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Dyspnoea with palpitation, worse by exertion or on ascending even a few steps; worse in a warm

MATHUR; 7. Cardiac weakness with palpitation, dyspnoea worse on exertion; hacking cardiac cough
without expectoration; on ascending even a few steps; worse in a warm room; angina pectoris,
oedema of lungs; heart failure.


Difficult, agg. after every exertion, and on entering warm room, or ascending even a few steps; 11
amel. open air. Slow, laboured, stertorous; bubbling sound. 4 Dyspnoea, from retrocession of
eruptions. 5 Dyspnoea at night, & palpitation, dropsical symptoms, bloody expectoration, etc.
[emphysema]. 7 Asphyxia imminent in course of disease. 11 Difficult, = short cough. Dares not come
into warm room, in which he becomes deathly pale, and can do nothing but sit quiet. Loses breath at
moment when falling asleep; wakens to get breath.


- Terrible dyspnea immediately after sleep, first on left side of chest; the dyspnea compelled her to
be lifted upright with violent exertion to get breath; there was sharp pain in region of heart with
each of these attacks; after the medicine had but one attack of dyspnea, and all the pain was
referred to right side of chest (acute rheumatism).


Dyspnoea; breathing hurried and difficult [11 & fever and headache]; 7 oedema glottidis. Feels as if
he could not draw another breath. Suffocation; short, dry cough, suprasternal. 2 Panting, feels every
breath would be his last. Hungry for air. Asthma, from hives, amel. small quantity of expectoration. 7
Great feeling of suffocation; can't bear anything around throat. 11 Difficult, agg. bending forwards or
backwards; agg. lying on l. side. Accelerated, esp. on moving, going up stairs or walking. Rapid,
painful, spasmodic, agg. lying down, amel. fresh air, upright position. Difficult, must forcibly exert
abdominal muscles. Difficult, & contraction in throat. Awakens at night with a strangling sensation.
Dyspnoea, during eruptive diseases. Dyspnoea; it seemed impossible to breathe; had to fan him to
keep him alive.

Dyspnoea; from slightest exertion; on ascending stairs; with oppression of chest, desire to clear
throat and much spitting.


The heart action is feeble, there is dyspnoea and chilliness, and an annoying palpitation of the heart
on the least exertion.


The bronchitis of the aged when the expectoration is profuse, yellow, foetid and yet difficult to raise,
there is dyspnoea, rattling and a sensation of burning in the chest and indications of an impaired
circulation, and digestive disturbance, also chronic aphonia, with a sensation of great roughness of
the larynx with a deep rough voice which fails on the slightest exertion.


Breath cold; must be fanned. Asthma in aged with blue skin; 2 amel. summer. 2 Laborious, quick and
short, agg. walking. Cheyne-Stokes', in organic heart disease. Wants to take a deep breath. 6
Asthma, & pain in occiput. Respiratory troubles where hoarseness and aphonia prevail, & rawness,
burning and soreness. 7 Difficult, fullness of chest and palpitation on slightest motion. 8 DIFFICULT,
FROM FLATULENCE amel. ERUCTATIONS. Short, & cold hands and feet. Asthma of old people; &
weakness, trembling; looks as if dying; full of wind, but can't raise it; amel. cold air, agg. morning.
Loud, rattling; cough amel.; oedema pulmonum impending. Great dyspnoea, great anxiety, but not
restless; cough in violent spells, watery, profuse expectoration; emphysema. 11 Breathing deeply =-
fatigue of back. Loses breath on turning in bed, or when going to sleep. Inclination to sigh. Dyspnoea
while walking. Asthmatic affections from hydrothorax. Chronic asthma: once or twice monthly; amel.
summer; attacks come always during sleep, even after midnight or in afternoon sleep; patient has to
get out of bed and sit by table, and so work off attack; chest feels as if walled up, and only with
greatest exertion is panting breath drawn. Inveterate cases of asthma in old people; agg. early in
morning; amel. cold air; & increase of saliva; appearance of dying.

- It is a valuable remedy in the bronchial catarrh of the aged when there is dyspnoea on the least
exertion, and violent attacks of coughing from the least provocation or inhalation of anything that is

MACFARLAND; The Cough is Dry, Gagging and Emetising. Coughing Persists Until the vomiting
ensues. Worse in the morning. Yellow Expectoration. The expectoration is slimy. Rhinorrhea. The
Nose is Stopped Up. Dyspnea on Exertion. Night Cough. Ear noises. Worse from Coughing as


Extreme dyspnoea on least exertion, without much increase of pulse.

