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Annotated Bibliography

Zhang, C., & Lu, Y. (2021a). Study on Artificial Intelligence: The state of the art and future
prospects. Journal of Industrial Information Integration, 23, 100224.

This journal not only explains how AI works and is programmed, but it also mentions
different settings that AI can be applied in. The central argument of this journal is that AI and its
growth brings us benefits that can be applied in several environments. The authors support
their argument with a plethora of sources, as 118 sources are referenced throughout the
journal. This journal is very current, as it was published on May 1, 2021. Information on artificial
intelligence needs to be current since it is a rapidly growing subject. This source is relevant to
the topic that I have chosen. When it comes to AI, there is a lot to talk about, and this journal
touches on several key aspects. This journal is not very persuasive. It seems as if its purpose is
more focused on informing the audience rather than to persuade them, as downsides of using
AI are not discussed. I think that I can use this source to possibly counter my argument. I think
that addressing the other side and refuting it may help strengthen my own argument. While the
arguments that this source provides are valid and accurate, I believe that these benefits bring
along several problems with them.

Shah, B., & Mohammad Bilal N., S. (2023, February 13). A comprehensive review of the negative
impact of integration of AI in... IEEE Xplore.

The central argument of this source is that the AI used in social media has a negative
impact on our mental health. The authors support this argument with the use of statistics.
Included in the source are pie charts with percentages that correspond to the answers they
received from surveying people. In total, 12 questions related to social media were asked.
Without knowing it, these questions could be linked back to the AI used by social media
companies. Some of the AI they are referencing being used sends “targeted ads based on
information it has collected about you” and tracks your face using filters. This source is very
current. It was published and uploaded in February of 2023. This source is also relevant to my
topic because it includes a study which correlates AI and mental health. This article comes off as
persuasive to me because the study done yields results that this use of AI in social media leads
to poor mental health. I can use this study to support my argument that the development of AI
brings several downsides with it. Poor mental health is just one of many problems related to
the growth of artificial intelligence.
Carmody, J., Shringarpure, S., & Van de Venter, G. (2021). Ai and privacy concerns: A smart
meter case study. Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society, 19(4), 492–505.

This source is centered around the idea that AI is detrimental to the privacy of our
personal data, specifically the use of AI with smart energy meters in our private homes. Netflix
and Facebook are mentioned, as they have sold our information to companies, but this journal
is mainly focused on the AI that are programmed to smart energy meters. This AI is trained to
determine what appliances or devices are used in the home. This can also determine our
patterns, movements through the house, and whether or not we are home. This journal
provides a case study with results to support their argument. This source is current, as it was
published in 2021. It is also very relevant to my topic and supports the stance I would like to
take against AI. I find this journal persuasive due to the results it focuses on. Having our
personal data sold and shared without our knowledge is not something that most people would
be happy about. I can use this source in my argument to elaborate on one of the many
problems that AI advancements bring. This journal and case study will provide data and
examples for me to include. This source will overall strengthen my argument.

Kukkar, S., & Midha, K. (2023). Impact Of Artificial Intelligence On Jobs. View of “Impact of
artificial intelligence on jobs.”

This source is centered on the idea of AI taking over our jobs. The authors provide
statistics to support their claims on the threat of AI to our workforce. This source is current. It
came out in 2023. It is very relevant to my topic. Losing jobs to artificial intelligence is a very
scary idea and can be used as a downside to AI. It comes off as a bit persuasive against AI due to
the suggestion of one day losing our jobs to this technology. I can use this source to strengthen
my case against AI. However, a list of jobs that cannot be replaced with AI is listed, which can
be used to counter my argument, where I can refute it. Also included are examples of jobs that
AI is likely to replace in the near future or has already replaced. This source will come in handy
for using certain statistics in different job fields and their projections. This source also explains
how China has progressed farther with AI than we have. I can use their findings, like high
unemployment rates and increased poverty levels to explain that we are on this same path that
they have taken.
Kumar, S. (2019, December 12). Advantages and disadvantages of Artificial Intelligence.
Towards Data Science.

