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Lesson 1: Technical Oral Presentations Overview

Fiche Séquence
Rappel de l’intitulé du cours : Technical Oral Presentation
Sequence 01: Technical Oral Presentations Overview

Compétences et objectifs visés par la séquence :

Compétence générale visée
Indicate the importance of preparing and delivering technical presentations
Objectifs à atteindre à la fin de d la séquence
- Define a technical presentation, identify its purposes, and types.
Evaluation spécifique à la séquence (si jugée nécessaire ou si évaluation en continu LMD)

Contenu :
Formative Assessment: MCA tasks

1.2.Definition of Technical Oral Presentation
A technical oral presentation is a type of oral presentation that focuses on communicating
complex technical information to an audience
1.3.Goals of Technical Presentations
The main goals of technical presentations are informing, educating, persuading, or

1.4.Types of Technical Writing

Types of Technical Presentations: academic presentations, project proposals, conference talks,
business pitches, etc
1.5.Importance of Studying Technical Oral Presentations:

Studying technical oral presentations is crucial for effective communication, knowledge
sharing, and career advancement. It builds confidence, enhances critical thinking, and fosters
networking opportunities. Professionals with strong presentation skills gain visibility and
credibility, inspiring and persuading others to support their ideas and initiatives. Overall,
mastering technical oral presentation contributes to personal and professional growth, making
individuals more impactful in their fields.

Watch this video for a clear idea about technical oral presentations.
The video is a Research Paper Presentation in the Sixth National IR Conference 2014

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