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Members: Viviana Villalva Chila, Melany Villalva Espin

Course: 2BGU Sciences Date: Monday, july 4, 2022

Tourism development of our country

Trough this document we are going to talk abaut Tourism development of our country
Ecuador is an extensive country in natural and cultural wealth, which has maintained
during the last years a growth in the arrival of tourists due to its natural wonders;
Ecuador is divided into four regions: Galapagos, Costa, Sierra and Amazonia.

In its twenty four provinces you can find one thousand eight hundred species of orchids,
one thousand six hundred forty species of birds, four thousand five hundred of
butterflies, three hundred forty five of reptiles, three hundred and fifty eight amphibians
and two hundred and fifty eight of mammals, among the most outstanding. To protect
this natural wealth, Ecuador has a heritage of forty nine State Protected Areas.
UNESCO has recognized the natural wealth of the country, declared as "Natural
Heritage of Humanity". The Galapagos Islands, is one of the natural attractions par
excellence of Ecuador. It forms one of the largest, most diverse and best in ecological
terms oceanic archipelagos that currently exist on the planet.
Domestic tourism in Ecuador generates USD one thousand, two hundred million per
year, compared to USD one thousand five hundred generated by foreign tourism.
Factors such as the appreciation of the dollar and the devaluation of some currencies in
the region, according to analysts, would affect the growth levels of domestic tourism in
Ecuador, a dollarized country. Ecuador is the country in the Latin American region with
the highest rate of growth in foreign tourist arrivals since two thousand ten, forty-eight
seven%. In two thousand fifteen Ecuador registered almost eight% more foreign tourist
arrivals compared to two thousand fourteen. Juan Corvinos, from the Hilton chain,
points out that this responds to the growth of the middle class that Ecuador and Latin
America have experienced in recent years. However, the average rate per visitor in
Ecuador is about USD nine hundred fifty two, above the USD seven hundred eighty in

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