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Will AI Replace Data Analysts?

As an MIS major focusing on data analytics, I question whether AI will negatively affect my
career. I read an article on “randstand” which is a website that focuses on the insights of any
career. I found an article called “Will AI Replace Data Analysts?,” which stated that AI will not
negatively affect the career of data analysts, but it will benefit them.

In the article, it stated that AI matters and it will and does have its place in the field, which will
reshape how data analysis does its job, but AI won’t take the job of a data analyst. AI can benefit
data analysts by allowing them to offload their repetitive tasks and focus on ones that require
more human intuition. The article also mentioned how no matter how advanced AI becomes, it
cannot replace skills such as critical thinking, strategic planning, and emotional intelligence.

Reading this article has given me more of an outlook on how I can use AI in my career, while
also providing a positive feeling that my career will not be negatively impacted by AI. I am
excited about my future and the integration of AI that comes along with it.

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