COWPERTH; Extreme dyspnoea on least exertion _. Dry cough. Respiration irregular.

MURPHY; Aortic disease. Extreme dyspnea on least exertion without much increase of pulse. Pain in
region of heart and under left clavicle. Cough. Heart dilated, first sound weak. Valvular murmurs,
angina pectoris. Sustains the heart in infectious diseases. Myocarditis. Incompetent valves. Cardiac
dilatation. Angina Pectoris. Pain under left scapula and under left clavicle.


Crataegus--One of the most useful of our Homoeopathic drugs of the heart. It is used in tincture and
often combined with Cactus for the long-time cardiac therapy. Experimentally, it has been shown to
lower blood pressure and is suitable to the early stages where the blood pressure is still fluctuating.
Drug contains large quantities of Vitamin C. The effects are on the muscle and has no effect on the
endocardium. Senile heart with dyspnoea on slight exertion. Following infections patients are
benefited by this drug. Increased dyspnoea without necessarily increased pulse rate rather indicates
Crataegus clinically. Flabby or monotone heart sounds, weak but not irregular pulse are present. As a
rule there is no anginoid pain with Crataegus.

ase IV.—Tussis Araliae.—An asthmatic gentleman of 50 years of age, with moderate emphysema of
the lungs, has Ion been under my care. At first he was almost always short of breath on exertion, and
had bad nocturnal attacks of dyspnoea and cough. A prolonged course of constitutional treatment
has at last partially cured him, but when he catches a cold he gets gum attack of bronchial catarrh
with early nucturnal cough.


The symptoms are enlargement of spleen with dull pain and fullness in the left hypochondria,
chilliness and shivering principally down back, and dyspnoea and palpitation on exertion.

CLARK; - P. C. Majumdar cured with Cean. 3x a case which had been diagnosed as one of heart-
disease (there was palpitation and dyspnoea on exertion).


Convallaria causes many respiratory symptoms. "Dyspnoea, caused by sensation as if filling up in

abdomen." "Desire to take a deep breath when sitting." "Great dyspnoea, with faintness and
palpitation of the heart." "Great dyspnoea on making the slightest exertion (without cardiac


Has been used chiefly to promote digestion, produce sleep, relieve nervous excitement, and
alleviate spasms; also to prevent difficulty of breathing on ascending, or from exertion in a highly
rarefled atmosphere; derangements of the nervous system from onanism or sexual excesses;
relieves nervous overaction in heart disease; insomnia from nervous excitement; old people who get
out of breath easily; nervous excitement; dyspnoea, etc. After abuse of tobacco; nervous sick
headache; chronic atonic constipation, other symptoms agreeing.

The mountaineer's remedy. Useful in a variety of complaints incidental to mountain climbing, such
as palpitation, dyspnoea, anxiety and insomnia. Exhausted nervous system from physical and mental
strain [11 overwork, mental anxiety, sexual excesses or abuse of tobacco]. Caries of teeth. Loss of
voice; give 5-6 drops, every half hour, two hours before expected demand on voice. Nocturnal
enuresis. Emphysema [Queb.]. Fainting fit from climbing mountains. 2 Coca is the source of alkaloid
Cocaine, is a local anaesthetic. It is the remedy for the exhaustion of BRAIN and NERVOUS SYSTEM;
and for those who suffer from dizziness, dyspnoea and exhaustion on going to high altitudes,
mountain climbing, aeroplane flying, etc. Characteristic sensation as if a worm or small foreign
bodies were under the skin, moving away when touched; if this symptom is associated with any
diseased condition Coca is indicated. Muscle exhaustion. 4 Bad effects from mountain climbing or
ballooning; of stimulants, alcohol and tobacco. 7 Great physical vigour and great endurance, in spite
of slight nourishment and little sleep. Nervous excitement, finally followed by weakness,
tremulousness and exhaustion. Great lightness while climbing a mountain, without any respiratory
trouble. Great weariness, very tired and sleepy. Chewers finally die of general consumption. All
symptoms amel. open air and after dinner. 11 Impossible to make any exertion, lassitude with desire
to remain constantly in bed; after operation for cancer. Fainting fits from nervous weakness. Debility
during convalescence from typhus. Imparts unusual buoyancy, cheers the heart, brightens the mind
and renews bodily strength for the vigorous tasks of life; crude substance. In 1870, C. Hering made a
complete arrangement of the effects, from all available sources, in the form of a monograph, for the
Journal of Materia Medica.


