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Խմբի համարը
Նստարանի համարը

Հարգելի՛ դիմորդ

Խորհուրդ ենք տալիս առաջադրանքները կատարել ըստ հերթականության:

Ուշադիր կարդացե՛ք յուրաքանչյուր առաջադրանք և պատասխանների առաջարկվող
տարբերակները: Եթե Ձեզ չի հաջողվում որևէ առաջադրանքի անմիջապես
պատասխանել, ժամանակը խնայելու նպատակով կարող եք այն բաց թողնել և դրան
անդրադառնալ ավելի ուշ:
Ձեր առջև դրված թեստ-գրքույկի էջերի դատարկ մասերը Դուք ազատորեն կարող
եք օգտագործել սևագրության համար: Թեստ-գրքույկը չի ստուգվում: Ստուգվում է միայն
պատասխանների ձևաթուղթը:
Առաջադրանքները կատարելուց հետո չմոռանաք պատասխանները ուշադիր և
խնամքով նշել պատասխանների ձևաթղթում: Պատասխանների ձևաթղթի ճիշտ
լրացումից է կախված Ձեր քննական միավորը:

Ցանկանում ենք հաջողություն:

I. γñ¹³É ï»ùëïÁ ¨ å³ï³ëË³Ý»É Ñ³ñó»ñÇÝ` ÁÝïñ»Éáí ×Çßï ï³ñµ»ñ³ÏÁ:
Read the text and answer the questions choosing the right option.
Line number

1. The Golden Gate Bridge is a well-recognized landmark in the United States. It spans the Golden
2. Gate Strait - a mile-wide stretch of water that connects the San Francisco Bay to the Pacific Ocean.
3. The Golden Gate Bridge itself connects the city of San Francisco with Marin County on the other
4. side of the Strait. The Golden Gate Bridge is one of the most beautiful bridges in the world. It is
5. also one of the tallest.
6. The idea for a bridge across the strait had been around for many years, because San Francisco
7. suffered from its isolated location. The only practical way to get across the San Francisco Bay
8. was to take a ferry. Planning for the Golden Gate Bridge began in 1916, but the design underwent
9. many changes before construction finally started in 1933.
10. Joseph Strauss was the chief engineer in charge of the bridge project. However, he had little
11. experience with the construction of suspension bridges. For this reason, other engineers,
12. architects, and designers made vital contributions to the design and construction of the bridge.
13. For example, the bridge owes its art deco style and distinctive orange color (“international
14. orange”) to the architects Irving and Gertrude Morrow. Charles Alton Ellis, an expert on structural
15. design, was the main engineer on the project, and did much of the technical work necessary to
16. build the bridge.
17. It was not easy to get the project started. Financing had to be found, and there was much
18. opposition to the very idea of a bridge. Many experts did not believe that it would be possible to
19. build such a long bridge under such difficult circumstances. A suspension bridge of that length
20. had never been built before.
21. The construction of the bridge finally began in 1933. The construction work set new
22. standards for safety – workers were among the first required to wear hard hats, and an innovative
23. safety net saved the lives of nineteen men while the bridge was built. The Golden Gate Bridge
24. was completed in 1937, when the bridge opened to pedestrians. (It was opened to cars one year
25. later.) The bridge was finished ahead of schedule and cost much less than originally budgeted.
26. Today, the Golden Gate Bridge has a main span of 4,200 feet (almost a mile) and a total
27. length of 8,981 feet, or about 1.7 miles, making it one of the longest bridges in the world (it was
28. the longest until 1964). The bridge is 90 feet wide, and its span is 220 feet above the water. The
29. towers supporting the huge cables rise 746 feet above the waters of the Golden Gate Strait,
30. making them 191 feet taller than the Washington Monument. About 40 million automobiles cross
31. the bridge every year: proof that the bridge serves a vital function.

1 According to paragraph one (lines 1-5), the Golden Gate Bridge

a) is the only tallest bridge in the world.

b) spans the Pacific Ocean.
c) is the only symbol of the USA.
d) is one of the most beautiful bridges in the world.

2 The word it in line 4 stands for
a) city
b) street
c) side
d) bridge

3 The idea for a bridge across the Golden Gate Strait was
a) around for many years before construction started
b) first suggested in 1916
c) first suggested by Charles Alton Ellis in 1933
d) planned by Joseph Strauss in 1916

4 Before the Golden Gate Bridge was built, Sun Francisco suffered from
a) the huge number of transport.
b) its isolated location.
c) its little experience.
d) its suspension bridges.

