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Journal of Experimental Psychology: Copyright 1981 by the American Psychological Association, Inc.

Human Perception and Performance 0096-1523781 /0701 -0030S00.75

1981, Vol. 7, No. 1,30-40

Why Two Eyes Are Better Than One: The Two Views
of Binocular Vision
Rebecca K. Jones and David N. Lee
University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Scotland

Despite centuries of research on the topic, the answer to the question "Are two
eyes significantly better than one, independent of stereopsis?" is still uncertain.
In this investigation, steps are taken toward answering the question in a behav-
ioral context. Three sets of experiments are reported in which human binocular
and monocular performance are compared in a variety of exteroceptive and
visuomotor tasks. In all of the experiments, two eyes facilitated performance.
The findings suggest that the binocular system is able to detect the matching
information, that is, the concordance, in the monocular optic arrays and to use
that information to increase visual efficiency. Furthermore, stereopsis was not
found to be important in the performance of visuomotor skills in three dimensions
when the subjects were free to move their heads. Thus, the results indicate that
an important ecological benefit of binocular frontal vision is having binocular
concordance, rather than having binocular disparity.

What is the ecological value of binocular first need to examine the binocular stimulus,
vision? Does having two partially overlap- that is, the optical information available to
ping views of the world enable us to perceive the binocular visual system. The optic flow
the environment and to control our own field at each eye contains detailed informa-
movements within it more accurately? De- tion about both the environment and the
spite the considerable amount of research observer's movement relative to it (Koen-
into binocular vision, few investigators have derink & van Doom, 1977; Lee, 1974,
addressed this fundamental question. Con- 1980). Because our two eyes are spatially
sequently, though it is generally assumed separated, yet give overlapping views, the
that binocular vision does provide a percep- two flow fields contain both mismatched and
tual and behavioral advantage in our every- matched optical information. Thus, there is
day lives, it is not at all clear whether this both binocular disparity and binocular con-
is in fact the case, or if it is, precisely how cordance, each or both of which might con-
binocular vision is advantageous. tribute to a binocular advantage.
To understand how binocularity might aid Since Wheatstone's (1838) invention of
normal perception and motor control, we the stereoscope, it has been well-known that
we can use binocular disparity to perceive
This research was supported by a National Science the size, shape, and distance of objects. In-
Foundation graduate fellowship to the first author and
is based on her master's thesis from Edinburgh Uni- deed, most research on binocular vision over
versity. We thank Anne Pick, Edward Reed, Frank the past 140 yr. has been concerned with
Resile, and an anonymous reviewer for their comments stereopsis alone. This has led to the consen-
on the manuscript, and we thank Andrew Packard for sus that stereopsis is the raison d'etre of bin-
the photographs used in Experiment 2. Support of the ocular vision (Pettigrew, 1972, p. 86) and
first author by the Center for Research in Human
Learning, University of Minnesota, through grants from that binocular vision has no other function
the National Science Foundation (NSF/BNS-77-22075) (Bishop, 1973, p. 256). However, it is im-
and the National Institute for Child Health and Human portant to note that the experiments dem-
Development (HD-01136) is also gratefully acknowl- onstrating that stereopsis aids perception
Requests for reprints should be sent to Rebecca Jones, have, for purposes of experimental control,
who is now at the Institute of Child Development, restricted the information available to each
University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55455. eye, either by artificially separating the eyes'


view in a stereoscope or by immobilizing the 182) to conclude that summation is essen-