Cardiac symptoms and dyspnoea are aggravated by lying especially on the right side and from slight
exertion; and relieved by taking a little food or drink.

Spongia is an excellent remedy for goitre, relieving the symptoms and reducing the gland to normal
size, even in cases where the thyroid is indurated and enormously enlarged. Its pathogenesis
includes all the symptoms of exophthalmus; the pulsations, circulatory excitement, protrusion of
eyeballs, dyspnoea on slight exertion, and tremor. Frequently there is a sensation as though
something alive were crawling within the tumor.

HERRING; - ¤ Dyspnoea : with palpitation; severe, on lying down; exhaustion in chest, agg after every
exertion; sudden weakness, tottering while walking, blood seems to rush into chest as if it would
burst; with frothy, white sputa and much retching; an hour after slight coughing brings up grey
lumpy mucus; amel by bending body forward.
- lung; severe dyspnoea on lying down; exhaustion after every exertion, especially of chest;
hoarseness, with sudden aphonia while speaking; chilliness in back, not removed by artificial heat,
yet if the room becomes too warm the cough is increased; cough agg from evening until midnight,
from cold air, from talking, singing or moving; amel from eating or drinking.


- Dyspnoea on going upstairs or from slight exertion.

PIERCE; Going up stairs or up hill bothers the Calcarea carb. patient in another way, for we find
"respiration short," or extreme dyspnoea, "on going up the slightest ascent" (24); here we might
speak of the sweat of the remedy, which is profuse and brought out "on the slightest exertion." The
word profuse is a good one to apply to the discharges under Calcarea carb., including sweat, urine,
diarrhoea, menstruation and leucorrhoea. oing up stairs or up hill bothers the Calcarea carb. patient
in another way, for we find "respiration short," or extreme dyspnoea, "on going up the slightest
ascent" (24); here we might speak of the sweat of the remedy, which is profuse and brought out "on
the slightest exertion." The word profuse is a good one to apply to the discharges under Calcarea
carb., including sweat, urine, diarrhoea, menstruation and leucorrhoea.


Lyc. 30. Asthma from excessive flatulence and from abdominal irritation, with wheezing breathing in
day time and much of mucus in chest, with loud rattling dyspnoea, worse walking in open air, when
lying on back, during sleep, from exertion, in warm room, close room, in dusty atmosphere from
ascending heights.


The following are the chief symptoms, according to Dr. Jeanes, which indicate the use of Lobelia:
Constant dyspnoea, aggravated by the slightest exertion, and increased by even the shortest
exposure to cold, to an asthmatic paroxysm; sensation of weakness, and pressure on the
epigastrium, rising from thence to the heart, with or without heartburn; feeling as of a lump or
quantity of mucus, and also a sense of pressure in the larynx; pain in the forehead from one temple
to the other; pain in the neck; pain in the left side; high colored urine; weakness and oppression in
the epigastrium, with simultaneous oppression of the heart.

- Palpitation with vertigo, loss of consciousness, dyspnoea; worse walking, at night; lying on left side;
at approach of menses; from any exertion. –


¤ Dyspnoea : from pressure upward of diaphragm in consequence of accumulation of gas; at night,

on waking from frightful dreams, she could scarcely catch her breath; in evening and morning; on
slightest exertion, so that he cannot work, patient lives well, drinks from six to nine cups of coffee
daily and uses an enormous quantity of tobacco.


- || Shortness of breath, agg sitting a long time, particularly in a stooping posture and after motion;
walks rapidly without feeling any dyspnoea, but if he is stopped gets so short of breath that he
cannot speak and is seized with a feeling of deathly anxiety which disappears when he resumes his
walk; sweats very easily on slightest exertion; very sensitive to cold wind; clothing oppressive after
eating; very easily irritated.


- ¤ Pneumonia, with hepatization after violence of fever has abated; before red hepatization and
afterward grey hepatization; dry hacking cough especially at night; severe dyspnoea and suffocation,
agg at night, with stitches and soreness on coughing, stitches in chest, dulness in mind, stupidity,
forgets what he has to say; cannot make an exertion to think; almost complete hepatization of both
lungs. ð Typhoid pneumonia.




The effects of the drug are interesting. All who work in it are sooner or later troubled with dyspnoea
and tachycardia on exertion.


- Persons who are subject to palpitation with dyspnoea, upon any effort, he cannot go uphill, he
cannot walk along the pavement without bringing, on palpitation and dyspnoea; any little exertion
or excitement brings on the rush of blood to the heart and fainting spells; fainting spells in women,
who are not supposed to be subject to fainting.