5 The word completed in line 24 may best be replaced by

a) finished
b) originated
c) started
d) invented

6 According to the text safety innovations during the construction of the bridge included
a) hardhats and safety net
b) fog hones
c) aircraft beacons
d) only good workers

7 The word pedestrian in line 24 means

a) a person quarreling with somebody in the street
b) a person walking in the street and not travelling in a vehicle
c) a person talking to somebody in the street
d) a person asking somebody to help him with his vehicle

8 According to the text the Golden Gate Bridge.

a) was opened to cars in 1938.
b) was finished before 1937.
c) wasn’t finished in 1964.
d) didn’t have enough length.

9 Which of the statements in NOT true?
a) Golden Gate Bridge cost much more than originally budgeted.
b) Today, the Golden Gate Bridge has a main span of 4,200 feet.
c) The bridge is 90 feet wide.
d) About 40 million automobiles cross the bridge every year.

10 The word huge in line 29 is synonymous to

a) enormous
b) many
c) numerable
d) countable

II. ÀÝïñ»É ×Çßï ï³ñµ»ñ³ÏÁ:

Choose the right option.

Since computers first (11)__________ to the public in the early 1980s, technology
(12)__________a great deal. The first computers (13)__________ simple machines designed for
important tasks. Times have changed and computers (14)__________ powerful machines.
Programmers created a large selection of useful programs which do everything from teaching foreign
languages to book-keeping. We still (15)__________video games, but today’s games are faster, more
exciting. In short, the simple individual machines of the past (16)__________into an international
World Wide Web of knowledge.

a) had introduced
b) were introduced
c) have introduced
d) introduced

a) would have changed
b) have been changed
c) has changed
d) change

a) has been
b) were
c) would be
d) was been

a) became
b) had become
c) would become
d) have become

a) are playing
b) have played
c) were played
d) are being played

a) have developed
b) is developing
c) would develop
d) were developing

Angelina was born in LA in 1976. She (17)______________ movies and started acting classes
following her dream of movie stardom. Her movie career (18)______________ in 1997 and within a
few years she had won an Oscar. Her 2001 role as Lara Croft in the blockbuster “Tomb Raider” shot
her to international fame.
Angelina (19)______________ her career to acting. She is now a UN Goodwill Ambassador, visiting
refugee camps in poor countries. She (20)______________ large sums of money to help the plight of
underprivileged people. She (21)____________ effectively ________her stardom to highlight world
problems. Helping other people is what truly (22)______________ Angelina.
In 2001, she said: “We (23)_____________ close ourselves off and ignore the fact that millions of
people are out there suffering.”

a) was loved
b) is loving
c) have loved
d) loved

a) has taken off
b) would take off
c) took off
d) takes off

a) hasn’t limited
b) hadn’t been limited
c) isn’t limited
d) wasn’t limited

a) had donated
b) donate
c) donates
d) was donating

a) had been used
b) will be used
c) has used
d) was used

a) be motivating
b) is motivated
c) motivates
d) had motivated

a) can’t
b) aren’t able
c) isn’t to
d) oughtn’t

III. ÀÝïñ»É ݳ˳¹³ëáõÃÛ³Ý µáí³Ý¹³ÏáõÃÛ³ÝÁ ѳٳå³ï³ë˳ÝáÕ ï³ñµ»ñ³ÏÁ:
Choose the appropriate option.

24 “I think the game starts at 6 pm.”

“Oh. We don’t have __________ to get there.”
a) no time
b) too time
c) very time
d) enough time

25 “When do you want me to finish this work?”

“The sooner this is done __________ for you.”
a) the best
b) the better
c) the good
d) the less

26 Unfortunately, I’ve never heard Ann __________. They say she took the first place at the
competition last year.
a) is singing
b) to sing
c) sing
d) sings

27 “My brother doesn’t like our Math class.”


a) So do I
b) Neither do I
c) So I do
d) Nor I do

28 “How many ____________ have you got?”

a) brothers-in-law
b) of brother -in-law
c) brother-in-laws
d) brothers -in-the-laws

29 “Their son is very bright.”
“Yes, he is. When we met him at graduation I was surprised how__________ he could talk”.
a) clearer
b) clean
c) clearly
d) cleaner

30 “They don’t have a refrigerator for their new apartment. Do they have a stove?”
“No, they have _______ a refrigerator________ a stove.”
a) both…and
b) either…or
c) neither…nor
d) not only… but

31 “Could you provide me with __________ I asked for yesterday?”