subject's head. It does not necessarily follow tially an "epiphenomenon" and that stere-
from these experiments that binocular dis- opsis is the only important function of having
parity aids normal perception when the head partial binocular overlap.
is free to move. In fact, Johansson (1973) Although most investigators would agree
found no binocular advantage for subjects with Blake and Fox's (1973) conclusion,
judging distances up to about 2 m when head Gibson (1966) has suggested that having
motion was permitted. Thus, the binocular binocular concordance may be at least as
advantage thought to be provided by stere- important as having binocular disparity. He
opsis may occur only in a highly constrained proposed that "frontal vision with two eyes
situation. can be useful merely as two hands are useful
The emphasis placed on stereopsis has in touching things; they yield an extra input
somewhat obscured the potential binocular of the same information, a redundancy of
advantage due to the similarities between the input which helps perception." (p. 174)
two monocular views. Nevertheless, since the Gibson's (1966) conception of how bin-
monocular visual fields overlap considerably, ocular overlap can aid perception is different
the two flow fields contain binocularly con- from the classical concept of summation.
cordant information, that is, information Proponents of summation emphasize the ad-
that specifies the same properties of the en- dition of stimulus energies, and therefore
vironment, and this matched information they use measures such as brightness sum-
may facilitate perception. Psychophysical mation at threshold. Gibson's (1966) anal-
experiments investigating whether two eyes ogy with active touch implies a fundamen-
may be better than one independent of ste- tally different idea. How could the simple
reopsis have been performed under the head- summing of the totally different patterns of
ing of binocular summation. Strangely afference from two hands aid perception? It
enough, although many experimenters have is likewise difficult to conceive how, with
investigated summation, using much the disparate optic flow fields at the two eyes,
same psychophysical methods, there is little simply summing the different monocular
consistency in their results. Whereas the ear- neural inputs would help one see better. If
liest summation experiments revealed large using binocular concordance does in fact aid
binocular-monocular differences (e.g., Jurin, perception, the underlying mechanism must
1738; Porterfield, 1759), later experiments be quite different from a simple summation
showed no differences (Graham, 1930, 1931), mechanism.
and even more recent reports are equivocal To summarize, there are two potential
(Stevens, 1967). benefits of binocular vision, one based on
Blake and Fox (1973) have provided an binocular disparity, or the mismatching of
excellent review of the summation literature, structure in the monocular arrays, and the
and they concluded that the simple question other based on binocular concordance, or the
of whether two eyes are better than one in- matching of information in the monocular
dependent of stereopsis must be answered arrays. Whereas the former is generally
with only a qualified yes. They found that agreed to be important, the latter is thought
the degree to which binocular vision is su- to be of questionable significance. The pur-
perior to monocular vision is small and is pose of this investigation was to examine to
apparent in only simple situations in which what extent having binocularly concordant
the visual display is a light, a grating, or a information facilitates perception and the
simple configuration against a homogeneous visual control of movement in complex sit-
background. They reported that in experi- uations. In the first set of experiments, we
ments in which complex stimuli have been examined whether binocular vision aids ex-
used, no evidence for summation has been teroception (the pickup of information about
found. Thus, when considering the func- the environment) when stereopsis is irrele-
tional significance of binocular summation, vant to the task. The remaining two sets of
these factors led Blake and Fox (1973, p. experiments were concerned with the role of

binocular vision in the control of movements. trials were blocked together, as were the dim light trials.
We examined whether binocular vision fa- Half of the subjects began their trials in the bright light
and half in the dim light.
cilitates exproprioception (the detection of
information about the position, orientation,
and movement of the body relative to the Subjects
environment; Lee, 1978), which is necessary Ten adults participated in the set of experiments.
for controlling activity. In the second set of They were either students or staff members of the Psy-
chology Department, Edinburgh University. All had
experiments, stereopsis was irrelevant to the either normal or corrected-to-normal vision and were
tasks, and in the third set of experiments, naive about the hypothesis being tested.
stereopsis could have facilitated perfor-
mance. Experiment 1: Letter Identification
Exteroceptive Skills Method
Visual display materials. Black capital Letra-set
Three tasks were designed to test whether letters were transferred onto a white, 40 cm X 40 cm
having binocular concordance facilitates ex- piece of cardboard to form four lines, each comprised
teroception. The first task was similar to that of all 26 Roman letters in a different random order. The
used by Townsend (1968), whose failure to lines were centered on the card with 5 cm between them.
The letters were approximately 5 mm tall and wide and
find summation supports Blake and Fox's subtended a visual angle of roughly 7 minutes of arc.
(1973) hypothesis that binocular vision pro- Their segments were 1 mm thick, and they were evenly
vides an advantage only in situations in spaced with 5 mm between them. The lines were num-
which the stimulus display is simple: subjects bered 1-4, and the entire chart subtended a visual angle
of roughly 8.65°.
identified letters on a chart. The second was Procedure. Subjects were seated 2.65 m from the
a slightly more complex form-detection task: letter chart, which was at eye height, and were required
subjects were required to locate, in a color to read a different line of letters under each of the four
photograph, the outline of a camouflaged experimental conditions. The subject's score for each
octopus. The third task tested whether color condition was the number of errors in identification,
allowing a possible range of 0-26.
discrimination is better binocularly than
monocularly with a standard color test.
General Method Subjects made fewer identification errors
when they viewed the letters binocularly
The experiments were performed in a small (2.5 m X
3 m) light-proof room. Illumination was provided by a than when they viewed them monocularly,
150-W light bulb with a dimmer attachment. The sug- and fewer errors were made under the bright
gestion has been made in the literature that there is a light condition than under the dim light con-
greater binocular advantage in dim light than in bright dition. In addition, an interaction between
light (Forbes & Mote, 1956; Laird, 1924; Shaad, 1935). the factors of illumination and viewing con-
Therefore, the experiments were performed in both nor-
mal bright light, 16 ft-C. (172.22 Ix), and dim light, dition indicated that binocular vision con-
.5 ft-C. (5.38 Ix), to test this possibility. Illumination ferred a greater advantage in the dim light
was measured with a Lunasix 3 exposure meter. than in the bright light.
Subjects were dark adapted for 10 min. before per- Following a preliminary analysis which
forming the trials in dim light. Although eye dominance
has not proved to be a significant factor in previous showed that the factor of eye dominance had
related studies (e.g., Minucci & Conners, 1964), it was no effect, a repeated measures analysis of
controlled for in the present experiments. Dominance variance (ANOVA) was performed on the
was determined by a simple sighting task, and in all number of errors for the three factors of
three experiments, half of the subjects covered their group (bright light trials first vs. dim light
dominant eye and half covered their nondominant eye
with an eye patch. The eye patch, secured with thin trials first), eyes (binocular vs. monocular),
elastic around the head, was cushioned at the edges with and light (bright vs. dim). Significant main
cotton and adhesive tape to provide maximum comfort, effects were found for eyes, F(\, 8) = 90.6,
complete light occlusion, and little slippage. p < .01, and light, F(l, 8) = 103.72,/j < .01,
Each subject participated in four experimental con-
ditions: binocular bright light, binocular dim light, mon- and a significant interaction was found be-
ocular bright light, and monocular dim light. Because tween them, F(l, 8) = 172.22, p< .01. The
of the time required for dark adaptation, the bright light main effect for group was not significant, nor