Conium. There is a dry cough which is almost continuous, and worse the latter part of the day. A
small amount of mucus is raised only after prolonged coughing. The patient feels relief afterwards.
There is dyspnoea on exertion with an oppression and constriction of the chest. The pains are violent
stitches on the right side, as if a knife were being plunged into the side.


Want of breath agg. least exertion; oppressed breathing, constriction of chest; pains in chest. 5
Dyspnoea in morning on waking. 11 Asthmatic attacks come on in wet weather; face bluish-red.
Sawing, snoring. Asthma of old people, & tickling cough.


However, other symptoms which may have been related to cardiac function were palpitation while
lying on the left side, especially at night, and a certain amount of dyspnoea on exertion with
palpitation, a possible oxygen debt due to insufficiency of the oxygen-carrying blood. These
symptoms were relieved by Pulsatilla.

In 10 minutes frequent yawning, continuing all forenoon; in 25 minutes vertigo on sitting down and
again on rising; constant dyspnoea on exertion, with craving for deep inspiration, as if to breathe
away something.


P. E. Shows fair development but undernourished condition of the body. Skin sallow, moderate
cyanosis of lips and finger tips. Heart's action slow (depressed); rate 48, suggestive of heart block,
size and position apparently normal. No rales heard in the chest. This was not an encouraging
situation but the only assurance I could give was that the patient would at least not die that night.
There was great distress about the waist and dyspnea on slight exertion, nausea; worse motion;
thirst for small amounts. Perspiration after straining at stool or on attempting to urinate. ? Opium
200, ts. every two hours.


Dr. Boericke recommended it in mother tincture in hypertrophy - with thickening of the heart's
walls, darting pain, dyspnoea, palpitation from slightest exertion, stitching pain on turning to the left
side and feeling of weight.


- Anything that has any exertion in it will bring on the dyspnoea.


- Any rapid exertion or motion brings on weakness, dyspnoea, sinking and fainting.

- Dyspnoea on exertion and while walking; with sharp pain in left chest.


- Great dyspnoea, the child cannot drink; seizes the cup eagerly, but can drink only in sips; frequently
obliged to take a deep breath which provokes a cough; shortness of breath on every exertion.


A young girl was admitted in the hospital with a severe attack of Bronchial Asthma. The patient had
been suffering from these attacks for about two years and had all treatments including the
homoeopathic but without any satisfactory results. Patient was all right before 21/2 years. She
developed cough with expectoration which was scanty and tenacious, aggravation in mornings at 3
a.m. Later, she developed dyspnoea specially on exertion with stitching pain in chest. Expectoration
difficult to raise; lumpy, which must be swallowed. Now for the last two years she is getting
recurrent attacks of cough and coryza with stoppage of nose. For the last one year, she is having
lumbo-sacral back-ache, stitching in nature. There is nausea and vomiting tendency with cough.


- Depression with dyspnoea on exertion.


In case of asthma due to suppression of skin eruptions, there is great dyspnoea on least exertion
associated with cough and weakness in the chest.


Cardiac complaints : with loss of voice; palpitation alternating with loss of voice, with dyspnoea,
cardiac cough on slight exertion, pain in middle of the chest goes to the back.


Lob. Usually calls to mind a light complexioned, fleshy, dyspeptic individual with relaxed muscles,
whose case is characterized by deathly nausea, faint, weak stomach; oppression of heart and chest;
cough with sneezing, gaping and flatulent eructations; spasmodic contraction of diaphragm; as if
heart would stand still; pulse frequent but small; as of a band about chest; dyspnea extreme, agg.
slightest exertion; urine generally deep red, depositing a copious, red sediment; cases esp.
Associated with heart troubles or intermittents.


Has sweat, especially about one's head, feet and hands, about the head from least exertion, the
head is completely covered with cold sweat when other parts of the body are comfortable, sweats in
the cold room and in the cold air, sweats on the face when nowhere else, sweats on the feet
whether cold or warm, sweats on the forehead, every draft makes one chill; the childs' occiput
sweats during sleep and wets the pillow far around; feet feel as if one had on cold damp stockings,
obstinate, self-willed, sensitive to cold and damp that go right through one, sneezes frequently
without a cold, face is either pale and bloated or cold, emaciated and wrinkled, appetite good, the
child's stomach swells and feels like an inverted saucer, urinates often, the urine usually clear,
having a peculiar, fetid odor and pungent, weak, discharges copious, craves strongly boiled eggs,
feels best when constipated; her menses are too copious, last too long and recur too early; subject
to painless hoarseness, knees are cold and clammy, dyspnoea on attempting to climb a hill, is worse
in damp weather, on ascending stairs and working in water, the child does not sleep after 2 or 3 a.m.
, and is then drowsy and weary all day.