“Of course, I’ll e-mail it to you in a couple of minutes.”
a) the information
b) those informations
c) an information
d) information

32 “Your sister needs some baby food. Very _________is left in the packet. Will you bring
some from the shop?”
“ Sure I will.”
a) much
b) many
c) little
d) few

33 “Is Masha still here?”

“No. She was the first __________.”
a) leaving
b) leave
c) to leave
d) in leaving

34 “How did you find the text, Dan?”

“Quite easy. It wasn’t _________ you had told me.”
a) difficult as
b) as difficult as
c) very difficult as
d) too difficult as

35 “Haven’t you finished your term paper __________?”
“I started to read a novel instead.”
a) just
b) already
c) yet
d) till

36 “Could I speak to Annie please?”

“Annie doesn’t work here_________.”

a) no longer
b) no more
c) not any longer
d) any longer

37 “Mountaineering is my hobby. And what about you?”

“What I really enjoy is_________ especially when there are no other people around.”
a) fish
b) having fishing
c) fishing
d) having been fishing

IV. ÀÝïñ»É ѳٳï»ùëïÇÝ Ñ³Ù³å³ï³ë˳ÝáÕ ËáëùÇÙ³ë³ÛÇÝ Ó¨Á:

Fill in the blanks with the word form that best fits each space.

Your chances of success can be greatly increased if you follow simple rules in working life. First
of all, remember that your (38) __________ wants you to do well. Many companies choose ambitious
young people to work for them and provide a lot of (39) ____________ to their workers. Working
for a large, international company may give job (40) ____________. On the other hand, a smaller
company might give you the chance to use your (41) ____________ more. Secondly, remember that
any experience you gain will always (42) ____________ your position in the company.

a) employment
b) employee
c) employ
d) employer

a) couraged
b) encourage
c) encouragement
d) courageous

a) security
b) secure
c) securely
d) insecure

a) image
b) imagine
c) imaginary
d) imagination

a) strong
b) strengthen
c) strongly
d) strength

V. ÀÝïñ»É ݳ˳¹³ëáõÃÛ³Ý µáí³Ý¹³ÏáõÃÛ³ÝÁ ѳٳå³ï³ë˳ÝáÕ ï³ñµ»ñ³ÏÁ:

Choose the right option.

43 _________ I dislike sentimental films, sometimes, when I'm not feeling very energetic, I
can curl up on the sofa and watch one.

a) As soon as
b) Though
c) However
d) Despite

44 He had hardly begun to speak, __________ he was interrupted by a shriek.

a) when
b) than
c) otherwise
d) while

45 The car suddenly went out of control __________ the driver’s experience with driving on
snowy roads.
a) in spite of
b) in order
c) despite of
d) because

46 Fats are a source of energy. __________, a tablespoon of fat gives you about twice as much
energy as a tablespoon of sugar.
a) Although
b) For example
c) Because of
d) Despite of

47 Swimming is a beneficial exercise, __________ aerobic activity and uses a number of

muscle groups.
a) not only because it provides
b) because it both provides
c) for provision
d) as result of providing

48 Astronomers developed big telescopes ________________.

a) as we could see the stars clearly
b) so that we could see the stars more clearly
c) for we couldn’t see the stars more clearly
d) that’s why how to see the stars more clearly

49 _________ the hotel had a beautiful shady garden and a roof terrace with a splendid view
of the area, it wasn’t reasonably priced.

a) In spite of
b) Although
c) Otherwise
d) Moreover

50 Michelson, _________ carried out experiments on the speed of light, was the first
American to receive a Nobel Prize in science.

a) whom
b) who
c) whose
d) which

VI. ÀÝïñ»É ×Çßï ÷á˳ϻñåí³Í ݳ˳¹³ëáõÃÛáõÝÝ»ñÁ:
Choose the correctly transformed sentences.


1. The chairman asked Edward to hand over the files.

The chairman said: “Will Edward hand over the files?”
2. “You look pale, Susan. You had better stay in bed.” I said.
I advised Susan to stay in bed because she looks pale.
3. The jeweler asked: “Why don’t you like this beautiful bracelet?”
The jeweler asked why I didn‟’t like that beautiful bracelet.
4. The secretary said: “There is a mass of letters on my table in the morning.”
The secretary said there was a mass of letters on her table in the morning.
5. Mr. Grey asks: “Do they adopt a decision?”
Mr. Grey asks if they adopt a decision.


