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Swiss Journal of Psychology, 73 (2), 2014, 87–96

Sw issJ. Psychol. 73 (2) © 2014W. Wicki

Verlag et al.:
Hans Handw
Huber, ritingAG
Hogrefe Fluency
, Bern

Original Communication

Handwriting Fluency in Children

Impact and Correlates
Werner Wicki1, Sibylle Hurschler Lichtsteiner1,
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

Andrea Saxer Geiger2, and Marianne Müller1,3

This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

Institute of Teaching and Learning, University of Teacher Education, Lucerne, Switzerland, 2Institute
Unterstrass, University of Teacher Education, Zurich, Switzerland, 3School of Engineering, Institute of
Data Analysis and Process Design, University of Applied Sciences, Zurich, Switzerland

Abstract. This cross-sectional study aimed to (1) construct a model of handwriting fluency in children and (2) explore the impact of
fluent handwriting and visual-motor integration on orthographic skills. In a Swiss sample of 93 fourth graders (mean age = 10 years, 7
months; SD = 6.58 months), handwriting speed and legibility were assessed by means of a copying task. Furthermore, automaticity of
handwriting, stroke pressure, and stroke frequency were measured on a digitizing tablet, while visual-motor integration and orthographic
skills were assessed by means of standardized tests. SEM modeling revealed that automaticity of handwriting, which is associated with
both stroke frequency and stroke pressure, predicts handwriting speed as well as orthographic skills. The latter association remained
significant even when visual-motor integration, which also proved to be a predictor of orthographic skills, was included in the model.
The results are discussed with respect to theories that assume that the automaticity of handwriting is associated with saving cognitive

Keywords: handwriting, fluency, speed, stroke pressure, orthographic skills, visual-motor integration

Despite the fact that today’s children are increasingly ap- tomaticity is assumed to be an important means of saving
plying their keyboarding skills, handwriting is still consid- cognitive resources for higher-order writing tasks, for ex-
ered a cultural technique that is crucial not only for fulfill- ample, of a lexical or syntactical nature (Bourdin & Fayol,
ing academic requirements such as being able to respond 1994, 2000; Christensen, 2005; Graham, Harris, & Fink,
to an essay question in a written examination (Connelly, 2000). The process-oriented understanding of handwriting
Dockrell, & Barnett, 2005), but also in everyday life, for fluency has been strongly promoted by graphonomic re-
example, when one needs to make a note of something or search methods that record kinematic data (viz., handwrit-
write a shopping list. Thus, in most countries handwriting ing movements) by digitizing tablets and computational
instruction remains part of the obligatory school curricu- programs (Meulenbroek & Van Galen, 1986; Thomassen,
lum, and it is clear – at least among educational psycholo- 2003). Specifically, using such methods, one can record the
gists – that it should improve legibility, fluency, and speed number of inversions in velocity (NIV) that occur during
of handwriting. However, as pointed out by Medwell and every single stroke that is made when a person is writing
Wray (2007), handwriting lessons at school predominantly single letters, words, or sentences (Mai & Marquardt,
focus on the production of well-formed, neatly displayed 1999). A fluent writer is expected to have a perfect mean
letters, but neglect the automation and fluency of handwrit- NIV of 1 resulting from one (and only one) acceleration
ing. followed by one (and only one) deceleration per stroke. In
So far, many studies on fluency have relied on handwrit- contrast, 8-year-old children, who are still learning hand-
ing speed, as measured by the number of letters a person writing, show a great deal of dysfluency, that is, accelerat-
can write when copying or composing a text within a given ing and decelerating much more frequently within strokes
amount of time. These studies showed an impressive in- (Meulenbroek & Van Galen, 1988, 1989). Subsequently,
crease in handwriting speed from about 20 letters per their mean NIV usually exceeds 1.
minute for first graders to about 110 letters per minute for Graphonomic research has identified several factors af-
ninth graders (e.g., Graham, Berninger, Weintraub, & fecting handwriting fluency in adults (Tucha, Tucha, &
Schafer, 1998). Lange, 2008). For example, increased attention when writ-
However, handwriting fluency entails more than speed: ing nonwords or trying to write neatly has a detrimental
It concerns the automaticity of the writing movements. Au- effect on automation (Tucha et al., 2008). For young chil-