Is extremely sensitive to cold, the glands swell, inflame, and indurate or ulcerate, exhausted,
dyspnoea if one exerts, cold and sweaty, sweats in a warm room, the more one sweats the colder
one gets, the discharge from the ears fetid, the nose feels best when full of mucus as it feels raw and
burns when empty and burns from the inspired air, the throat feels rough as if full of sand, hot air
feels good to one, especially to the nose, throat and lungs, craves strong pungent stimulents to
warm one up, the glands of the neck enlarge like ropes in lines, all the orifices and anus itch and one
rubs them until they become raw and bleed, the burning bruised pain in the coccyx is worse touch,
the chest fills with mucus, expectoration relieves, workmen develope a hard place or places on their
hands with deep cracks.


"Pure, nervous asthma, with spasms of respiratory muscles, great dyspnoea, worse in crowded
room; restless and attacks of suffocation at night when windows are closed; any bodily exertion
bring on a fit with palpitation and congestion of face; lassitude and trembling; is obliged to lean
forward to get breath (Cannabis sativa); craves the cold wind in his face and lungs."


Rattling, asthmatic, agg. coughing. Arrested by copious, thick, tenacious, saltish mucus. Wheezing, &
tough mucus in larynx. Dyspnoea, & spasmodic pains in stomach and hypochondria. Dyspnoea when
lying on back; amel. when turning on side. Getting tired from exerting voice agg..



Is apparently formed in muscle tissue during the stage of muscle exhaustion. Differs from ordinary
Lactic acid in its relation to polarised light. It represents a much broader and more profoundly acting
drug and its pathogenesis is quite dissimilar to the normal acid. Proved by Wm. B. Griggs, M.D. , who
found it of great value in the most violent form of epidemic influenza, esp. & violent vomiting and
retching and greatest prostration, when Ars. had failed. Spinal neurasthenia, muscular weakness,
dyspnoea & myocardial weakness. Tired feeling & muscular prostration, agg. any exertion. Sore
feeling all over, agg. afternoon. Restless at night. Difficulty in getting to sleep. Tired feeling in
morning on getting up.

Dyspnoea; chronic colds settling in chest and bringing on asthmatic attacks; after being overheated
or exertion. Sycotic asthma; 11 agg. lying down. Shortness of breath, from manual labour; walking
fast. 11 Deep sighing. Dyspnoea: when lying on back; when stooping; when running; when coughing.
Breathing so difficult that eyes seemed to protrude from their sockets and doors and windows had
to be thrown open; attacks came only during a thunderstorm. Hay asthma coming on about the last
of August. Asthma & spasm of larynx, pulsations in chest, often with profuse, purulent sputa.
Asthma; can't bear a draft of air on back of neck.


Dyspnoea on least exertion. Paroxysms of asphyxia.


As a rule, the appetite is good, often increased, with a craving for sweets and stimulating foods such
as salt, sour foods, pickles and beer. The abdominal pains may be severe, relieved by lying on the
belly and aggravated by drawing up the knees ( cf. colocynth.). The patient is very constipated and
finds that he can only open his bowels if he leans backwards. Medorrhinum is one of the most
valued remedies for the treatment of asthma in both adults and children, especially where there is
an hereditary sycosis. There is increased bronchial secretion. Dyspnoea is worse on the slightest
exertion; expiration is difficult. The sufferer finds relief by lying on the abdomen ( cf. sambucus -
where the patient must sit up). He kneels on the bed or bends himself over.

Mind; anxiety; cough; during; loose, suddenly changes to dry, hoarseness, dyspnea,

Mind; anxiety; driving him from place to place; dyspnea, in:

ACET-AC acon-f ars astac bism CARB-AN CHIN-AR coca hydr-ac HYOS KALM kreos
LYC PHOS plat seneg SPONG stann viol-o.
Mind; anxiety; driving him from place to place; dyspnea, in; clothing, must loosen:

Mind; anxiety; driving him from place to place; dyspnea, in; liver complaints, in:

Mind; anxiety; driving him from place to place; dyspnea, in; mountain disease, in:

Mind; anxiety; driving him from place to place; dyspnea, in; spasms of chest, in:

Mind; anxiety; driving him from place to place; dyspnea, in; tuberculosis, in:

Mind; anxiety; dyspnea, in:

ACET-AC acetan acon-f ars astac bism CARB-AN CHIN-AR coca corv-c hydr-ac HYOS
ICTOD KALM kreos loxo-r LYC nux-v PHOS plat seneg SPONG stann viol-o.