were any of the other interactions. New- Table 2

man-Keuls post hoc comparisons were per- Mean Times to Detect the Camouflaged
formed on the means for the interaction be- Octopuses in Experiment 2
tween eyes and light. The results appear in Illumination Binocular Monocular
Table 1.
Bright 20.4a 31.8.
Experiment 2: Detection of Camouflaged Dim 32.0a 52.8b
Note. Means with the same subscript down columns and
Method across rows do not differ significantly. Data are given
in seconds.
Visual display materials. Fifteen 20 cm X 25 cm
color photographs of octopuses served as the displays.
The photographs were selected from a collection com- quickly when they viewed the photographs
piled by biologists studying camouflaging in octopuses
(Packard & Sanders, 1969, 1971). Each photograph
binocularly than when they viewed them
showed an entire octopus attempting to camouflage itself monocularly. However, the binocular advan-
by matching the pattern of its coloring to its surround. tage in the bright light condition was not
Three photographs served as sample pictures, two show- statistically significant.
ing uncamouflaged octopuses and the other showing a As in Experiment 1, a preliminary anal-
camouflaged octopus. The remaining 12 were test pic-
tures and were chosen on the basis of informal testing, ysis showed that eye dominance had no ef-
which showed them to be roughly equivalent in their fect, so a repeated measures ANOVA was per-
degrees of difficulty for detecting the octopus. formed on the times to completion of the
Procedure. Subjects viewed the three sample pic- task for the factors of group (bright light
tures first, to familiarize them both with octopuses and
the test procedure. Following that, they viewed three trials first vs. dim light trials first), eyes
photographs, one at a time, under each of the four con- (binocular vs. monocular), light (bright vs.
ditions: binocular bright light, binocular dim light, mon- dim), and trials (lst-3rd). The main effects
ocular bright light, and monocular dim light. The 12 for eyes, F(l, 8) = 15.48, p < .01, and light,
photographs were randomly distributed across the four F(l, 8) = 5.91, /><.01, were statistically
conditions for each subject. Subjects were given a cot-
ton-tipped swab and instructed to trace the outline of significant, but the effects for neither groups
the shape of the octopus on the surface of the photo- nor trials were. The four-way interaction
graph, and they were timed to completion of the task. among the factors was statistically signifi-
The experimenter had tracings of the octopuses and im- cant, but its psychological significance was
mediately informed subjects when they made an error.
Subjects continued trying to trace the octopus until they not apparent. Although none of the other
succeeded. Out of 120 trials, there were three failures interactions reached statistical significance,
to outline the octopus within 3 min. Because the failures since an interaction had been expected be-
were all in the monocular dim light condition, to score tween the factors of eyes and light, New-
those trials at 180 sec would have biased the data against man-Keuls post hoc comparisons were per-
the null hypothesis being tested. It was decided that they
should be given the highest score obtained by a suc- formed. The results appear in Table 2.
cessful subject under the condition, which was 120 sec.
Experiment 3: Color Discrimination
Under the dim light condition, subjects
traced the outline of the octopuses more Color test materials. The Farnsworth-MunselllOO-
Hue Test for the Examination of Color Discrimination
was used. The test consists of four cases containing 85
different colored chips in all (21 in each of three and
Table 1 22 in one). Two pilot caps are fixed on either end of
Mean Errors in Letter Identification in each panel, and the chips form a regular color series
Experiment 1 between them. The chips are numbered on the back,
and when arranged correctly, follow consecutively. The
Illumination Binocular Monocular score for a cap is the sum of the differences between the
number of that cap and the numbers of the caps adjacent
Bright .6 2.0 to it, minus two. Thus, the best possible score is zero.
Dim 7.3 17.0 Procedure. The test was administered with the stan-
dard instructions and in the standard way, except for
Note. Means across rows and down columns all differ the lighting and viewing conditions. Each of the four
significantly at the .01 level. sets of chips was randomly assigned to the four condi-