DOI 10.1024/1421-0185/a000127 Swiss J. Psychol. 73 (2) © 2014 Verlag Hans Huber, Hogrefe AG, Bern
88 W. Wicki et al.: Handwriting Fluency

dren (aged 7 to 9), it is easier to perform upstrokes than (1994) and Grabowski (2010) found that memory span for
downstrokes and they can draw counterclockwise rotating words was better among children (but not among adults)
patterns more quickly than patterns with alternating direc- when recall was performed orally instead of in writing, thus
tions (Meulenbroek & Van Galen, 1986). Furthermore, in providing evidence that the (high) cognitive load caused by
8- to 12-year-olds, connecting strokes in cursive writing their low degree of handwriting automation has a detrimen-
were found to show a discontinuous developmental trend tal effect on children’s working memory. Furthermore, sev-
while within-letter strokes showed a continuous develop- eral studies revealed substantial correlations between hand-
mental trend (Meulenbroek & Van Galen, 1989). writing skills and more complex components of writing
In summary, process-oriented studies showed consider- (Berninger & Swanson, 1994; Christensen & Jones, 1999).
able developmental change in fluency improvement in chil- Finally, Christensen (2005) demonstrated that an 8-week
dren aged 7 to 10 years compared to older children (see handwriting training program improved the quality and
also Mojet, 1991; Zesiger, Mounoud, & Hauert, 1993). quantity of written text of adolescent students with poor
Therefore, in order to study the impact of fluency on high- orthographic-motor integration, while there was no im-
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

er-order writing skills, it seemed wise to assess handwriting provement in the control group (students who were encour-
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

fluency in children who were approximately 10 years old aged to write a diary).
(fourth graders), an age at which fluency has already Information processing and psycholinguistic models of
reached a certain developmental stage. handwriting production assume that serial and parallel pro-
To our knowledge, previous studies of children’s hand- cesses have a hierarchical structure (e.g., Kandel, Peere-
writing fluency have rarely investigated the relationships man, Grosjacques, & Fayol, 2011; Van Galen, 1991; Van
between stroke frequency (i.e., the speed of upward and Galen, Meulenbroek, & Hylkema, 1986). Higher-level pro-
downward movements), NIV (automation), and stroke cesses including ideation, syntax, semantics, and the like
pressure. Thus, the present study is also aimed to explore are presumably executed before lower-level processes such
the relationships between these measures. as retrieval of orthographic and allographic representations
Previous research findings are inconsistent regarding the and the execution of fine-motor movements. At least some
impact of both gender and handedness on handwriting processes are believed to occur simultaneously, that is, a
skills. Girls have been found to write faster (Graham et al., writer executes an allograph while planning to write the
1998; Ziviani, 1984), more legibly (Graham et al., 1998), next syllable during continuous writing (Kandel, Álvarez,
and more proficiently than boys of the same age (Vlachos & Vallée, 2006; Kandel et al., 2011). Interferences between
& Bonoti, 2006). However, Hill, Gladden, Porter, and Coo- different levels are likely to occur during parallel process-
per (1982) did not find a gender effect on accuracy of writ- ing.
ten strokes in manuscript handwriting in their small sample. In our study, we expected to find an association between
While at least one study did not find any effect of handed- handwriting automaticity and orthographic skills because
ness on speed and legibility in a small sample (Peters & a low degree of automaticity and the resulting need to con-
McGrory, 1987), right-handers outperformed left-handers trol fine-motor movements will increase the cognitive load
with respect to speed but not legibility in another study on working memory, which in turn will decrease the
based on a larger sample (Graham et al., 1998). Therefore, amount of cognitive resources otherwise available for the
both gender and handedness were included as variables in acquisition of orthographic skills. Specifically, we expect-
the present study. ed automation, measured as the number of inversions of
Another research gap concerns the effects of handwrit- velocity, to foster writing speed and be directly related to
ing automaticity on higher-order processes of writing such the level of orthographic skill achieved by 10-year-olds.
as ideation, semantic coding, or monitoring syntactic struc- From a theoretical point of view, handwriting automa-
tures. With respect to its low-level components, handwrit- tion is surely not the only factor explaining orthographic
ing requires an integration and coordination of allographic skill. While some studies found that visual-motor integra-
representations and fine-motor skills. The less this integra- tion (VMI) was associated with legibility (e.g., Tseng &
tion is automated, the more an increase in cognitive load is Murray, 1994; Volman, van Schendel, & Jongmans, 2006),
generally to be expected (Bourdin & Fayol, 1994). There- other studies revealed that the Developmental Test of VMI
fore, handwriting automation is assumed to save resources was not able to predict handwriting difficulties in young
for the remaining processes involved in text production children (from kindergarten to grade 1; Marr & Cermak,
(Grabowski, 2010). If a child’s handwriting is not yet au- 2002) and was not sensitive enough to assess VMI in older
tomated, the additional demands on cognitive resources re- children with handwriting dysfunction (Goyen & Duff,
lated to the more complex task of text production easily 2005). However, there is evidence that VMI is related to
overwhelm the cognitive system, resulting in poor text pro- academic performance in reading and writing (Kulp, 1999;
duction performance. Support for these assumptions came Sortor & Kulp, 2003). We thus included this variable to
from studies showing that children produced more and control for its impact on orthographic skills. Finally, due to
qualitatively better texts when they were allowed to dictate the mixed composition of our Swiss sample with respect to
the content to a scribe as opposed to writing it themselves the participants’ parents’ mother tongue, we also controlled
(e.g., Graham, 1990). In a similar vein, Bourdin and Fayol for that variable (dichotomized as German vs. not Ger-