1. David told to me that he had had a party the previous day.

David said: “I have had a party yesterday.”
2. “How did you learn about the accident yesterday?” she said.
She asked me how I had learnt about the accident the day before.
3. “Remember to switch off the light when you finish, Jane.” said her mother.
Jane’s mother reminded her to switch off the light when she finishes.
4. Daniel said:“Soledad, will you write down your e-mail address, please?”
Daniel asked Soledad to write down her e-mail address.
5. “Let’s go to the swimming pool on Sunday,” Robert says.
Robert suggested going to the swimming pool on Sunday.


1. Fred said: “Rita, you can take this journal if you want. I have got plenty of others.”
Fred said that Rita could take that journal if she wanted as she had plenty of others.
2. The young man asked: “Are there double rooms in this hotel?
The young man wondered if there were double rooms in that hotel.
3. The professor said: “Andy, open the window, please.”
The professor asked if Andy opened the window.
4. “What time did he visit you yesterday?” she said to me.
She asked me what time he had visited me the day before.
5. Grandfather asked Charlie to pass him the ash-tray.
Grandfather said: “Charlie, will you pass me the ash-tray, please?”

1. The teacher says: “The pupils will be going to the museum tomorrow.”
The teacher tells that the pupils will be going to the museum tomorrow.
2. “I can’t help you paint the walls. I am awfully tired,” he said.
He said he couldn’t help me paint the walls as he was awfully tired.
3. The lecturer tells the girls not to make a noise.
“Don’t make a noise, girls!” says the lecturer.
4. The architect said: “When is Ben going to cite details?”
The architect wanted to know when is Ben going to cite details.
5. The chairman asked: “Is anybody absent today?”
The chairman asks if anybody was absent that day.


1. The tourists asked: “How can we get to Abovyan Street?”

The tourists wondered how they could get to Abovyan Street.
2. The Smiths asked if I would be in town the following day.
“Will you be in town tomorrow?” I asked the Smiths.
3. Jordan said: “Gareth, wait for me at the front entrance, please.”
Jordan asked Gareth to wait for him at the front entrance.
4. The guide said: “You’ll have a nice trip. It is a wonderful city.”
The guide tells we would have a nice trip as it was a wonderful city.
5. “Can I help you with your work,” Lora said to Tom.
Lora asked Tom if she could help him with his work.

VII. î»Õ³¹ñ»É µ³é»ñÁ ѳٳï»ùëïáõÙ` µáí³Ý¹³ÏáõÃÛ³ÝÁ ѳٳå³ï³ëË³Ý (ïñí³Í

µ³é»ñÇó »ñÏáõëÝ ³í»Éáñ¹ »Ý):
Fill in each gap with an appropriate word from the list below (two odd variants are


The Academy Awards, mainly known as the Oscars, are a set of awards for artistic and
technical merit in the American film industry. They are given ______________ for excellence of
cinematic achievements. The Oscar statuette is officially named the Academy Award of Merit and is
one of nine ______________ of Academy Awards. Organized and overseen by the Academy of Motion
Picture Arts and ciences (AMPAS), the awards are given each year at a ___________ ceremony.
The awards were first given in 1929 at a ceremony created for the awards, at the Hotel
Roosevelt in Hollywood. Over the years that the award has been given, the categories presented have
changed; currently Oscars are given in more than a dozen categories, and including films of
____________ types. As one of the __________ prominent award ceremonies in the world, the
Academy Awards ceremony is televised live in more than 100 countries annually.

1. most 2. various 3. formal 4. unofficially 5. types 6. annually 7. more

VIII. ÀÝïñ»É ù»ñ³Ï³Ýáñ»Ý ×Çßï Ó¨³Ï»ñåí³Í ѳñó³Ï³Ý ݳ˳¹³ëáõÃÛáõÝÝ»ñÁ:
Choose the correctly formulated questions.
1. Will you have finished working on your paper by midnight?
2. Did he tell you who was to take an exam on Tuesday?
3. It’s necessary for them to cancel the meeting, hasn’t it?
4. There’s no furniture in that room, isn’t there?
5. Did the patient intrude into the doctor’s office angrily?

