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Rewrite the past

Have you ever thought about rewriting the past?

Like a hundred million times? There are a lot of things we do that we are not proud of.
Sometimes due to the influence of others, we get bored or want to do something out of the
league, occasionally we try to get validation from others that we belong somewhere. No matter
what the reason is, we all have some regrets. We cling to those memories like our life depends
upon it.

People say forgiveness is required for one's happiness. Then why is it so difficult to forgive
oneself? We often find ourselves rambling inside of the same memory like we are stuck in some
sort of time loop, so eager to change the past, that we slowly deteriorate the present. The quote
fits naturally, 'My mind is the cage that haunts my dreams'.

We all understand that we can't change the past. Though we wrangle and try to rationalize our
acts. But the woe has deeply rooted in our souls. Our unnecessary actions take us to the
unknown path of uncertainty, mushrooming the weight we carry of regrets.

If forgiveness is the key, and we already know it, then why can't we be brave enough to dive
down and forgive ourselves? Because at the end of the day, we have to face the mirror that
never lies. You face your demons like they own your life.

Have courage, and have faith in yourself. Let time heal the wounds you carry. Let the past go
that's haunting you. Because no matter what you do, the past is constant, not the present. Let
your action make the difference you dream of making.

As Atticus has quoted: We are much more useful to the world in forgiving ourselves than hating

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