Swiss J. Psychol. 73 (2) © 2014 Verlag Hans Huber, Hogrefe AG, Bern
W. Wicki et al.: Handwriting Fluency 89

man); at least one German study showed that children lected text had already been used in a previous study
whose parents’ mother tongue was not German performed (Hurschler Lichtsteiner et al., 2008). It proved to be age-
worse with respect to German orthography than children appropriate regarding lexical, grammatical, and ortho-
whose parents were native speakers of German (Valtin, graphic demands and also long enough to prevent the stu-
Badel, Löffler, Meyer-Schepers, & Voss, 2003). dents from finishing the copying task prematurely (i.e.,
faster than in 5 min). First, the teacher handed out the text,
pencils, and writing paper and read the text to the students.
Second, he or she instructed them to write fast and legibly,
Method that is, not simply as fast as possible, but as fast as possible
while still writing legibly. To avoid frustration, they were
Participants also told that it was not possible to copy the whole text
within the time given. The handwritten copies of the text
The participants in this study were 93 fourth graders ran- were then collected and submitted to speed and legibility
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

domly selected from nine public school classes. These

This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

analyses (see below).

classes were distributed over different municipalities of the
Canton of Lucerne, which is situated in the German-speak-
ing part of Switzerland. First, we recruited the 41 fourth
graders (distributed over seven classes), who had already Handwriting Tasks
participated as third graders in a study conducted a year
earlier on the impact of different handwriting types
(Hurschler Lichtsteiner, Saxer Geiger, & Wicki, 2008). Additional handwriting tasks were completed in individual
Second, in order to increase the size of the present sample, sessions using a digitizing tablet. These tasks included writ-
52 additional students were randomly selected from classes ing a five-word sentence twice (“Die Kinder fliegen nach
that were already participating as well as from two other Amerika.” [The children are flying to America.]) This sen-
classes. The sample thus consisted of 93 children from nine tence was presented in block letters on a card and read to
classes from eight different schools. The students’ average the child by the experimenter. Subsequently, the child was
age was 10 years and 7 months (SD = 6.58; range = to copy the sentence in his/her own handwriting on a blank
116–149 months). Forty-eight of the children were girls piece of paper affixed to the tablet. In the second trial, the
and 45 were boys. Thirteen children (or 14%) were left- child was asked to write the sentence as fast as possible.
handers; 27 children (or 29%) had at least one parent who Several precursor movements of handwriting consisting of
was not a native speaker of German. Since one girl (right- scribbling, upward and downward movements (finger
hander) did not complete the test on orthographic skills, the movements), wrist movements, circling (combination of
sample varies between N = 92 and N = 93, depending on finger and wrist movements), and double loops were as-
the inclusion of this measure. At the time of the investiga- sessed as well and have been reported elsewhere (Hurschler
tion, none of the children had learning disabilities or be- Lichtsteiner et al., 2010).
havioral problems. Informed consent was obtained from