1. How well does Nancy speak Japanese?
2. Do you think the children will get used to getting up early in the morning soon?
3. Does Nelly or do her sisters work at a bank?
4. Bob’s got a good collection of coins, doesn’t he?
5. Do you know will the foreign representatives visit the museum on Sunday?

1. Everybody gathered around the speaker, didn’t they?
2. Why didn’t you take yesterday the children to the park?
3. Did you know why is London the largest port in Great Britain?
4. What did he use to do when he had spare time?
5. How did you spend your vacations with your friends when were you at school?

1. What information did you get about the flood?
2. Charles has to have a talk tomorrow, hasn’t he?
3. Do you know could Henry answer the Professor’s questions?
4. I think you ought to call the police, shouldn’t you?
5. Do you think he knows what he’s doing?

1. When are you going to get your bachelor’s degree, Sandy?
2. Emily scarcely stayed to say a few words to him, did she?
3. Did the press upon that event comment?
4. Stop interrupting me while I’m speaking, will you?
5. Why are you so rude today?

IX. Èñ³óÝ»É ï»ùëïÁ` ï»Õ³¹ñ»Éáí ѳٳå³ï³ëË³Ý Ý³Ë¹ÇñÝ»ñÁ/ٳϵ³ÛÝ»ñÁ
(ïñí³Í ï³ñµ»ñ³ÏÝ»ñÇó »ñÏáõëÝ ³í»Éáñ¹ »Ý):
Fill in the gaps with the prepositions/adverbs given below (two of them are odd).

I was only five years old but I remember it very well. We arrived ______________ the airport
in the afternoon. I was with my parents and my two older brothers. We waited in the departure lounge
______________ a very long time. Then suddenly everyone stood ______________ and walked
towards the doors to get on the plane. Nervous but eager, I followed my parents. We all climbed up
the steps and into the plane. My seat was ______________ the window. My brother sat next to me.
I was very nervous when the plane took ______________. I looked out of the window and saw
the houses getting smaller and smaller. The plane flew through the clouds and into very bright
sunshine. It was magical.

1. up 2. for 3. of 4. off 5. by 6. from 7. at

X. ÀÝïñ»É ³ÛÝ Ý³Ë³¹³ëáõÃÛáõÝÝ»ñÁ áñáնցում կա ավելորդ բառ:

Choose the sentences with an odd word.
1. Never don’t underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.
2. There are obviously two educations: one should teach us how to make a living and the
other – how to live.
3. Live as if you were to die tomorrow; learn as if you were to live for forever.
4. Wisdom comes not from age, but from education and learning.
5. Though every man desires to live long, but no man wishes to be old.

1. Scientists believe that this area is damaged by human activity.
2. I haven’t seen her for such a long time that I have forgotten what she is looks like.
3. I am agree that this is the best solution to the problem.
4. Inside the Lincoln Memorial where there is a large statue of Lincoln made from white
5. The closer it gets to December 1, the first day of winter, the shorter than the days

1. A lie can to travel halfway around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes.
2. Truth persuades by teaching, but doesn’t never teach by persuading.
3. It is the responsibility of intellectuals to expose lies.
4. All truths are easy to have understand once they are discovered; the point is to discover
5. They prefer not to find out the truth about it.

1. Many people are superstitious about the number 13 but few have a phobia of it.
2. Some people don’t like anything yellow, including yellow paint.
3. The fear of clowns is a relatively in common phobia, usually present in children.
4. The abnormal fear of rain can to cause severe anxiety attacks.
5. Some people fear falling asleep as because they are afraid of repeated nightmares and
losing time while sleeping.

1. An unfaithful friend is like a shadow which follows to you while the sun shines.
2. My friend is someone who understands my past and accepts me the way I want.
3. I don’t need a friend who changes when I change and who nods when I nod; my shadow
does it much more better.
4. True friendship comes when silence between two people is such comfortable.
5. I don’t want to be everything to everyone, but I would like to be something to someone.

XI. îñí³Í ݳ˳¹³ëáõÃÛáõÝÝ»ñÇó áñá±Ýù »Ý Ïñ³íáñ³Ï³Ý ë»éáí ×Çßï Ó¨³Ï»ñåí³Í:

Choose the correctly formulated Passive constructions.

