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User roles:

1. **Administrator/Project Manager**:
- Highest level of access and control over the system.
- Can create, update, and delete projects.
- Can add, modify, or remove team members and assign them to projects.
- Has access to all project-related data and can generate reports.
- Can manage user roles and permissions.

2. **Team Member/Employee**:
- Represents all team members involved in various projects.
- Can be assigned tasks and view tasks assigned to them.
- Can update the status of their assigned tasks.
- May have limited access to certain project management features.

4. **Finance Manager/Finance Team**:

- Responsible for managing financial aspects of the projects.
- Can access and oversee financial data, including cash flow statements,
budgeting, and financial reports.
- Has the authority to approve expenses and allocate budgets.

5. **Executive Management**:
- High-level management who require a summarized view of financial data and
overall project status.

The scope of project management:

Task Management:

Creation and assignment of tasks within projects.

Setting task deadlines and priorities.
Tracking task status and progress.

Allow team members to log their working hours for each task.
Summarize timesheet data for project managers and finance team.
Status Updates and Notifications:

Provide a mechanism for team members to update task statuses regularly.

Send notifications to relevant stakeholders when tasks are completed or delayed.
Gantt Chart Visualization:

Generate Gantt charts to display project timelines, tasks, and dependencies.

Enable interactive features for adjusting task schedules on the Gantt chart.
File Management:

Allow users to upload and share project-related files and documents.

Implement version control for documents to manage changes effectively.
Project Reports and Analytics:

Generate project progress reports with key performance indicators (KPIs).

Provide insights into project performance, resource allocation, and budget
Financial Management:

Implement budget tracking for projects.

Record project expenses and income.
Allow finance managers to oversee cash flow and financial reports.
Communication and Collaboration:

Include messaging or comment features for team members to collaborate and discuss
Integrate real-time chat or team collaboration tools for seamless communication.

Search and Filters:

Allow users to search for specific tasks, projects, or team members.

Implement filters to sort and organize data based on different criteria.

Cash flow :

Cash Inflows (Client Payments):

Record cash received from clients for products or services rendered.

Categorize the cash inflows based on the source (clients) and specific projects, if
Cash Outflows (Vendor Payments):

Record cash payments made to vendors or suppliers for goods or services purchased.
Categorize the cash outflows based on the vendor and expense type (e.g., materials,
Cash Balance:

Calculate the remaining cash balance at the end of each day, week, or month.
Provide a clear overview of available funds for the enterprise.

Projected Cash Flow:

Provide a simple projection of expected cash inflows and outflows for a specific
Helps in planning for potential cash shortages or surpluses.
Cash Flow Summary:

Generate a concise report summarizing the total cash inflows and outflows for a
defined period.
This report will give a clear picture of the overall cash flow situation.

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