the parents of all of the children who participated in the
Test of Visual-Motor Integration

Procedure Beery and Beery’s (2006) standardized visual-motor test

was group-administered by the teachers during a separate
The students completed a copying task, several standard-
session. The teachers were instructed to follow the proce-
ized handwriting tasks using a digitizing tablet, a test of
dure as described in the test manual. After the children had
visual-motor integration, and a test of orthographic skills.
completed the test, the teachers collected the test booklets
In addition, a self-report measure about one’s self-concept
and sent them to the research team at the University of
concerning one’s writing ability was administered. Since
Teacher Education.
the handwriting self-concept is beyond the focus of this
paper, we will not discuss the results of this measure (they
are reported elsewhere, see Hurschler Lichtsteiner, Saxer
Geiger, & Wicki, 2010).
Test of Orthographic Skills

Copying Task Similarly, a standardized test measuring orthographic skill

(May, 2002) was group-administered by the teachers in a
The copying task took exactly 5 min and was group-admin- separate session. The teachers were instructed to follow the
istered by the teacher in the students’ classroom. The se- procedures as described in the test manual.

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90 W. Wicki et al.: Handwriting Fluency

Measures Manipulation Check Regarding First and Second

Tablet Trial
The mean number of inversions of velocity (NIV) de-
The legibility of the children’s handwriting was rated based creased significantly from 2.74 (SE = .22), when the chil-
on dimensions derived from Mahrhofer (2004), which were dren wrote the sentence on the tablet the first time, to 1.57
further developed and improved in an earlier study (SE = .07), when they wrote the same sentence under time
(Hurschler Lichtsteiner et al., 2008). The legibility scale pressure (Wilcoxon test Z = –8.19, p < .001). We therefore
consisted of nine 6-point Likert type items (i.e., “The dis- concluded that the children had followed the instruction to
tance between words is larger than between letters.”) rang- “write as fast as possible” very well.
ing from 1 (not true) to 6 (completely true). The internal In addition to the handwriting measures described
consistency of the scale (Cronbach’s α = .76) and the in- above, the following measures were administered due to
our interest in the associations with handwriting automa-
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

terrater reliability coefficients of the respective items were

This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

satisfactory (all κs = .68).

Developmental Test of Visual-Motor Integration

Speed VMI (Beery & Beery, 2006)

In line with previous handwriting studies that often defined This standardized test was “designed to assess the extent to
speed as the total number of letters written within a given which individuals can integrate their visual and motor abil-
amount of time, we measured the number of letters written ities” (Beery & Beery, 2006, p. 14). It consists of 30 tasks
in 5 min in the copying task described above. of increasing complexity that are to be copied successively.
With respect to the handwriting tasks that were complet- Scoring was completed following the instructions in the
ed on a digitizing tablet (copying a sentence twice as de- test manual. The raw scores were used in our statistical
scribed above), three handwriting measures were derived: analyses.

