- database kan f table w t3ml insert w t5le balak mn foreign key w kda

3. algo & DS
- At linkedlist how to reverse k elements alternative
- find way to search in binary search tree
- find mother vertex at directed graph
-detect loop in linked list
- given binary search tree code and find what that code does ??
- When to use binary search ?
- Pseudocode Linked list has pattern traverse m nodes then delete n nodes infinite till end of list
- 2D matrix sequence 111 represent island Which algorithm to find number of islands
- Dijkstra shortest path → greedy algorithm
Strassen's Matrix Multiplication → divide and conquer
Fibonacci → dynamic programming
- Which algorithm to get the first non repeated letter in very large string
- linked list delete k node from the end sol
- insert binary search tree sol
- directed graph get path between 2 node
- reverse string in place
- Unsorted array has numbers from 1 … n , find the missing number
4. C++
- why destructor important at c++
- what is the difference between the header with and the header with "name"
- given code with virtual function in a class and override it in subclass what is the result
- Deep copy and shallow copy
- Why the Pointer in c++ better than reference
- difference between Malloc and new in c++
- difference between class and struct in c++
- constructor in c++

5. general knowledge
- what is the problem of feed neural feedback at image processing
- what is node js
- what is the difference between checked and unchecked exception at java
- what is the difference between cnn and rnn
- what is Spring boot framework
- what is the difference between Garbage collector in c++ and java
- what is difference between rnn and lstm
- what is ruby on rails
- what is difference between Openjdk and java oracle

1. OOP & JAVA:

- difference between equals()&& ”==”
- reusability mwgoda f anhi oop concept (inheritance/encapsulation/polymorphism/abstraction)
- static void main(string[]arg){
static void main(string[]arg){
lma n3ml run eh l output(main1/main2/runtime error/compilation error)
-ynf3 n3’er l arguments l method overridden?
- static method features(can’t call super & this,access only static data,call only static methods)mmkn t5tar
aktr mn wa7da
- variable defined in class are called(w kan feh 4 options instance var/ref variable)

2. Database
- what is no sql features
- create table with foreign key w feh col l values feh msh bttkrr
- What are the advantages and disadvantages of View ?
3. algo & DS
- find way to insert in binary search tree
- sorted array b3den feh few random variables eh afdl sort algo nst5dmo
- find n node from the end linked list
- array 1D and find largest sum contiguous subarray
- for directed graph check if there is a path between every pair of the graphs
- Unsorted array has numbers from 1 … n , find the missing number

4. C++ & C#
- garbage collector
- what is lock in c#
- difference between class and struct in c++

5. general knowledge
- what is difference between rnn and lstm
- what is ruby on rails
- what is difference between Openjdk and java oracle

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