Table 3 ocular vision aids perception only when the

Error Scores on Color Discrimination Test in stimulus display is simple. Our results sug-
Experiment 3 gest that using binocularly concordant in-
Illumination Binocular Monocular
formation facilitates exteroception in gen-
Bright 6.6 12.2 The second set of experiments tested
Dim 22.5 40.0 whether binocular vision also facilitates ex-
proprioception—the pickup of information
Note. Means across rows and down columns all differ
significantly at the .05 level. about the position, orientation, and move-
ment of the body relative to the environ-
ment—when stereopsis is irrelevant. Three
tions: binocular bright light, binocular dim light, mon- representative skills were chosen: manipu-
ocular bright light, and monocular dim light. Each box lative control, interacting with a moving ob-
was scored on its own, excluding the 85th chip, since
there was 1 extra chip in the series from 85 to 21. ject, and control of whole body movement
in maintaining stance. To control for the
Results potential advantage of binocular stereopsis,
the tasks were designed so that disparity in-
Subjects were better able to arrange the formation was irrelevant.
colors properly when they viewed them bin-
ocularly than when they viewed them mon- Experiment 4: Bead Threading Using
ocularly, and performance was better in the Closed-Circuit TV
bright light condition than in the dim light Method
condition. Again, an interaction between the Subjects. Ten students from the Psychology De-
factors of illumination and viewing condition partment, Edinburgh University, participated in the ex-
indicated that the binocular advantage was periment. All had either normal or corrected-to-normal
greater in the dim light condition than in the vision and were naive about the hypothesis being tested.
bright light condition. Apparatus. Subjects were seated in front of a 23-cm
closed-circuit TV monitor and placed their hands to
Since a preliminary analysis showed that their right, behind a curtain. The TV camera, placed
the factor of eye dominance had no effect, directly to the right of the subjects at their eye height,
a repeated measures ANOVA was performed was focused on the subjects' hands. A similar system
on the scores for the factors of group (bright was used by Smith (1962), who found that subjects'
performance of a skill was unimpaired when the camera
light trials first vs. dim light trials first), eyes was displaced by less than 30° and if no time delay was
(binocular vs. monocular), and light (bright introduced. The present situation met those constraints.
vs. dim). The main effects for eyes, F( 1, 8) = Ten colored wooden beads, 1.5 cm in diameter, with 5-
48.51, p < .01, and light, F(l, 8) = 33.33, mm diameter holes, were placed in a round plastic con-
p < .01, were statistically significant, as was tainer, 9 cm in diameter and 2 cm deep. Subjects were
required to thread the beads onto a stiff, plastic, 80-cm
the interaction between eyes and light, F(l, long string that was 3 mm in diameter. The time taken
8) = 23.29, p<.01. The main effect for to thread all 10 beads onto the string was recorded on
group was not significant, nor were any of a stopwatch.
the other interactions. Newman-Keuls post Procedure. To acquaint the subjects with the task
and the unusual viewing conditions, five practice trials,
hoc comparisons were performed on the performed binocularly, preceded the tests trials. The
means for the interaction between eyes and first practice trial was untimed so that the subject would
light. The results appear in Table 3. feel relaxed; the other four practice trials were timed.
Subjects performed five monocular and five binocular
test trials. To counterbalance the potential effects of
Visuomotor Skills 1 practice and fatigue, alternate subjects began with mon-
ocular and binocular trials. Since eye dominance had
The first set of experiments showed that not been found to be an important factor in either Ex-
using binocularly concordant information periments 1-3 or previous experiments, subjects chose
can significantly enhance the perception of which eye to cover with an eye patch.
form and color. The results, particularly of
Experiment 2 (the detection of camouflaged Results
octopuses), militate against the conclusion The results were that subjects were able
reached by Blake and Fox (1973) that bin- to thread the beads onto the string more