Test of Orthographic Skills (May, 2002)

Number of Inversions in Velocity (NIV)
The participants’ orthographic skills were measured by
The mean number of inversions indicates the average num- means of the standardized test “Hamburger Schreibprobe
ber of velocity changes that occur when a person is writing 4–5” (May, 2002). The test items for fourth graders com-
single strokes (within letters). Fluent handwriting requires prise 42 German words that are dictated: Sixteen single
only one velocity change per stroke (acceleration followed words (i.e., Quarkkuchen, Fernsehprogramm) and five sen-
by deceleration) and therefore results in an NIV score that tences consisting of 26 words. The students were asked to
is approximately or exactly equal to 1, whereby 1 indicates write the word and phrases in a booklet. For the purpose of
perfect automaticity (Mai & Marquardt, 1999). this study, we restricted the scoring procedure to calculat-
ing the sum of the correctly spelled words. The raw scores
(total number of correctly spelled words) were used in our
statistical analyses.
Stroke Frequency (FREQ)

This measure refers to the number of upward and down- Apparatus (Digitizing Tablet)
ward movements in 1 s. Previous studies with adults found
average frequencies of around 5 Hz (Mai & Marquardt, Handwriting movements were recorded and analyzed using
1999). the general software package CSWin (Marquardt & Mai,
2007) on a personal computer (Lenovo ThinkPad T61p
Type 6457–7WG) connected to a digitizing tablet (Wacom
Intuos 3 Pen Tablet PT2-930G and Intuos Inking Pen). The
Stroke Pressure (PRESS) sampling frequency was 200 Hz and the accuracy was
0.1 mm in both x and y directions. Due to the inductive
The pressure of handwriting was measured in Newton (N). method of measurement, position data are recorded even if
It indicates the average amount of pressure exerted by the the stylus is lifted (less than 10.0 mm) above the tablet.
pen on the paper. The mean amount of pressure measured Nonparametric regression methods (kernel estimation) are
for adults varies between 1 und 1.5 N (Mai & Marquardt, part of the mathematical procedures of CSWin (Marquardt
1999). & Mai, 1994). They were used to calculate and to smooth

Swiss J. Psychol. 73 (2) © 2014 Verlag Hans Huber, Hogrefe AG, Bern
W. Wicki et al.: Handwriting Fluency 91

Table 1. Transformations into normal distribution

Variable Shapiro-Wilk (before transformation) Transformation (algorithm) Shapiro-Wilk (after transformation)
W (df) p W (df) p
Speed .96 (93) .005 log(x) .99 (93) .37
NIV1 .67 (93) .000 1/x .98 (93) .17
NIV2 .69 (93) .000 1/x2 .98 (93) .23
PRESS1 .96 (93) .004 vx .99 (93) .50
PRESS2 .97 (93) .026 vx .99 (93) .56
FREQ2 .98 (93) .20 x .99 (93) .50
OS .91 (92) .000 x3 .97 (92) .05
Note. Speed = number of letters written in 5 min; NIV1/NIV2 = number of inversions in velocity, 1st and 2nd trial; PRESS1/PRESS2 = pressure
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

of handwriting, 1st and 2nd trial; FREQ2 = number of upward and downward movements in 1 s, 2nd trial; OS = orthographic skills.
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

