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Problem 1: First-Order Separable Differential Equation

Solve the first-order separable differential equation:

dy/dx = 2x


Separate variables and integrate:

dy = 2x dx

integrate dy = integrate 2x dx

y = x^2 + C

Problem 2: Solve the following first-order linear differential equation:

dy/dx - 2y = 4x

We can solve it using the integrating factor method. First, rewrite the equation in standard linear form:

dy/dx - 2y = 4x

Multiply both sides by this integrating factor:

e^{-2x}(dy/dx) - 2e^{-2x}y = 4xe^{-2x}

d/dx (e^{-2x}y) = 4xe^{-2x}

∫ d/dx (e^{-2x}y) dx = ∫ 4xe^{-2x} dx

e^{-2x}y = -2xe^{-2x} - ∫ (-2e^{-2x}) dx

e^{-2x}y = -2xe^{-2x} + ∫ 2e^{-2x} dx

e^{-2x}y = -2xe^{-2x} - e^{-2x} + C

y = -2x - 1 + Ce^{2x}

y(x) = -2x - 1 + Ce^{2x}

Problem: Solve the following first-order linear inhomogeneous differential equation:

dy/dx + 4y = 10

e^{4x}(dy/dx) + 4e^{4x}y = 10e^{4x}

d/dx (e^{4x}y) = 10e^{4x}

∫ d/dx (e^{4x}y) dx = ∫ 10e^{4x} dx

e^{4x}y = 10∫ e^{4x} dx

e^{4x}y = (10/4)e^{4x} + C
y = (10/4) + (C/e^{4x})

y = (5/2) + (C/e^{4x})

y(x) = (5/2) + (C/e^{4x})

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