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Imagine a society where compassion isn't just a word but a guiding principle, where

understanding and support weave through the fabric of our communities, embracing each
individual facing mental health challenges.

As we stand here today, poised at the brink of change, let's recall the words of Mahatma Gandhi:
'Be the change you wish to see in the world.' It's not enough to hope for a brighter tomorrow; we
must actively shape it.

I stand here advocating not only for societal change but for policy reform that places mental
health at the forefront of our nation's agenda. The time for passive acknowledgment of mental
health struggles is over; we need active, tangible measures.

As a student, I've seen how mental health struggles affect individuals around me. It's a pressing
issue because many suffer silently due to stigma, and without proper support, it impacts their
well-being and ability to thrive. People often face stigma and lack access to affordable mental
health services. There's also a shortage of professionals and resources, making it challenging for
many to get the help they need.

Beyond community efforts, we need government support and policy changes. Our nation’s
leadership must allocate resources, enact legislation, and establish frameworks that prioritize
mental health. It's time for the government to invest substantially in mental health initiatives,
ensuring accessible and affordable mental health services for all.

I firmly believe that by championing legislative reforms and ensuring government involvement,
we can make profound strides toward a society where mental health is not merely discussed but
safeguarded by robust policies and comprehensive support systems.

As we delve deeper into understanding the gravity of mental health challenges, statistics reveal a
startling truth. According to a recent survey by the Philippine Psychiatric Association (PPA),
over 16 million Filipinos grapple with mental health disorders, encompassing a spectrum from
anxiety and depression to more severe conditions like schizophrenia and bipolar disorder.
Shockingly, only a fraction—roughly 10%—of these individuals have access to or receive
adequate mental health treatment. This discrepancy highlights a glaring gap in our healthcare
system, where stigma and limited access to resources act as insurmountable barriers for the vast

Consider the impact beyond numbers: the creative potential stifled, the innovative minds
relegated to the shadows due to untreated mental health issues. It's not merely an individual's
battle; it's a societal loss. The ripple effect of untreated mental health conditions reaches into
every sector, hindering productivity, eroding community well-being, and stalling progress. These
statistics illuminate a pressing reality, compelling us to act urgently and decisively.
For instance, in the workplace, untreated mental health issues result in a loss of productivity
costing billions in economic losses annually. Moreover, among students, untreated mental health
conditions significantly hinder academic performance, affecting the future workforce's
competence and innovation.

Citation: [Philippine Psychiatric Association Survey, 2022]

That is why I propose a three-pronged solution;

First, “Let’s Champion awareness and education”.

By fostering a culture of understanding, we can ensure that mental health is not a topic to be
whispered about but a topic to be discussed openly and compassionately.

Second, “Investing in infrastructure”.

By increasing the funds for health services, facilities, and trained professionals. We are not just
investing in these individuals but we are investing in our society as a whole.

Lastly, my third approach, “We must create a network of support in our communities”.

Be it in school or our workplace, by promoting mental well-being, implementing support

programs, and encouraging open discussions. We can break the isolation that often accompanies
mental health challenges.

So, I implore each one of you, not merely as voters but as citizens passionate about building a
better nation, to join hands in this crusade. Let’s pledge to create an environment where seeking
help for mental health is not a sign of weakness but a testament to strength.

My call to action is not only to the citizens but also to policymakers and leaders. Let us work
hand in hand to reform policies, allocate funds, and create an environment where mental health
care is not a privilege but a fundamental right.

Let’s not just talk about change, let’s embody it in our actions, our policies, and our collective
consciousness. Let's be the architects of a society where mental well-being is cherished, where
empathy reigns, and where no one suffers in silence.

Thank you."

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