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Which happened on 25 October at around 5AM

man angry over tiny things grr grr !!

DM us if you still have questions/issues with this situation

Before you read this, we would like to apologise to the people involved
in this except the raiders (maybe, maybe not)

Also Hi Spuwuky and Fae if you’re reading this!!! (lots of love

-Abbie )

Warning there's weird stuff and slurs here

Today, we got raided by Spuwuky and his friends (how manly), spamming stuff
in chat and saying vulgar things. The cause of this drama was just from one
warning and a mute . I tried to reason with him as to why he got the warn,
provided some screenshots are stuff but he just said "alr" even though he
knew some of them weren't valid instead of telling me.

He confronted Cherry about the issues within the server and Cherry showed
me them before he said "I prefer this to not be shown to others" - plus why
wouldn't she show the co-owners when it's server related?

Next, Spuwuky got his hands on some leaked screenshots of Staff chats from
our dear betrayer, Fae , and also my DMS with curio was sent to him. Some of
the screenshots where we were trash talking about him/Vivian from Fae. Okay
we understand that we should not have done this behind their back and we
apologise for that.
However, despite Fae being the one giving all these screenshots, she herself
was also included in the trash talking of them, which makes no sense .
She made a group chat for it but she has deleted it - we still have DM chats of
her talking trash about them though..

If you’re wondering how we found out, fae was the one who gave all the
screenshots, her screenshots were in GMT+8 timezone and she was the only
one who had a 24 hour clock instead of 12 hour. Plus she took a good 10
minutes to screen record a 1 minute video, which was spent to delete the
screenshots sent - Spuwuky died in chat during that time obviously to respond
to her DMs and delete relevant chats.

Back to the warning and mute, Spuwuky has been repeatedly making NSFW
references and breaking the rule of censoring a lot. We have given him many
chances to delete or censor the words, and this warning would've been lenient
to him already. And he did mention that other people did not get a warn for
what he got a warn for , however he should’ve sent the screenshots of it to ME
instead of raiding the server as we could miss other things like that

We would've banned him for all that NSFW if we didn't give him a chance. He
has also made many sensitive jokes about serious matters. Let's not forget
about how after he started talking a lot here, the server got more NSFW and
more people started to make NSFW references.

Therefore, I believe that giving him the warning was not a mistake.

The part about corrupt:

Can't believe someone would say Vigaro is corrupted.. If we were corrupted,

we would’ve been overcharging out paid ad prices, doing no reroll giveaways,
having 10 second claim time. Have you not seen the amount of robux and
RHD we have spent for our events, giveaways and gamenights?? Most of the
prizes are above 100k RHD/100 robux and you’re saying we are corrupt. We
even gave away one of our prizes from the server battle with NO
REQUIREMENTS. The other servers that participated in the server battle did
not even give their members the prize for voting because they did not win first
place. Cherry has also been spending a lot of time doing her commissions to
get more funds for the server. Unless ur definition of corruption is different !!

The part about our trash talking channel:

The trash talking channel was made during our server battle for us to discuss

about ways to get more votes, and complaining about how servers are
catching up to our votes .. Just because a channel is named trash talking
doesn’t mean it is about that. We literally have a private channel called
bighotducks, do you think we send big hot ducks there??? No lol

Here's the proof that it was for the server battle

^ “Owchie” Is the server we were competing with during the Server Comp

You literally just suddenly assumed we actually trash talk there and spread
misinformation to some members

From this raid, we will start to try and improve our moderation routine, we will
probably add a verbal warning logger so that this would not happen again. We
would also try to stop having favouritism towards the members and be more
fair with the warnings.

Furthermore, they’re doing the same to us and trash talking about us which

doesn’t really prove their point that we are trashing about the two of them
(friendly fight ong!?!)

Anyways have a nice week and enjoy it meow

Additional responses:
why are you admitting to spamming slurs ( this was one of the

Huh u donated us the halo for server funding.. It is quite literally our choice on
how to use the halo

We have pinged you multiple times for you to claim but you didn’t respond???
- Plus you got banned from the server because of raiding us and never asked
Cherry If you wanted it after - Cherry’s DMs are still open if you want to claim
^ We understand you’re mad for us trash talking and we apologise , but you
doing it too isn’t any better. ( there's more more things they said abt us in
another server )

Them raiding and spamming , saying slurs in our server

(levent and most of the “unknowns” is spooky’s alt)
^ Xyno ( one of the raiders) spamming slurs
^ “Stan Fae” when he doesn’t even know that she also trash talked about you
too !! ( screenshots down below)
^ doxxing threats

^ And you decide to raid the next morning

Screenshots of Fae trash talking:

Stan fae ig? 😂 (we love you for that mwah😘 xoxo)
Enjoy the document bbgs
Thanks for reading u shood enter the giveaway
If you still think trash talking is much more severe than raiding and
spamming slurs, please leave the server.

Go ahead and comment about this in ur wittle server


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