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Subject vs.

Object Questions

A. Ask questions about the underlined words.

Example: Joe has broken his arm. Who has broken his arm?
1. Sarah was her name. 1. What was her name?
2. I bought a new shirt this morning. 2. What did you buy this morning?
3. I bought a new shirt this morning. 3. Who bought a new shirt this morning?
4. Tony phoned me at 2 a.m. last night. 4. Who phoned me at 2 a.m last night?
5. Tony phoned me at 2 a.m. last night. 5. When did Tony phone me?
6. Tom sold his house ten years ago. 6. What did Tom sell ten years ago?
7. Tom sold his house ten years ago. 7. Who sold his house ten years ago?
8. Tom sold his house ten years ago. 8. When did Tom sell his house?
9. Something happened during the night. 9. What happened during the night?
10. Julie got married last year. 10. Who got married last year?

A. Complete the sentences with the right question word:

1. ____Where____ do you live? – In Paris. 5. ____When_____ does Mike leave school?
2. ____Why____ are you sad? 6. – At 5 o’clock p.m.
3. ____When____ does she go to the cinema? 7. _____When____ does Claire go to the gym?
– On Sundays. 8. – Twice a week.
4. ___Whose_____ book is this? – It’s Kate’s. 9. __How many_ dogs have you got? – Two.

B. Ask questions for the underlined answers:

1. How does Helen go to work? 5. Where does William live?
Helen goes to work by bus. William lives in England.
2. How often do my do your parents travel to 6. When do you wake up?
France? I wake up at 7 o’clock.
My parents travel to France every year. 7. Why do they like English?
3. How many cars does Peter have? They like English because it’s funny.
Peter has got two cars. 8. When are you going to Denmark?
4. What does my dog want? I’m going to Denmark on Friday.
My dog wants a big bone. 9. Who is your best friend?
Anne is my best friend.

C. Make yes/no questions

My brother played the guitar in class : Did your brother play the guitar in class?
Heidi didn’t study for the quiz: Did Heidi study for the quiz?
James finished his homework yesterday: Did James finish his homework yesterday?
Complete the sentences with some or any. Take into account if the sentences are affirmative, negative or

1) Paco is very busy visiting Liverpool. He doesn't have ______any_______ time.

2) We need _______some______ wine and bread for lunch.
3) Stop watching TV and listen to _______some______ music.
4) Do you have ______any_______ orange juice for the children? - Yes, I have _____some________.
5) Sonia went to town without ________any_____ money.
6) Paco meets _______some______ friends at the weekend.
7) You don't have _____any________ pets at home. - No, I don't have ____any_________.
8) Is there ____any_________ milk in the fridge? - I'd like _____some________.
9) Put ____some_________ butter in my sandwich, please.
10) I don't like ______any_______ sugar in my coffee.

Read the paragraph below and fill in the gaps with some or any.

1. We didn't buy _______any________ flowers for our mothers.

2. This evening I'm going out with _________some______ friends of mine.
3. 'Have you seen ____any________ good films recently?' - 'No, I haven't been to the cinema for ages'.
4. I didn't have _______any________ money, so I had to borrow some.
5. Can I have _______any________ milk in my coffee, please?
6. I was too tired to do _____some______ work.
7. Can you give me ___some______sugar, please?
8. Can you give me ______some_______information about places of interest in the town? I'm sure you have.
9. If there are ______any_____ words you don't understand, use a dictionary.


Fill in the gaps with prepositional phrases. Each short phrase is used once:
apart from, on behalf of, by means of, in case of, instead of.

Improve your knowledge of some of the most important and common combinations of prepositions used in
English. These phrases are in standard usage and cannot be altered. They are used to connect, explain and
show the relationship between ideas and things.

1) I prefer tea ________instead of______________________ vodka.

2) ______________In case of_____________________ bad weather, we will take some umbrellas.
3) ________________ On behalf of ______________________ my father, I would like to thank you.
4) We finally got our destiny ____________by means of_______________________ GPS in the car.
5) ___________Apart from__________________ my family, nobody wants to work on this project.

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