velocity and acceleration signals. For the filter parameters Results

selected (standard band width for position 30 ms, speed
50 ms, and acceleration 70 ms), Mai and Marquardt (1995) In order to rule out the possibility of sampling bias and
showed that the resulting errors are so small that they can third-variable explanations, we (1) compare the group of
be safely neglected. students already included in a previous study (see Method
section) with the group of students newly recruited for the
present study and (2) consider the effect of gender, hand-
Statistical Procedures edness, and parents’ mother tongue on handwriting mea-
sures, VMI, and orthographic skills. Then, we present the
In order to meet the requirements for parametric statistics, means, standard deviations, and zero-order correlations
the variables not fitting a normal distribution (as confirmed among the included continuous variables (Table 2). Finally,
by Shapiro-Wilk tests) were submitted to a transformation we will present a structural equation model (SEM) connect-
to produce approximate normality by means of the algo- ing handwriting, VMI, and orthographic skills.
rithms shown in Table 1. In most cases, the transformations
worked well. The one exception was the orthographic skills
raw score, although an improvement of the distribution was Check for Possible Sampling Bias
obvious (skewness = –.31, SE = .25; kurtosis = –.65, SE =
.50). A similar problem arose when we tried to transform Comparisons (t-tests) of the group of students included in
the raw score of the VMI (W = .97, p = .02), for which we a previous study with those newly selected for this study
did not find a suitable algorithm. However, the deviation revealed no group differences in performance on handwrit-
from a normal distribution was not dramatic for that vari- ing measures (FREQ, NIV, PRESS, speed, and legibility),
able either (skewness = –.12, SE = .25; kurtosis = –.83, SE VMI, or orthographic skills. Therefore, the possibility of
= .50). sampling bias was excluded.
The inferential statistics reported in the results section
include (1) t-tests by means of SPSS 20.0 for Windows to
test for effects of gender, handedness, and the parents’ Effects of Gender, Handedness, and Parents’
mother tongue on handwriting measures as well as on or- Mother Tongue
thographic skills and visual motor integration; and (2)
structural equation modeling (SEM) by means of AMOS We did not find any differences between boys and girls with
16 (Arbuckle, 2007) to identify the multivariate relation- respect to legibility, speed, VMI, or orthographic skills.
ships between handwriting measures, VMI, and ortho- However, using the transformed variables, we found that
graphic skills. SEM was not meant to identify causal rela- the girls wrote with a higher degree of automation under
tionships in a strict sense because of the correlational nature time pressure (i.e., lower NIV), t(91) = 2.92, p < .01. None-
of this study. However, the procedure is an excellent tool theless, we did not find any gender differences in NIV for
for identifying measurement models as well as multivariate the unconstrained 1st trial, for FREQ (over both trials), or
relationships between variables that can hardly be dis- for PRESS (over both trials). In a similar vein, left-handers
cerned via regression analyses. As multivariate normal dis- performed more poorly than right-handers did with respect
tribution is a critical assumption of SEM, we estimated it to the NIV over both trials, t(91) = 2.05, p < .05, for the
using AMOS including all variables which were intended first trial; t(91) = 3.18, p < .01 for the second trial. Right-
for the SEM. The result of this procedure was very satis- handers also outperformed left-handers with respect to the
factory (multivariate critical ratio = 2.05). frequency of upward and downward strokes (FREQ) when

Swiss J. Psychol. 73 (2) © 2014 Verlag Hans Huber, Hogrefe AG, Bern
92 W. Wicki et al.: Handwriting Fluency

Table 2. Mean values, standard deviations, and zero-order correlations of continuous measures
Pearson’s r
Variable M SD 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
(1) LEG 3.56 0.70 .11 .17 .13 .01 –.07 .13 –.01 .13 .25*
(2) Speed# 5.50 0.25 .43** .48** –.04 –.05 .34** .48** .12 .43**
(3) NIV1# 0.50 0.22 .77** –.34** –.33** .91** .71** .06 .25*
(4) NIV2# 0.52 0.23 –.23* –.26** .63** .81** .02 .27**
(5) PRESS1# 1.27 0.28 .90** –.28** –.14 –.04 .03
(6) PRESS2# 1.30 0.26 –.28** –.16 –.07 –.05
(7) FREQ1 2.14 0.60 .75** .10 .27**
(8) FREQ2# 9.78 3.77 .11 .32**
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

(9) VMI 23.14 2.84 .35**

This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

(10) OS# 42321.1 16754.6

Note. Number of transformed values are used (see Table 1). *p < .05, **p < .01. LEG = legibility; Speed = number of letters written in 5 min;
NIV1/NIV2 = number of inversions in velocity, 1st and 2nd trial; PRESS1/PRESS2 = pressure of handwriting, 1st and 2nd trial; FREQ1/FREQ2
= number of upward and downward movements in 1 s, 1st and 2nd trial; VMI = visual-motor integration, OS = orthographic skills. N = 93,
except for OS with N = 92 as one child did not complete the orthographic skills test.