This website was focused on both the advantages and the disadvantages of AI. When
listing reasons in support of AI, the author provides examples to help illustrate how AI is
working in different situations. Instead of statistics or quotations, this author relies on their use
of examples to bring understanding to their list of reasons both for and against artificial
intelligence. This website is pretty current. It was published in November of 2019. While AI has
advanced significantly since 2019, the reasons listed in this website are still useful in the current
times of AI that we are in. This source is very relevant to my topic and provides insight on both
sides that can be taken in this debate. This source is not persuasive. Both sides of the argument
are addressed, and neither seems to be stronger than the other. I can use this source in many
different ways. In this website, they define artificial intelligence, which I can use at the
beginning of project 2. The website also has good examples that I can quote. It even has
reasons supporting the development of AI, which I can use to show the other side of the
Research Proposal
As artificial intelligence, or AI, continues to develop and expand, we may be met with
more problems than benefits. The debate over the progression of AI is very important to me
because there are several issues that we will be met with as AI becomes more widespread in
our lives. Other people should care about this because AI may impact our jobs, privacy, safety,
and health. These are not effects that we should take lightly. This growing matter of AI warrants
for our attention because of the dramatic ways that it will impact all of our lives. These impacts
will affect our generation and those to come after us in ways that we may not even know yet.
For primary research, I can examine interviews or reports from people who train and
develop AI. While it is likely that they will support the expansion of artificial intelligence, I might
be able to use some of their results to express how it can affect us negatively. This could
possibly be a constraint on my research. If someone’s job is focused on progressing AI, it is likely
that they will be in support of it. Another aspect of primary research that I can conduct is
through reddit. I can see what other people’s opinions are on this topic, and what evidence they
provide for their argument. This debate over the growth of AI is nothing new, so I am sure that
people will be talking about it. So far, I have chosen two sources that use studies to prove and to
illustrate to us the drawbacks of artificial intelligence. One source conducted a study that
directly correlates poor mental health to AI. Another primary source that I have evaluated
conducted a study related to AI and our privacy. AI linked to smart energy meters can determine
not only when we are home, but it ends up selling our information without our knowledge. This
privacy issue can lead to several problems throughout our lives. When our information is sold,
we do not know who’s hands it is ending up in.
When it comes to secondary research, I have compiled several sources with relevant
information. The majority of the sources that I have looked into are scholarly journals, so they
contain credible research, data, and studies. I have found sources that list the pros and the cons,
and I have sources with examples both in support and against artificial intelligence. I can use
each of these pieces to strengthen my argument. Examining the opposing side, in this case the
benefits of the expansion of AI, and refuting it, can make my argument appear stronger. Many
of the articles that I have chosen view this topic through different lenses. For example, one
source views it through the lens of the threat to the human workplace. Some of the sources
that I have chosen view the topic through several lenses, all in the same article. Some of these
other lenses include our privacy, the monetary cost of artificial intelligence, the lack of human
traits, and many others. These lenses view AI not only as advantages and disadvantages, but in a
deeper way. Some other articles that I can still try to locate are ones that look into the AI in our
phones and more articles relating to AI and social media. Additionally, Amazon’s Alexa, Google’s
OK Google, and even Apple’s Hey Siri all use AI. For several reasons, including privacy, this may
bring concerns to many people. These all kind of go hand in hand. Each of these go back to the
issue of our privacy. We are constantly tracked and listened to by the smart, trained AI. One last
source that I can locate is one on ChatGPT. This could bring concerns of cheating and may result
in students not truly learning what they need to in school. ChatGPT may cause our education
levels to decline. Like many types of AI, ChatGPT can be used for the greater good, but it can
obviously be used in ways that do not benefit us.
Overall, AI may seem useful and beneficial to us from the surface, but AI poses a large
threat to humanity that becomes apparent when you begin to research and dig deeper into it.
This subject of the rapid expansion of artificial intelligence throughout our lives is not
something that we should ignore. We should not progress as quickly with the development of AI
due to the massive issues that will be brought along with it.

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