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Дюкін Олександр, ФК-203

Ex. 312 з 10 речення

10. (We were sure) We were sure that our sportsmen would win the game.

11. (I found out) I found out that he does not know German at all.

12. (She was glad) She was glad that she made no mistakes in her dictation.

13. (I knew) I knew that he works hard at his English.

14. (I was told) I was told that she dances better than anybody else.

15. (I learnt) I learnt that my cousin has received a very interesting offer from his

16. (My aunt wrote in her letter) My aunt wrote in her letter that she will come to
stay with us.

17. (We heard) We heard that he is painting a new picture.

18. (We were sure) We were sure that his new picture would be a masterpiece.

Ex. 313

1. I knew that she worked at the factory, that she had a husband and two
children, that her family was very friendly, and she was happy.

2. He told me yesterday that he had studied at the university before.

3. We decided last week that next summer we would all go to Crimea.

4. My sister said that she wants to come to us herself.

5. I knew that she was very busy.

6. Nobody knew that you were waiting here. Let's go into the house.

7. The guide warned us that the traffic is quite heavy in this part of the city.

8. The secretary didn't notice that the director was talking to someone.

9. All of us knew that her family was back in St. Petersburg again.

10. Lena said that she is giving us this painting.

11. She said that her colleagues always give her excellent advice.

12. He said that he loves this play.

13. Last year, they thought they would never read English well, but yesterday they
saw that they read texts quite well.

14. He told me yesterday that his father is a professor and lives in Moscow.

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