1. They will call on the rebels to stop fighting.
2. The wounded soldiers are surely being taken care of.
3. The police let her off with a fine.
4. Their new album must have been released this week.
5. Mother Teresa was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979 for her humanitarian work.

1. Next year by this time we shall have bought a cottage in the country.
2. Half of the total dietary fiber of the pear is found in its skin.
3. Maggie left the room hastily for us to be able to speak face to face.
4. What is this nice ring made of?
5. Antonio Stradivari is known as an Italian craftsman of string instruments.

1. I will have sent the money to you without any delay by next week.
2. The coach was calculated to carry six regular passengers.
3. They are not ready to gamble their careers on this matter.
4. The boy had sneaked out of the room while we were talking.
5. The Temple of Artemis at Ephesus was built to honor the goddess of the moon and the
hunt Artemis, the daughter of Zeus and Leto.

1. The candidate for the presidency had listened to with great interest.
2. The Jacobites were later defeated at Culloden on April 16, 1746.
3. The file was copied to a USB flash by John.
4. Didn’t you know that the sweater had knitted by Mother?
5. The lyrics and music of the UK anthem are officially considered to be of anonymous

1. The fence was painted in two applications.
2. Was he injured in the accident?
3. They broke off their engagement just two days before the wedding.
4. You needn’t have bought such an expensive watch.
5. The youngest player was awarded by the committee.

XII. гٳå³ï³ë˳ݻóÝ»É µ³é»ñÁ ¨ ë³ÑÙ³ÝáõÙÝ»ñÁ:

Match the words and their definitions.

A) Defeat 1) win against someone
B) Cheat 2) encourage or arouse interest or enthusiasm
C) Fail 3) behave dishonestly
D) Defend 4) be unsuccessful in something
5) say things to support someone or something


A) Convert 1) pay someone money because they have suffered

B) Compensate damage, loss, injury,etc.
C) Prevent 2) be the cause of (a problem or difficulty)
D) Invent 3) keep (something) from happening
4) change the form, character, or function of something
5) make up; produce or design something that has not
existed before


A) Stress 1) a worried or nervous feeling that makes you unable to relax

B) Hostility 2) aggressive behaviour towards people or ideas
C) Faith 3) complete trust or confidence in someone or something
D) Fantasy 4) the act of imagining impossible or improbable things
5) a feeling of satisfaction


A) Encourage 1) make it possible for somebody to do something

B) Enable 2) publicize information or an event
C) Endanger 3) put someone or something at risk
D) Enrich 4) give somebody support or hope
5) improve the quality or value of something, often by adding
something to it

XIII. гٳå³ï³ë˳ݻóÝ»É Ý³Ë³¹³ëáõÃÛ³Ý »ñÏáõ Ù³ë»ñÁ:

Match the beginning and the end of the sentences.


A) Leisure time that gives peace to the 1. that bring pleasure and peace.
stressful mind of a person 2. makes an important part of celebrations
B) Many people spent their leisure time and entertainment.
engaged in several activities 3. are an expression of thoughts and
C) There are several countries where emotions through actions.
dancing 4. has become rare in the modern world.
D) Dance is an art form that gives 5. enjoyment to the viewer and the
6. provide entertainment and knowledge at
the same time.


A) The cave paintings on the walls of 1) generally without much success.

caves in Europe 2) asked interesting questions.
B) Have you ever asked yourself what 3) to work day and night.
people used to 4) do in the evening when there weren’t TVs.
C) In some cultures rice is thrown at 5) are the earliest form of art.
wedding to 6) protect the young couple from evil spirits.
D) In his young years, Michael
undertook numerous jobs,


A) You’ll never convince him to 1) carried out by scientists.

help you 2) that time can speed up and slow down.
B) Later knowing that the doctors 3) up with that idea.
could not help him, 4) no matter how hard you try.
C) The accountant made mistakes 5) Mr. Smith left the hospital.
D) A number of experiments have 6) because she was inexperienced.


A) Both Europeans and Americans 1) and it is quite certainly an “American

play football, game”.
B) The American model of basketball 2) as it is too complicated and expensive.
has spread to other countries of the 3) they did not include the wide variety of
world, sports that they now cover.
C) Basketball was invented in the 4) but most American sports have not.
USA, in 1891, 5) knowing that he would almost always win.
D) Whole teams of sportsmen don’t 6) but surprisingly they do not play it in the
often travel around the world same way.


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