graphic skills while the latter, however, was related to sev-

writing under time pressure (2nd trial, t(91) = 3.26, p < .01), eral handwriting measures. We will focus on the structure
but not under unconstrained conditions (1st trial: ns). No
of these complex associations in the following.
differences were found between right- and left-handers
with respect to PRESS, speed, VMI, legibility, or ortho-
graphic skills.
The children of parents whose mother tongue was Ger-
Handwriting Automation, Speed, VMI, and
man did not differ from those whose parents’ mother Orthographic Skills: Toward a Structural
tongue was not German with respect to the handwriting Model
measures (NIV, FREQ, PRESS, speed, legibility), but the
former outperformed the latter group with respect to VMI We report the structural equation modeling (SEM) of hand-
and orthographic skills, t(91) = 2.19, p < .05, for VMI, and writing fluency and its correlates in this section. While fo-
t(90) = 2.15, p < .05, for orthographic skills. cusing on fluency, we decided to exclude legibility because
In summary, we found some differences related to gen- of its weak or even nonexisting relationship to the fluency
der and handedness regarding handwriting measures, but measures. First, to construct a measurement model of writ-
not with respect to orthographic skills or VMI. In contrast, ing fluency, we included the number of inversions of ve-
the parents’ mother tongue was related to their children’s locity (NIV), pressure on paper (PRESS), and frequency of
orthographic skills and VMI, but not to the handwriting upward and downward movements (FREQ) over the two
measures used as predictors in the following section. sentences written on the tablet. Thus, each latent variable
Therefore, for the purpose of constructing a structural mod- (NIV, PRESS, and FREQ) was measured in the first and
el predicting orthographic skills by handwriting and VMI, the second tablet trial. From a theoretical point of view, we
we decided to neglect the related impact of gender, hand- assumed that PRESS would be negatively associated with
edness, and parents’ mother tongue. FREQ and positively associated with NIV, that is, the more
pressure a child exerted on the paper, the slower (FREQ)
and the lower the degree of automation (NIV) with which
Zero-Order Correlations he or she would write. Higher automation (NIV) was ex-
pected to be positively related to the frequency of upward
The zero-order correlations among the continuous mea- and downward movements. Second, we assumed that chil-
sures of this study are shown in Table 2. They were calcu- dren with higher levels of automated handwriting (i.e., a
lated using the transformed variables as described in Ta- low NIV) would write faster, that is, would be able to write
ble 1. more letters in 5 min than children with a lower degree of
It was immediately clear that some handwriting mea- automation. According to cognitive load theory, automa-
sures were strongly related to each other, for example, NIV tion of lower processes of handwriting skills saves cogni-
and FREQ over both trials (Table 2). Similarly, handwriting tive resources required to process higher-level tasks such
speed was related to both NIV and FREQ. PRESS was as- as recalling orthographic representations or rules. There-
sociated with NIV, but not with FREQ or speed. Legibility fore, we further assumed that automated handwriting
appeared to be largely independent of the remaining hand- would be positively related to orthographic skills and that
writing measures and was only weakly related to ortho- this association would remain significant even when the

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W. Wicki et al.: Handwriting Fluency 93

model by omitting PRESS and holding the remaining mod-

el constant. This model yielded an even better fit and a
decreased AIC (Akaike information criterion) value, while
showing nearly the same regression weights. Nevertheless,
due to the very good fit of the initial model, we kept PRESS
for theoretical reasons because pressure is considered to be
an important component of handwriting as explained in the