quickly using binocular vision (M = 29.4 improved slightly across trials. A repeated
sec) than using monocular vision (M = 34.4 measures ANOVA was performed on the total
sec), even though they could only see their time the stylus was in contact with the target
hands on a TV screen and so binocular dis- on each trial for the factors of eyes (binoc-
parity information was irrelevant to the task. ular vs. monocular) and trials (lst-10th).
A repeated measures ANOVA was performed Significant main effects were found for both
on the time to completion of the trials for factors: eyes, F(l, 9) = 20.33, p < .01, and
the factors of eyes (binocular vs. monocular) trials, F(9, 81) = 12.09, p< .01. Thus, under
and trials (lst-5th). A significant main ef- binocular viewing, subjects made more con-
fect was found for eyes, F(l, 9) = 47.7\,p < tact with the light (M = 5.92 sec) than
.01, but neither the main effect for trials nor they did under monocular viewing (M =
the interaction between the two factors was 4.64 sec).
statistically significant.
Experiment 6: Control of Stance
Experiment 5: Tracking a Moving Target Lee and Lishman (1975) have shown that
Using Closed-Circuit TV vision is an important source of expropri-
Method oceptive information for controlling balance
when standing. Their results show that vision
Subjects. Ten students from the Psychology De- normally provides more sensitive informa-
partment, Edinburgh University, participated in the ex-
periment. All had either normal or corrected-to-normal tion about body sway than do the other per-
vision, were right-handed, and were naive about the ceptual systems. However, the question as
hypothesis being tested. to whether, in this fundamental human skill,
Apparatus. A pursuit rotor (manufactured by Forth control is finer with binocular vision than
Instruments, Dalkeith, Scotland) measuring 32 cm
square was placed horizontally on a table. A 20 cm X with monocular vision has not been tested.
20 cm, 2-cm wide square overlay was positioned over This was the purpose of the following ex-
the light bar, which was rotated clockwise at 6 revo- periment.
lutions per minute. The subjects had to track the 2-cm
square moving target light around the square using a
40-cm long stylus bent at about 45°, 8 cm from the Method
bottom end. A photocell in the tip of the stylus registered Subjects. Five students from the Psychology De-
when it was on target. The closed-circuit TV arrange- partment, Edinburgh University, participated in the ex-
ment described in Experiment 4 was again used. The periment. All had either normal or corrected-to-normal
camera was positioned to take in only the top of the vision and were naive about the hypothesis being tested.
pursuit rotor and the bottom half of the stylus. Apparatus. A capacitance transducer body sway
Procedure. Subjects were seated in front of the mon- meter was used to monitor sway. This device detects the
itor with the pursuit rotor to their right, behind a cur- capacitance between the subject's upper body, grounded
tain. They were allowed to practice tracking the target by a hand-held wire, and a sensitive plate. The capac-
light with the stylus at their own pace to familiarize itance is linear with distance over a range of 50-400
them with the novel task and viewing condition. Follow- mm. The distance moved by the subject's upper body
ing this, 5 practice trials were performed binocularly. during successive 6-sec periods is digitally displayed.
The test trials, which consisted of 10 binocular and 10 (For details about the device, see Lee & Lishman,
monocular trials, were 10 sec long with 10-sec rests be- 1975).
tween them. Subjects were verbally instructed to start Procedure. Subjects participated in four experimen-
and stop, and between trials they rested the stylus in the tal conditions: binocular bright light, binocular dim
middle of the square. There was a brief rest period be- light, monocular bright light, and monocular dim light.
tween the binocular and monocular trials and also a 30- The procedure was the same as in Experiments 1-3 ex-
sec rest period between the 5th and 6th trials within cept that all five subjects started their test trials in the
each condition. To counterbalance the potential effects dim light. Subjects stood with one foot in front of the
of practice and fatigue, alternate subjects began with other in a straight line, a somewhat awkward position
binocular or monocular trials, Subjects chose which eye that induced slight lateral sway. Their hands were
to cover with an eye patch. clasped behind their backs, holding the ground wire, and
the sway meter was to their left, approximately 20 cm
from the upper body. Subjects stood facing a wall, ap-
Results proximately 50 cm away, and were instructed to try to
stand as still as possible. Ten sway meter readings were
Subjects tracked the moving target light taken over the course of a minute for each of the four
better under binocular viewing than under conditions. Subjects relaxed for a minute or two between
monocular viewing. Their performance also conditions.

