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Research Project
Submitted to the department of (mathematics)in partial fulfillment
of the requirements for the degree of BSc in (mathematic)

Prepared By:Narin Nury Tahir

Supervised by: prof.Dr.Nejmaddin

I certify that this work was prepared under my supervision at the department of
mathematics /college of education/Salahaddin university –Erbil in partial
fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of bachelor of philosophy of
science in mathematics.

Supervisor: Prof .Dr .Nejmaddin A Sulaiman

Scientific grade: Professor
In view of the available recommendations, forward this work for debate
by the examining committee.

Name: Dr. Rashad R. Haji
Scientific grade: Assistant Professor

Chairman of the Mathematics Department

I would like to thank Allah for giving me the power to complete this
I would like to present and thanks to supervisor Prof.Dr.Nejmaddin and
Dr.paxshan and for their kind and valuable suggestion that head assisted me to
a complete this work.
I would also to extend my gratitude to head of the Mathematics
Department Dr.Rashad Rashid Haji.
Thank my family for all the love and support they provided, and then
all my friend loves, and thank all Teacher Mathematic Department.

This thesis, which entitled “job sequencing” for a total elapsed time
management. This work is divided into three chapters followed by a list of
reference depend on.
This work is used in industry, for an efficient method of determining an optimal
sequence for processing a number of jobs through two or more machines. A
method which requires a minimum amount of time would be most beneficial.
The purpose of this study has been to define such a method. Tests on the method
described indicate that although an optimal solution is not always obtained, the
solutions obtained are quite good and due to the time factor the method would
be beneficial to industry..
Keywords: job sequencing production cost minimization and total elapsed time

CERTIFICATION OF THE SUPERVISORS ..............................................I
ABSTRACT .................................................................................................. III
TABLE OF CONTENT ................................................................................IV
CHAPTER ONE .............................................................................................. 1
1.1. Introduction ............................................................................................. 1
1.2. What is Job sequencing? ......................................................................... 2
1.3. Terminology: ........................................................................................... 3
1.4. Assumptions in the sequencing problem: ............................................... 3
1.5. Types of job sequencing problems ......................................................... 4
CHAPTER TWO............................................................................................. 5
2.1. Processing n Jobs through 2 Machines ................................................... 5
2.2. Example................................................................................................... 6
CHAPTER THREE ........................................................................................ 8
3.1. Processing n Jobs through 3 Machines ................................................... 8
3.2. PROCESSING n JOBS THROUGH m MACHINES .......................... 10
3.3. Example................................................................................................. 12
CHAPTER THREE ...................................................................................... 14
4.1. Processing two jobs through m machines: ............................................ 14
4.2. Example................................................................................................. 14
Conclusion ...................................................................................................... 16
References: ..................................................................................................... 18
Abstract in kurdish ....................................................................................... 19
Abstract in Arabic ......................................................................................... 19

In this chapter, consist of introduction and we describe the Job sequencing,
basic terminologies and assumptions which are commonly used in job

1.1. Introduction
The optimal order (sequence) shows the minimum time in which jobs,
equipment, people, materials, facilities and all other resources are arranged to
support the production schedules to give low costs and high utilizations. Other
objectives of calculating optimal production schedule are minimizing
customers waiting time for a product or service, meeting promised delivery
dates, keeping stock levels low providing preferred working pattern. (Sharma
J.K (2008)).
Sequencing problem is considered to be one of the classic and important
applications of operations research. The main role of the classical sequencing
problem is to find the optimal sequence of the jobs on machines so as to
minimize the total amount of time required to complete the process of all the
jobs. Joss Sanchez-Perez (2011).
The simplest pure sequencing problem is one in which there is a single
resource, or machine, and all processing times are deterministic. The goal of
the sequencing problem consists of determining the order or sequence in which
the machines will process the jobs so as to optimize some measure of
performance (i.e. cost, time or mileage, weight etc.) to complete the process.
Punit K., & Rakesh K. (2012).
The effectiveness of the sequencing problem can be measured in terms of
minimized costs, maximized profits, minimized elapsed time and meeting due
dates etc. In the past, because of its practical and significant use in production
field many researchers have shown their interest in sequencing problems, and
so on. (Gupta, Ali, Ahmed, 2016: 93)