This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

In this study, we aimed to construct a model of handwriting

This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

fluency and predict orthographic skills of 10-year-olds by

handwriting fluency and VMI. In order to rule out the po-
tential effects of gender, handedness, and parents’ mother
tongue, we conducted a series of group comparisons (t-
tests). These analyses discerned that, under time pressure,
girls wrote with a higher degree of automation than boys
did; similarly, we found that left-handers wrote with a low-
er degree of automation (NIV) as well as more slowly in
terms of stroke frequency (FREQ) than right-handers did.
These results only partly confirm the previous findings re-
ported above (e.g., Graham et al., 1998). The new findings
concern the respective differences in automation (NIV),
which were rarely the focus of previous studies. As neither
gender nor handedness was related to orthographic skills
or VMI, we decided to exclude these variables in the fol-
lowing analyses. Similarly, we ruled out the possibility of
Figure 1. Automated handwriting as a predictor of hand- bias related to the parents’ mother tongue because of its
writing speed (N = 92). Variables in squares are observed association with orthographic skills. Apart from this al-
variables and those in circles are latent variables. E15–e31 ready known effect, the parents’ mother tongue was unre-
represent error terms. Each single-headed arrow represents lated to the remaining variables focused on in this study.
a regression weight. Covariances are drawn with the dou- Thus, we also excluded this variable.
ble-headed arrows. The values represent standardized co- According to the manipulation check reported in the
efficients. Method section, 10-year-olds were capable of increasing
their automation level (NIV) under time pressure, although
model simultaneously takes an additional predictor, name- their handwriting is not yet completely automated at this
ly, VMI, into account. These hypotheses were submitted to developmental stage. The latter finding is crucial due to the
SEM. need for continuing handwriting training for the first 4
The empirical data fit the theoretical model presented in years as suggested by Medwell and Wray (2007). An in-
Figure 1 very well, χ²(21) = 22.27; p = .38; CFI = .998; creased need for handwriting training can also be inferred
RMSEA = .026). While NIV was significantly correlated from the reduced automaticity levels in left-handers and in
with FREQ and PRESS (r = .88 and r = –.28, respectively), boys found in this study.
the correlation between PRESS and FREQ (r = –.20) was The finding that the correlation between handwriting
not significant. NIV clearly predicted speed of handwriting speed and legibility is very low (Table 2) confirms previous
(standardized β = .49) and orthographic skills (standardized reports (Graham et al., 1998) and demonstrates that speed
β = .22), thus confirming our hypothesis. VMI proved to does not necessarily impair legibility.
be a reliable predictor of orthographic skills (standardized Concerning SEM, in our view, the identified measure-
β = .33), which in turn had an impact on writing speed ment model of fluency is compelling. The model reveals a
(standardized β = .26). Correlations of error terms of NIV strong association between NIV and stroke frequency as
and FREQ for both trials were allowed due to the possibil- well as clearly weaker ties between both measures and
ity that the measurement errors of these variables might be PRESS. The fact that PRESS is not correlated with FREQ
caused by the same reasons. in the model is probably due to the near-ideal bandwidth
In view of the fact that PRESS was only weakly corre- of pressure that was exerted by almost all of the children
lated with NIV and FREQ, we calculated an alternative in this study. The result that NIV is a good predictor of

Swiss J. Psychol. 73 (2) © 2014 Verlag Hans Huber, Hogrefe AG, Bern
94 W. Wicki et al.: Handwriting Fluency

handwriting speed confirms our assumption that speed is ic skills should be even greater for people writing in a lan-
strongly influenced by automation of the respective hand guage with a deep orthography due to the additional cog-
and finger movements. Apart from writing quite slowly and nitive resources that are necessary to do so.
carefully, which makes sense under certain conditions, au-
tomated writing is an important second mode that has to be
trained in schools as well. Acknowledgments
Furthermore, the SEM indicated that automation (NIV)
has an impact on orthographic skills, which remained sig- This research was supported by the Swiss National Science
nificant even when a second predictor of orthographic Foundation (Grant no. 13DPD3_124564).
skills (i.e., VMI) was included in the model. This is remark-
able against the background of what our hypothesis puts
forward, namely, that handwriting automation saves work-
ing memory resources, which in turn are then available for References
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

the higher-order processes necessary for handwriting.

This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

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