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t art i ng

fore s

MaterialS ToolS
2.2mm crochet hook
Yarn needle
Hamanaka Piccolo (Sport / 5 ply / 12 wpi )

MC (main color ): (17) 20g

CC (contrasting color )0: (21) 10g
Finished Sizing
4.5mm oval eyes 20 x 19 x 6 cm (without tail)
Pipe cleaners

How to change color

Stop midway through your Attach new color and hook. Keep working.
last stitch of the current
color; with 2 loops on the


Finishing sample with multi-colors. Please use to see how each part works!


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Start !!

A. Body-1

1 2 3

1: use MC. Starting with an adjustable ring, sc 8 [8 sts]
2: inc 8 times [16 sts]
3: sc 1, inc, ch 6, skip 1 ch, sl st 5 times (these make an ear base, ) {inc, sc 2, inc} 3 times,
ch 6, skip 1 ch, sl st 5 times (these make another ear base, ) inc, sc 1. Work in back loops
only when working chs unless otherwise noted [24 sts + 2 ear bases]

4: sc 24 [24 sts ]
5: sc 12, ch 6, skip 1 ch, sc 5 (these make a muzzle base, ) sc 12 [24 sts + muzzle base]

Sl st in the next st, cut yarn.

If you use safety eyes, attach them between Round4 and 5 (see also "Finishing. ")

From now on, you will work rows, back and forth. 1 ch in the beginning of a row doesn't count
as a st.

6: attach MC in 19th st of previous round. Ch 1 (doesn't count as a st, ) sc 12. Ignore other
sts [12 sts]

7: ch 1, inc, sc 10, inc [14 st]

8: ch 1, sc 14 [14 sts]
9: ch 1, inc, sc 12, inc [16 sts]
10: ch 1, sc 16, ch 4 [20 sts(16 sc + 4 chs)]

From now on, you will work in round. Insert hook into the 1st st of previous row,

11: sc 16, sc 4 in 4 chs [20 sts]

12: {inc, sc 9} 2 times [22 sts]
13: sc 22 [22 sts]
14: {inc, sc 10} 2 times [24 sts]
15 - 18 (4 rounds ): sc 24 [24 sts]
19: sc 5, inc, sc 5, inc, sc 2, inc, sc 5, inc, sc 3 [28 sts]
20: sc 13, inc, sc 2, inc, sc 11 [30 sts]
21: sc 6, inc, sc 8, inc, sc 2, inc, sc 8, inc, sc 2 [34 sts]
22: sc 17, inc, sc 2, inc, sc 13 [36 sts]
23: sc 7, inc, sc 11, inc, sc 2, inc, sc 11, inc, sc 1 [40 sts]
24: sc 21, inc, sc 2, inc, sc 15 [42 sts]
25: sc 8, inc, sc 14, inc, sc 2, inc, sc 14, inc [46 sts]
26: sc 25, inc, sc 2, inc, sc 17 [48 sts]
27: inc, sc 8, inc, sc 17, inc, sc 2, inc, sc 17 [52 sts]
28: sc 2, ch 4, skip 2 sts, dc 4, ch 4, skip 2 sts, sc 20, inc, sc 2, inc, sc 18 [58 sts]
29: sc 3, inc, sc 8, inc, sc 22, inc, sc 2, inc, sc 19 [62 sts]
30: sc 38, inc, sc 2, inc, sc 20 [64 sts]
31: sc 5, inc, sc 8, inc, sc 25, inc, sc 2, inc, sc 20 [68 sts]
32: sc 43, inc, sc 2, inc, sc 21 [70 sts]

Sl st in the next st, cut yarn.

B. Muzzle

4 5 6

7 8 9

10 Use CC. Attach yarn in 2nd ch from left of Body's Row10,

1: sc 1, dec (1 from ch, 1 from edge of rows, ) sc 3 in rows, dec (1 from rows, 1 from Body's
Row5, sc 4 in Row 5, ) sc 5 in nose base, change color to MC, inc, work opposite side, inc,
Change color to CC, sc 4, sc 5 in Row5, dec (1 from Row5, 1 from edge of rows, ) sc 3 in
rows, dec (1 from rows, 1 from ch, ) sc 1 [34 sts]

2: sc 1, dec, sc 2, dec 2 times, sc 16, dec 2 times, sc 2, dec, sc 1 [28 sts]

3: dec 4 times, dc 2, hdc 2, sc 4, hdc 2, dc 2, dec 4 times [20 sts]
4: sc 1, dec, dc 1, BPsc 5 times, dec, BPsc 5 times, dc 1, dec, sc 1 [27 sts]
5: dec 4 times, sc3tog, dec 3 times [8 sts]

Leave a long tail (about 20 cm, ) cut yarn. Stuff head.