Suppose there are n jobs to perform, each of which require processing on some
or all of m different machines. The effective ness (i.e. cost, time or mileage,
etc.) can be measured for any given sequence of jobs at each machine, and the
most suitable sequence is to be selected (which optimizes the effectiveness
measure) among all (n!)m theoretically possible sequences. although
theoretically, it is always possible to select the best sequence by testing each
one, but it is practically impossible because of large number of computations.
In particular, if m=5 and n=5, the total number of possible sequences will be
(5! )5=25,000,000,000. Hence the effectiveness for each of (5!) 5 sequences is
to be computed before selecting the most suitable one. But, this approach is
practically impossible to adopt. So easier methods of dealing with such
problems are needed. (Murthy, 2007: 257)

1.2. What is Job sequencing?

Sequencing gives the idea of the order in which things happen or come
in event. Suppose there are in jobs (1,2,3) each of which has to be processed
one at a time at m machine 4.B.C.) The arrangement of these flows is called
job sequencing (Kalavathy, 2000) .
Sequencing can be defined as the selection of an order for a series of jobs to be
done on a number of service facilities (machine). In sequencing, a systematic
procedure is adopted in assigning priorities to waiting jobs thereby determining
the sequence in which jobs will be processed Sequencing problem, thus arises
when a few facilities (machines), each render a different kind of services
(operations) are to be assigned a number of jobs in such a way that the order of
performing operation by the machines on each job remains unaltered, as this
order is predefined. For example, if a job requires an operation to be performed
first on the machine a, then another operation on machine B, the order of
performing operations should remain AB. The purpose of sequencing problems
is to complete the job within the minimum possible time, keeping the minimum
idle time of the machines (or services) Sequencing problem is by and large as
allocation . (Eugeniusz N. & Czesl S.(2005))

1.3. Terminology:
Number of machines - It refers to the number of service facilities through
which a job must pass before it is assumed to be completed.
Processing time - This is the time required by each job on each machine.
Processing order - This refers to the order (sequence) in which machines are
required for completing the job.
Idle time on a machine - This is the time during which a machine does not
have a job to process.
Total elapsed time - This is the time interval between starting the first job and
completing the last job, including the idle time (if any), in a particular order by
the given set of machines.
No passing rule - This means that the passing is not allowed, i.e., the same
order of jobs is maintained over each machine. If n jobs are to be processed
through two machines A and B in the order AB, then this means that each job
will go to machine A first and then to B.( Rao, N. Raju N. & Babu, R. (2013))

1.4. Assumptions in the sequencing problem:

• No machine can process more than one operation at a time.

• Each operation, once started, must be performed till completion.
• A job is an entity, i.e. even though the job represents a lot of individual parts,
no lot may be processed by more than one machine at a time.
• Each operation must be completed before any other operation, which it must
precede, can begin.
• Time intervals for processing are independent of the order in which
operations are performed.
• There is only one of each type of machine.
• A job is processed as soon as possible subject to ordering requirements.
• All jobs are known and are ready to start processing before the period under
consideration begins.
• The time required to transfer the jobs between machines is negligible.
(Gupta, Ali, Ahmed, 2016: 94)

1.5. Types of job sequencing problems

There are various types of sequencing problems arise in real world. All
sequencing problems cannot be solved.
Though mathematicians and Operations Research scholars are working hard on
the problem satisfactory method of solving problem is available for few cases
The problems, which can be solved, are:
(a) ‘n’ jobs are to be processed on two machines say machine A and machine
B in the order AB. This means that the job is to be processed first on machine
A and then on machine B.
(b) ‘n’ jobs are to be processed on three machines A, B and C in the order ABC
i.e. first on machine A, second on machine B and third on machine C.
(c) ‘n’ jobs are to be processed on ‘m’ machines in the given order
(d) Two jobs are to be processed on ‘m’ machines in the given order. (Murthy,
2007: 257)

2.1. Processing n Jobs through 2 Machines
Processing n-jobs through 2 machines Consider n jobs (say 1,2, …n) to
be processed on two machines A and B, in the order AB. The processing time
is and as represented in Table:

Step 1: Check the processing order, i.e., in the order AB or BA. If it is in the
order AB, then the first job would be performed on machine A and then on
machine B. If the order is of BA, interchange the rows with machine B in row
l and machine A in row 2.
Step 2: From the given processing time, select the least processing time
available on both machines A and B. If the least processing time exists in row
l, place that job at the beginning of the sequence table (i.e., the sequence is from
left to right of the sequence table). If the least processing time is on row 2, place
the job at the end of the sequence table (i.e., the sequence is from right to left
of the sequence table).
Note: If there are two least processing times for machine A and machine B,
priority is given for the processing time which has the lowest time of the
adjacent machine.
Step 3: Delete the job which has been sequenced and repeat step 2 until all the
jobs are sequenced.
Step 4: Establish a tabular column to determine the total elapsed time and also
the idle time for both the machines A and B.
1. Total Elapsed Time: Time when the last job in the sequence has finished
on Machine B.
2. Idle Time for Machine A: (Total Elapsed Time) – (Time when the last job
has finished on machine B)
3. Idle Time for Machine B: Time at which the first job is finished on machine

Finishes on machine B) (Giri, Prof. Bibhas C. (2010))

2.2. Example
Suppose that there are five jobs, each of which has to be processed on two
machines A and B in the order AB. Processing times are given in the following
jobs J1 J2 J3 J4 J5
Machine A 6 2 10 4 11
Machine B 3 7 8 9 5

Determine a sequence in which these jobs should be processed so as to

minimize the total processing time.
Solution: The minimum time in the given table is 2, which corresponds to job
2 on machine A. So the allocation of jobs will start as J2

Now, we eliminate job 2 from further consideration.

The reduced set of processing times is as follows:

Jobs Machine A Machine B

J1 6 3

J3 10 8

J4 4 9

J5 11 5

Now, the minimum time is 3 for job 1 on machine B. Therefore, this job would
be done at last. The allocation of jobs till this stage would be J2 J1

After deletion of job 1, the reduced set of processing times is as follows:

Jobs Machine A Machine B

J3 10 8

J3 4 9

J5 11 5

Similarly, by repeating the above steps, the optimal sequence is obtained as

J2 J4 J3 J5 J1 On the basis of this optimal sequence, is obtained

On the basis of this optimal sequence, is obtained
from the following table as 36 hours.

Machine A Machine B
Time in Time out
Time in Time out

J2 0 2 2 9

J4 2 6 9 18

J3 6 16 18 26

J5 16 27 27 32

J1 27 33 33 36

Further, idle time for machine A = total elapsed time - time when the last job is
out of machine A = 36-33= 3 hours. Idle time for machine B = time at which
the first job in a sequence finishes on machine A + (time when the ith job starts
on machine B) - (time when the (i-1) th job finishes on machine B). Therefore,
idle time for machine B=2+(9-9) + (18-18)+(27-26)+(33-32) = 4 hours


3.1. Processing n Jobs through 3 Machines

Processing n Jobs through 3 Machines In this section, we discuss on
extension of Johnson’s procedure for scheduling n jobs on three machines A,
B and C in order ABC. This list of jobs with their processing times on three
machines A, B and C is given below.

An optimal solution to this problem can be obtained if either or both of the

following conditions hold good:
1.The minimum processing time on machine A is at least as great as the
maximum processing time on machine B, that is, min t 1j≥ max t2j, for j = 1,
The minimum processing time on machine C is at least as great as the maximum
processing time on machine B, that is, min t3j≥ max t2j, for j = 1,2,...,n.
If either or both the above conditions hold good, then the algorithm can be
summarized in the following steps:
Step 1: Examine the processing times of the given jobs on all three machines
and if either one or both the above conditions hold, then go to Step 2; otherwise,
the algorithm fails.
Step 2 : Introduce two fictitious machines, say G and H, with corresponding
processing times given by
(i) tGj = t1j + t2j, j = 1,2,...,n,i.e.,

the processing time on machine G is the sum of the processing times on
machines A and B.
(ii) tHj = t2j + t3j, j = 1,2,...,n,i.e.,
the processing time on machine H is the sum of the processing times on
machines B and C.
Step 3 : Determine the optimal sequence for n jobs and two machine equivalent
sequencing problem with the prescribed ordering GH in the same way as
discussed earlier. (Sharma , j.k(2008))
Find the sequence that minimizes the total time required in performing the
following jobs on three machines in order ABC. Processing times (in hours)
are given in the following table:

Solution: From data of the problem, we see that min(t Aj) = 6; min(tCj) = 4;
max(tBj) = 6. Since the condition min(tAj) ≥ max(tBj) is satisfied for all j, the
given problem can be converted into a problem of 5 jobs and two machines.
The processing times on two dummy machines G and H can be determined by
the following relationships: tGj = tAj + tBj and tH j = tBj + tCj, j = 1,2,··· ,5 The
processing time for the new problem are given below :

When the procedure described for n jobs on two machines is applied to this
problem, the optimal sequence so obtained is given
3 2 5 1 4
The total minimum elapsed time is obtained from the following table:
Machine A Machine B Machine C
Time in Time out Time in Time out Time in Time out
3 0 6 6 8 8 16
2 6 16 16 22 22 31
5 16 27 27 31 31 36
1 27 35 35 40 40 44
4 35 42 42 45 45 51

The minimum total elapsed time is 51 hours. The idle time for machines A, B
and C are ( 51−42=9) hours, ((6−0) + (16−8) + (27−22) + (35−31) + (42−40) +
(51−45))=31 hours and ((8 − 0) + (22 − 16) + (40 − 36) + (45 − 44))=19 hours,


Let there be n jobs, each of which is to be processed through m machines,
say M1, M2, . . ., Mm in the order M1 M2 . . . Mm. The optimal solution to this
problem can be obtained if either or both of the following conditions hold good.
(a) Min {t1j } ≥ Max {tij} ; j = 2, 3, . . ., m – 1
(b) Min {tmj} ≥ Max {tij} ; j = 2, 3, . . ., m – 1
that is, the minimum processing time on machines M1 and Mm is as great as the
maximum processing time on any of the remaining (m – 1) machines. If either
or both these conditions hold good, then the steps of the algorithm can be
summarized in the following steps:

Step 1: Find, Min {t1j }, Min {tmj} and Max {tij} and verify the above
conditions. If either or both the conditions mentioned above hold, then go to
Step 2. Otherwise the algorithm fails.
Step 2: Convert m-machine problem into 2-machine problem by introducing
two fictitious machines, say G and H with corresponding processing times
given by:
(i) tGj = t1j + t2j + . . . + tm – 1j ; j = 1, 2, . . ., n
i.e. processing time of n-jobs on machine G is the sum of the processing times
on machines M1, M2, . . ., Mm–1, j
(ii) tHj = t2j + t3j + . . . + tm-1j ;j = 1, 2, . . ., n
i.e. processing time of n-jobs on machine H is the sum of the processing times
on machines M2, M3, . . ., Mm.

Step 3: The new processing times, so obtained, can now be used for solving n-
job, two-machine equivalent sequencing problem with the prescribed ordering
HG in the same way as discussed earlier. ( Giri, Prof. Bibhas C. (2010))

Remarks :

1. In addition to the conditions given in Step 2, if:

t2j + t3j + . . . + tm – 1 , j = k (constant)
for all j = 1, 2, . . ., m – 1, then the optimal sequence can be obtained for n-jobs
and two machines M1 and Mm in the order M1Mm as usual.
2. If t1j = tmj and tGj = tHj , for all j = 1, 2, . . ., n, then the total number of optimal
sequences will be n and total minimum elapsed time in these cases would also
be the same.
3. The method described above for solving n-jobs and m-machines
sequencing problem is not a general method. It is applicable only to certain
problems where the minimum cost (or time) of processing the jobs through first

and/or last machine is more than or equal to the cost (or time) of processing the
jobs through the remaining machines. (Sharma J.K (2008)).

3.3. Example
Find an optimal sequence for the following sequencing problem of four jobs
and five machines when passing is not allowed, of which processing time (in
hours) is given below:

Job Machine
1 7 5 2 3 9

2 6 6 4 5 10

3 5 4 5 6 8
4 8 3 3 2 6

Also find the total elapsed time.

