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The main purpose of this article is to analyze the spatio-temporal evolution of the urban green
development efficiency in China. The article analyzes urban areas in China and how they are
transforming toward green development, which is considered essential for resolving conflicts
between economic development and environmental preservation while achieving sustainable
development goals. Some key findings in this article are the analysis of temporal evolution of
UGDE in China over the study period. It observes how UGDE changes over time, identifying
any changes or patterns. This article conducts spatial analysis to examine the regional
differences in UGDE across China. It explores UGDE varying among different types of urban
agglomerations and cities at different hierarchical levels. It further investigates the factors that
influence UGDE, including economic strength, industrial structure, openness to trade, and
climate conditions. It seeks to understand how these factors contribute to green development.
The articles data and statistics are not elaborated on or its quality which could be a
shortcoming. There also could be potential biases and data limitations which should be
acknowledged. The article also fails to dive deeper into the policy implications of its findings
related to green development. This article helps me in my researchable question by focusing on
economic and geographical aspects of UGDE, while incorporating other insights from other
disciplines, such as environmental factors, sociology, and urban planning. UGDE illustrates
practical strategies and best practices. Overall the article provides insights to the progress and
challenges of green development in China, offering a comprehensive evaluation of UGDE and
its driving forces. This article will help me in better understanding policies and urban planning in
its efforts to promote sustainable and environmentally friendly urban development.

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