Mind; anxiety; dyspnea, in; clothing, must loosen:

NUX-V stann.

Mind; anxiety; sudden, paroxysmal; dyspnea, in, stool amel.:


Mind; death; conviction of; dyspnea, in:

lac-d lach MOSCH.
Mind; fear; alone, being; dyspnea, in:

Mind; fear; death, of; dyspnea, in:

ars-h lat-t psor.

Mind; fear; death, of; dyspnea, in; restlessness with:


Mind; fear; suffocation, of; motion, on, with dyspnea:


Mind; irritability; dyspnea, in:


Mind; sadness; alone, when; agg.; dyspnea, in:


Mind; weeping, tearful mood; alone, being; agg.; dyspnea, in:


Head; pain, headache; fright, fear agg.; sudden, with dyspnea:

acon arn.

Nose; dyspnea:
ars kreos lach puls sabad sulph.

Mouth; salivation; dyspnea, in:

atra-r LOB.
Stomach; retching, gagging; dyspnea, in amm carb

Abdomen; pain; spleen region; dyspnea, in:


Abdomen; pain; stitching; spleen region; morning; waking, on, with dyspnea making
him sit up:

Female; labor, delivery, parturition complaints; dyspnea, in:


Female; menses; scanty; dyspnea, in:


Cough; dry; dyspnea as from, day and night:


Cough; whooping; dyspnea, in:

am-c ambr ANT-T bell BROM CARB-V cina cor-r CUPR DROS euph hep hippoz iod IP
kali-bi LOB MEPH naphtin op SAMB senec VERAT VIOL-O.

Chest; hemorrhage; dyspnea, in:


Chest; pain; sternum; dyspnea on standing erect, with:

Chest; pain; pressing; sternum; dyspnea on standing erect, with:

Heart & circulation; weakness; heart; sinking, cold and dyspnea, three am.:

Extremities; numbness, insensibility; bound to body, as if, upper limbs, with dyspnea
and palpitations:

Extremities; raising, raised up; shoulders; dyspnea, in:

ant-c eup-per.

Extremities; swelling; ankles; dyspnea, in:


Sleep; deep; alternating with; headache and dyspnea:


Sleep; sleepiness; dyspnea, in:


Generalities; yawning; respiration; with difficult:

agar bapt BROM cit-a curc dig hell stann sulph toxop-p.

Generalities; yawning; respiration; after difficult:

psor sulph.

Back - PAIN, back - sitting, while - dyspnea, with

Breathing - DIFFICULT, breathing - handkerchief, cannot bear to have, approach

the mouth as it will cause dyspnea
am-c. Arg-n. cupr. Lach.

Constitutions - ELDERLY, people - heart disease - cardiac dyspnea, at night


Constitutions - HYSTERICAL, constitutions - asthma, palpitation, dyspnoea,

prostration, and digestive troubles

Coughing - DAYTIME - daytime, only, during - long, lasting spells, dry, short,
violent, with much dyspnea

Female - BLEEDING, uterus, metrorrhagia - alternating, with dyspnea


Generals - FORMICATION, sensation, external parts - dyspnea, with


Heart - HEART, remedies - dyspnea, with


Heart - ANXIETY, heart region - dyspnea, with

acon. IP.

Heart - CONSTRICTION, sensation - dyspnea, with


Heart - HEARTBEATS, general - heavy - dyspnea, with


Heart - HEARTBEATS, general - irregular - dyspnea, with

Heart - HEARTBEATS, general - violent - dyspnea, with
Heart - HEARTBEATS, general - weak - organic affections, in, dyspnea and
constriction of base of chest

Heart - HEAVINESS, sensation - dyspnea, with


Joints - RHEUMATISM, general - alternating with - dyspnea


Nose - CORYZA, general - dyspnea, with

ars-i. kali-i. nit-ac.

Perspiration - DYSPNEA, with

anac. Ant-t. apis ARS. arund. CARB-V. Lach. lyc. mang. meny. nux-v. psor. sep. sil.
sulph. thuj. verat.

Perspiration - PROFUSE - dyspnea, with


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