Here Min. Ai = 5, Min. Ei = 6
Max. (Bi, Ci, Di) = 6, 5, 6 respectively

Job Fictitious Machine

1 17 19
2 21 25
3 20 23
4 16 14

Since Min. Ei = Max. (Bi, Di) and Min. Ai = Max. Ci satisfied therefore the
problem can be converted into 4 jobs and 2 fictitious machines G and H as
follows: The above sequence will be:

1 3 2 4
Machine A Machine B Machine C Machine D Machine E
Job In Out In Out In Out In Out In Out
1 0 7 7 12 12 14 14 17 17 26
3 7 12 12 16 16 21 21 27 27 35
2 12 18 18 24 24 28 28 33 35 45
4 18 26 26 29 29 32 33 35 45 51
Total Elapsed Time Corresponding to Optimal Sequence can be obtained as
Thus the minimum elapsed time is 51 hours.
Idle time for machine A = 25 hours(26-51)
Idle time for machine B = 33 hours(0-7,16-18,24-26,29-51)
Idle time for machine C = 37 hours(0-12,14-16,21-24,28-29,32-51)
Idle time for machine D = 35 hours (0-14,17-21,27-28,35-51)
Idle time for machine E = 18 hours (0-17,26-27)

4.1. Processing two jobs through m machines:
Let there be two jobs A and B, each of which is to be processed on m
machines say M1, M2, . . ., Mm, in two different orders. The technological
ordering of each of the two jobs through m machines is known in advance. Such
ordering may not be same for both the jobs. The exact or expected processing
times on the given machines are known. Each machine can perform only one
job at a time. The objective is to determine an optimal sequence of processing
the jobs so as to minimize total elapsed time. The optimal sequence in this case
can be obtained by using a graph.( Murthy, P.Rama (2007))

4.2. Example
Use the graphical method to minimize the time needed to process the following
jobs on the machines shown, i.e. for each machine find the job that should be
done first. Also, calculate the total elapsed time to complete both jobs.

Job 1 Machine

Sequence : A B C D E

Time : 3 4 2 6 2

Job 2 Sequence : B C A D E

Time : 5 4 3 2 6


• Mark the processing times of job 1 & job 2 on X-axis & Y-axis
• Draw the rectangular blocks by pairing the same machines as shown in
the following figure.

Starting from origin O, move through the 450 line until a point marked finish is
The elapsed time can be calculated by adding the idle time for either job to the
processing time for that job. In this illustration, idle time for job 1 is 5 (3+2)
Elapsed time = Processing time of job 1 + Idle time of job 1
Likewise, idle time for job 2 is 2 hours.
Elapsed time = Processing time of job 2 + Idle time of job 2
= (5 + 4 + 3 + 2 + 6) + (2) = 20 + 2 = 22 hours.

Job sequencing is an important concept in operations research and
production management. It is the process of determining the order in which
jobs should be processed on machines or workstations, while taking into
account various constraints such as due dates, processing times, and machine
availability. The objective of job sequencing is to minimize the total completion
time or make-span, which is the time it takes to complete all jobs.
There are several methods and algorithms for solving job sequencing problems.
The most commonly used methods include heuristics, dynamic programming,
and branch and bound. Heuristics are simple and fast algorithms that use rules
of thumb or common sense to make decisions. Dynamic programming is a more
complex algorithm that solves the problem recursively by breaking it down into
smaller sub-problems. Branch and bound is a technique that generates and
evaluates all possible solutions by systematically exploring the solution space.
One of the most well-known job sequencing problems is the flow shop
problem, which involves processing jobs on multiple machines in a specific
order. The flow shop problem is NP-hard, meaning that there is no efficient
algorithm that can solve it optimally for all cases. However, several heuristics
and meta-heuristics have been developed to solve the flow shop problem,
including the Johnson's algorithm, the Palmer's heuristic, and the genetic
Another important job sequencing problem is the job shop problem,
which involves processing jobs on different machines in any order. The job
shop problem is also NP-hard and has been extensively studied in the literature.
Several algorithms have been proposed to solve the job shop problem,
including the branch and bound algorithm, the Tabu search algorithm, and the
ant colony optimization algorithm.
Job sequencing has many practical applications in industries such as
manufacturing, transportation, and scheduling. For example, in a
manufacturing plant, job sequencing can be used to determine the order in
which products should be produced on machines to minimize production time
and costs. In the transportation industry, job sequencing can be used to schedule
the delivery of goods to different locations while minimizing transportation
time and costs.
In conclusion, job sequencing is a fundamental problem in operations
research and production management. It involves determining the order in
which jobs should be processed on machines or workstations to minimize the
total completion time. Several methods and algorithms have been developed to
solve job sequencing problems, including heuristics, dynamic programming,
and branch and bound. Job sequencing has many practical applications in
various industries and can lead to significant cost savings and efficiency

