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Hi everyone and welcome to Oriente’s Bake off a culinary competition where 2 normal people will try
to bake a fabulous dessert and see if it satisfies our strict judge and win 100, 000 dollars, my name is
Leyna and let me present today’s competitors
Here we have Monse, she’s the owner of a small pastry shop in the Philippines and she’s mother of
two beautiful children, tell me Monse, what is your reason for being here today?

Oh, well... when I was a child, my grandmother used to make all kinds of desserts.
And as a souvenir, she left me her recipe book. Thanks to it I learned to cook many things and to
perfect them.
It also helped me to form my dessert business: Grandma's touch.
That's why I am very grateful to my grandmother for teaching me all those dishes and giving me a
great future in baking.
For this reason, I'm coming here. To show the world my grandmother's legacy and what real dessert
is... and also to get more customers because my business is going bankrupt.

Well, that’s amazing! it seems your grandma was a great person, and I think she would be proud of
you for coming here, thanks for sharing your story with us.
And against her we have Joshua, he’s the owner of a coffee shop in Ecatepec, who’s mother died in
a car accident, so sad right ? tell me Joshua, what is your purpose here today?

(Insert reason)

(Insert reaction)
Lastly but not least our judge, she’s a highly known chef in the world of pastry, and known for being
ruthless and very strict at the time of judging a dish, let me present you Andrea! Let’s see who’ll be
able to win her heart and her stomach today!
Tell me Andrea, what do you want the competitors to bake today?

(Insert speech)

Do you have any specific expectations or recommendations for them?

(Insert speech)

Well competitors you heard her, start baking!


(Goes to Joshua)
Well, well, well, what do we have here Joshua, what are you preparing today?

(Insert explanation)

Well that sounds delicious, keep up the good work!
(Goes to Monse)

Joshua seems to be doing pretty well back there, but what are you preparing for us monse?

Well, I'm making some puff pastry cookies with strawberries and Philadelphia, or well, finishing them.
Now I'm just adding the powdered sugar to the cookies, as I had already mixed up the strawberries
with the Philadelphia, using a little jam as a condiment to make it sweeter.
I even added a little salt to the mixture, but not too much, so that it's not salty but with more flavour.
My children like this recipe very much, whenever I make them, the never leave any leftovers, that is
something that makes me very proud of my food.

That sounds absolutely delicious I’m looking forward to trying your dessert!


Okay competitors time is over, drop everything and stop cooking each one of you please bring three
portions of your desserts for us to try them.

You may be wondering why three, well we’ll be having a special guest with us, miss Claudia

First Monse, she made for us some puff pastry cookies with strawberries and Philadelphia.

(Insert opinion)

(Insert opinion)

Then Joshua he prepared (insert dish)

(Insert opinion)

(Insert opinion)

Competitors pleas go back to your places while we deliberate.

Competitors, please come back.

( Andrea criticizes Joshua’s dish, and she makes a scene, then we apologize and also say a bad
review, then we announce the winner and thank them for participating)

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