To close, weave only front loop of each st. Pull tightly, fasten off.

C. Body-2
Attach MC in 12th st of previous round,

33: sc 3, ch 2, skip 10 sts, sc 20, inc, sc 2, inc, sc 20, ch 2,

skip 10 sts, sc 3 [56 sts]

11 34: sc 26, inc, sc 2, inc, sc 26 [58 sts]

35: sc 3, dec 2 times, sc 20, inc, sc 2, inc, sc 20, dec 2 times, sc 3 [56 sts]
36: sc 3, dec 2 times, sc 19, inc, sc 2, inc, sc 19, dec 2 times, sc 3 [54 sts]
37: sc 4, dec 2 times, sc 18, inc, sc 2, inc, sc 18, dec 2 times, sc 2 [52 sts]
38: sc 4, dec 2 times, sc 17, inc, sc 2, inc, sc 17, dec 2 times, sc 2 [50 sts]
39: sc 4, dec 2 times, sc 16, inc, sc 2, inc, sc 16, dec 2 times, sc 2 [48 sts]
40: sc 5, dec 2 times, sc 15, inc, sc 2, inc, sc 15, dec 2 times, sc 1 [46 sts]
41: sc 5, dec 2 times, sc 15, ch 4, skip 2 sts, sc 15, dec 2 times, sc 1 [44 sts]
42: sc 5, dec 2 times, sc 13, inc, sc 2, inc, sc 13, dec 2 times, sc 1 [42 sts]
43: sc 6, dec 2 times, sc 12, inc, sc 2, inc, sc 12, dec 2 times [40 sts]
44: sc 6, dec 2 times, sc 11, inc, sc 2, inc, sc 11, dec 2 times [38 sts]
45: sc 6, dec 2 times, sc 11, ch 4, skip 2 sts, sc 11, dec 2 times [36 sts]
46: sc 6, dec 2 times, sc 22, dec 2 times [32 sts]
47: sc 6, dec 2 times, sc 18, dec 2 times [28 sts]

Sl st in the next st, cut yarn.

D. Breast Tan (make 2)

12 13
Use CC. Attach yarn in post of dc st of Body's Round28,

You work 8 sc sts. For left tan, sc 1 in dc’s post, sc 2 in skipped sts of Round27, sc 4 in 4 chs
of Round28, sc 1 in post. Work oppositely for another one [8 sts]

Sl st in the 1st st. Leave a long tail (about 20 cm, ) cut yarn. Stuff head.

To close, weave only front loop of each st. Pull tightly, fasten off.
Stuff neck.

E. Right shoulder

14 15 16
Use MC. Attach yarn in 2nd st from the left of 10 sc sts in Body's Row32,

1: sc 12. 10 from skipped sts, 2 from 2 chs of Row33 [12 sts]
2: sc 2, dc2tog, dc 3, dc2tog, sc 3 [10 sts]

3: sc 2, dc2tog, dc 1, dc2tog, sc 3 [8 sts]
4 - 8 (5 rounds): sc 8 [8 sts]

Sl st in the next st, cut yarn and fasten off.

F. Left shoulder

17 18
Use MC. Attach yarn in 3rd st from the right of 10 sc sts left in Body's Row32,

1: sc 12. 10 from skipped sts, 2 from 2 chs of Row33 [12 sts]
2: sc 3, dc2tog, dc 3, dc2tog, sc 2 [10 sts]
3: Sc 3, dc2tog, dc 1, dc2tog, sc 2 [8 sts]

4 - 8 (5 rounds): sc 8 [8 sts]

Sl st in the next st, cut yarn and fasten off.

G. Forefeet (make 2)
Use CC. Attach yarn in any st of Round8,

9: ch 1 (counts as a st, ) sc 7 [8 sts]
10 - 18 (9 rounds): sc 8 [8 sts]

Sl st in the next st, cut yarn and fasten off.
Stuff Body. Do not stuff too much, till erasing rough texture.
You may feel uncomfortable, but it will look good later!