1. Murthy, P.Rama (2007): Operations Research, 2edition NEW AGE
2. Srikant Gupta, Irfan Ali and A. Ahmed (2016): Department of Statistics &
Operations Research, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh (India), Vol. 5,
No.2 Mar (2016)
3. Kalavathy S. (2008): Operations Research 2d ed. New Delphi Vikas
Publishing house Pyt Ltd, pvt Ltd
4. Giri, Prof. Bibhas C. (2010): Job Sequencing and Replacement Theory,
Department of Mathematics Jadavpur University Kolkata, India.
5. Sharma , j.k(2008): “operation research theory and application , sixth
edition TRINTTY, press.
6. Eugeniusz N. & Czesl S.(2005). An Advanced Tabu search Algorithm for
The Job Shop Problem, Journal of Scheduling, 8,145-159.
7. Joss Sanchez-Perez (2011). A Payoff System for Job Scheduling
Problems. Journal of Applied Mathematical Sciences, 5,(19), 911-920.
8. Punit K., & Rakesh K. (2012). Path Optimization Algorithm For Network
Problems Using Job Sequencing Technique. International Journal of
Distributed and Parallel Systems (IJDPS)..3, (3), 301-309
9. Rao, N. Raju N. & Babu, R. (2013). Modified Heuristic time deviation
technique for job sequencing and computation of minimum total elapsed
time. International Journal of Computer Science & Information
Technology (IJCSIT). 5.(3) 67-77


‫ئەم توێژینەوەیە بە ناونیشاااند سە اات خ ااتند اە بو بەەێوباسند اتد تەوەو بە ااەە وو‬

‫ئەم اەە سەبەش اەوە بو ا بەش ە پشات سەبە اتبت بە تی اتد اەە اوە ام ئەم اەە‬

‫پبوی اااااتییە ەپ تە پیشاااااە ااااااکی ەپ بو ۆااااابوەکێید اەە بو سیاەییاسند کن یاەیە د باش بو‬

‫پاۆ ااەژ اراەەیەل تە ئیش اە ام تە ڕێگەژ سوو ئاربا یام کیاتاەوە ۆاابوەکێک ە پبوی ااتد‬

‫ەەیە کۆە بە اااااااووس سەببات رەبە ااااااات تەم تبیورینەوەیە پبناا اااااااە اسند‬ ‫بە ەرتاین اا‬

‫ۆاابوەکێید تەو ۆاابوەیە بووە تادییاسنەوە ام تە ااەە ۆاابوەکژ با اایاەو ئارااە بەوە سە ەم‬

‫ە ەەە ەن ە اەە ااەەێید نون او ەەریشااە بەسە اات ناەبناێتپ بەاڵم ئەو اەە ااەەەنەژ‬

‫سەببت بو‬ ‫بەسە ااااتواتووم کۆە باۆااااە و بەەوژ ەو اەژ اتەوە ۆاااابوەکە ە ااااووسبەخ‬

‫پیشە اکژ‪.‬‬


‫اا‬ ‫ەذه ەألطاوحة پ ەتتي تحمل عنوەم "ت اال اال ەتو"ائم" تم موا ةسەەو ەتودت ەتمن يااي ن‬

‫ەذە ەتعمل ةتى ثالثة فصاو تلهوا دائمة راععهة تعتم على ‪ .‬ەذە ەتعمل ەو حاعة پ في ەتصاناعة‬

‫ا‬ ‫ت اااااال اااااال ر اتي تمعات ة ع س رن ەتو"ائم رن خال عواک ن و‬ ‫پ تطا ة فعاتة تتح‬

‫رن ەذه ەت ەە ااااة‬ ‫ا فائ و ام ەتما‬ ‫ااااتأوم‬ ‫ەتطا ة ەتتي تتطلب ەتح ەألسنى رن ەتودت‬

‫ر ل ەذه ەتطا ة تشاااها ەبختااەە على ەتطا ة ەتمو اااوفة ةتى نه على ەتاغ رن‬ ‫ەو تح‬

‫ع م ەتحصاو على ەتحل ەألر ل سەئما پ ةب م ەتحلو ەتتي ت ەتحصاو علهوا عه و ع ە وب ااب‬

‫تأوم ەتطا ة رفه و تلصناعة‬ ‫عارل ەتودت پ‬


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