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Uluru: The Home of the Rainbow Serpent

Have you ever wanted to see the creator of all life? A question that not one person would say no to
and neither should you. The Rainbow Serpent, considered a myth, is the hidden gem at Uluru. I was
once just like you, reading a travel blog on Uluru and how I would see the Rainbow Serpent. I
thought the author was crazy, but still decided to visit the astonishing attraction. Not only did I see
the magical world of Uluru and the creator of life, the Rainbow Serpent, I learned to connect with
the land and with my totem animal. Uluru is a place outside of the regular world.

Once you arrive at Uluru, you are greeted by the friendly staff there and receive your totem animal
corresponding to your personality. You are then taken on a tour where you learn to connect with the
beautiful land of Australia and its prestigious nature. I have lived in Australia for my entire life and
yet I never felt apart of the land. Its beauty is similar to buried treasure, only open to those who
wholeheartedly seek it. They take you, along with others, to see your totem animal in the wild. One
can then view the actions and behaviour of their totem animal in the wild unlike in a zoo in an
enclosure. Next, they introduce the stories of the Rainbow Serpent and how it became the creator of
life. I have heard of the Rainbow Serpent a few times prior to my visit, but never researched about it
since just like everyone else, I considered it a myth, another fairy tale that never existed. Little did I
know the mystical acts done by the Rainbow Serpent were true and that it itself was not a myth.

The people of Uluru describe that the colossal rock was created when the World Serpent rose from
underground creating mountains and other geographical features. This which many thought was a
myth were proven wrong when they saw the huge marks left by the Rainbow Serpent. Deep semi-
circular marks were all around Uluru that were half the size of Uluru itself. This shocking feature of
Uluru was not the only evidence of the Rainbow Serpent

After that, you are taken to the inside of Uluru which contains a large waterfall and a bridge going
through it. It signified the entrance to the Dream World where all are apart of the land and animals.
No technology is permitted on the other side of the waterfall since it compromises the entrance into
the Dream World since it was something that wasn’t created by the World Serpent or the land.
Many hopeful photographers come to take a picture of the magical phenomenon, but come away
disappointed knowing they will not be able to share the beautiful experiences they had there. Once
crossing the bridge, the air feels light and pure, time feels frozen and the scent of the waterfall is the
only thing on your mind. The crashing of the water soothes your ears and then the low roars of the
Rainbow Serpent catch you off guard and all of a sudden, the magnificent being is looming over you.

The brilliance of Uluru can barely be encapsulated through words. Those who wish to see the
brilliant beast and visit a magical world, must travel to Uluru and view the magic yourself.

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