H. Tail
Use MC. You will work 6 sc sts in skipped 2 sts of Round40
and 4 chs of Round41. I worked 3 rounds for cut and 15
rounds for uncut tails.


I. Bottom Tan
Use CC. You will work 6 sc in 2 skipped sts in Round44 and
4 chs in Round45. Leaving a long tail (about 20 cm, ) cut
yarn. To close, weave only front loop of each st. Pull tightly,
fasten off.


J. Right thigh

22 23 24
Use MC. Insert hook into lower center st (mearer to head; around 4th st of the last round )
of Body, attach MC, ch 5, skip 13 sts, sl st. Sl st and the 1 st you attached yarn don't count
as sts.

1: sc 18. 13 from Body, 5 from 5 chs [18 sts]
2 - 5 (4 rounds): sc 18 [18 sts]
6: sc 11, dec 2 times, sc 3 [16 sts]
7: sc 10, dec 2 times, sc 2 [14 sts]
8: sc 9, dec 2 times, sc 1 [12 sts]
9: sc 8, dec 2 times [10 sts]
10 - 11 (2 rounds): dec, sc 2, inc 2 times, sc 2, dec [10 sts]
12: sc 10 [10 sts]
13: {dec, sc 3} 2 times [8 sts]
14: sc 8 [8 sts]

Sl st in the next st, cut yarn and fasten off. Stuff thigh. Do not stuff lower than Round12.

K. Left thigh
Use MC. Stuff while working. Insert hook into center st of 5
ch at the start of Right thigh,

1: sc 18. 13 from Body, 5 from 5 chs [18 sts]
2 - 5 (4 rounds): sc 18 [18 sts]
6: sc 4, dec 2 times, sc 10 [16 sts]
7: sc 3, dec 2 times, sc 9 [14 sts]
8: sc 2, dec 2 times, sc 8 [12 sts]
9: sc 1, dec 2 times, sc 7 [10 sts]
10: sc 1, dec 2 times, sc 2, inc 2 times, sc 1 [10 sts]
11: dec 2 times, sc 2, inc 2 times, sc 2 [10 sts]
12: sc 10 [10 sts]
13: {dec, sc 3} 2 times [8 sts]
14: sc 8 [8 sts]

Sl st in the next st, cut yarn and fasten off.

You stuffed almost all the dog now. The right side looks waving. It's OK because the dog
leans to the right slightly, so the whole body should be bending a little.

26 27 28

L. Hind feet (make 2)

Use CC. Insert hook into any st of Round14,

1: ch 1 (counts as a st, ) sc 7 [8 sts] Sl st in the next st, cut yarn and fasten off.
2 - 5 (4 rounds): sc 8 [8 sts]

M. Toes (make 4)
Use CC. Insert hook into back center st of each foot,

1: sc 2, 3-dc cluster 4 times,
sc 2 [8 sts]

2: sc 8 [8 sts]

Leaving a long tail (about 20

cm, ) cut yarn. 29 30

N. Uncut ears (make 2)

Use MC. Insert hook into joint in Head's side of an ear base,

1: sc 5, ch 5 [5+5chs]
2: Skip 3 chs, dc 2 in chs, sc 5 [7 sts]
3: ch 1, dec, sc 1, hdc 2, dc 2 [6 sts]
4: ch 3, dc 2, hdc 2, dec [5 sts ]

Cut yarn and fasten off. 31

32 33 34

O. Cut ears (make 2)
Use MC. Insert hook into joint in Head's side of an ear base,

1: sc 5, ch 4 [5+4chs]
2: skip 1 ch, sl st 2 times, dc, sc 1, inc, hdc 3 [9 sts]

Cut yarn and fasten off.


hi ng

36 37 38
Cut pipe cleaners as twice Using CC, embroider Head's Attach eyes between
length as fore & hind feet. tan between Round3 and 4 Round4 and 5.
Fold them and put into legs. of Head.
To close, weave only front
loop of each st. Pull tightly,
fasten off.


your dog is

gram s
D i a

B. Muzzle

D. Tan in breast (make 2) E. Right shoulder

A & C. Body

F. Left shoulder G. Forefeet (make 2)

J. Right thigh

K. Left thigh

L. Hind feet (make 2) M. Toes (make 4)

N. Uncut ears (make 2) O. Cut ears (make 2)


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