Table 4 aids exproprioception under normal circum-

Mean Body Sway in Experiment 6 stances when the head is free to move. Four
Illumination Binocular Monocular
visuomotor tasks were chosen for which bin-
ocular vision would normally be expected to
Bright 1.49 2.06 aid performance. They were threading a nee-
Dim 2.24 3.24 dle, pouring water into a narrow-necked ves-
sel, reaching for targets with the hand visi-
Note. Means across rows and down columns all differ
significantly at the .05 level. Data are given in cm/6 ble, and reaching with the hand occluded.
sec. The tasks were performed binocularly and
monocularly under bright illumination, where
stereopsis should operate, and under very
dim illumination, where the subjects' ability
Results to pick up binocular disparity information
Subjects controlled their body sway better (i.e., their stereoacuity) was greatly reduced.
in the binocular condition than in the mon- Thus, if binocular stereopsis were aiding ex-
ocular condition, and better in the bright proprioception, binocular performance in the
light condition than in the dim light condi- bright light should be markedly better than
tion. A repeated measures ANOVA was per- binocular performance in the very dim light,
formed on the means of the 10 readings for and also markedly better than monocular
each condition. Significant main effects were performance in the bright light. A binocular
found for eyes (binocular vs. monocular), advantage under dim light would be attrib-
F(\, 4) = 57.99, p< .01, and light (bright utable to the use of binocularly concordant
vs. dim), F(l, 4) = 78.02, p < .01. Although information.
the interaction between eyes and light was General Method
not statistically significant, since an inter- The four experiments were performed in the same
action had been expected on the basis of room as Experiments 1-3, and the same procedure was
Experiments 1-3, Newman-Keuls post hoc followed, with two exceptions. First, the level of illu-
comparisons were performed. The results mination in the dim light condition was reduced from
appear in Table 4. It is unlikely that the .5 ft-C. (5.38 Ix) to .2 ft-C. (2.15 Ix) to degrade ste-
binocular advantage was due to stereopsis, reoacuity. Both Mueller and Lloyd (1948) and Berry,
Riggs, and Duncan (1950) have found that stereoacuity
since it was lateral sway that was measured, suffers markedly at 0 log ml and becomes increasingly
and to control this the subjects needed in- worse at lower luminance levels. At .2 ft-C. of illumi-
formation about their movement parallel to nation, the luminance of the objects used in the following
the wall they were facing, the relevant in- experiments ranged from -1.27 log ml (-4.04 cd/m 2 ) to
-1.67 log ml (-5.32 cd/m 2 ) (measured with an SEI pho-
formation being available in the optic flow tometer); these values were close to the lowest luminance
field at each eye. that Berry et al. used (-1.39 log ml [-4.42 cd/m 2 ]), when
they found stereoacuity to be extremely poor. The sec-
ond procedural change was in the control for eye dom-
Visuomotor Skills 2 inance. Since dominance had not proven to be an im-
portant variable, subjects simply covered one eye with
an eye patch.
The experiments reported so far were all
designed so that binocular disparity infor- Subjects
mation was irrelevant for the performance Ten students from the Psychology Department, Edin-
of the tasks. Therefore, the binocular ad- burgh University, participated in the set of experiments.
vantage that was found in both the extero- All had either normal or corrected-to-normal vision and
ceptive tasks (Experiments 1-3) and the vi- normal binocular stereopsis as indicated by their ability
to detect the form in a number of random-dot stereo-
suomotor tasks (Experiments 4-6) cannot grams (Julesz, 1971). All were naive about the hypoth-
be attributed to binocular stereopsis. Rather, esis being tested.
the results attest to the benefit of using bin-
ocularly concordant information. Experiment 7: Needle Threading
The purpose of the final set of experiments Method
was to investigate to what extent having bin- Apparatus and procedure. Subjects were seated at
ocular disparity and binocular concordance a table and were handed an ordinary sewing needle (4

cm long with a 2-mm eye) and white cotton-covered Table 6

polyester thread. One practice trial preceded the test Mean Spillage in Experiment 8
trials to familiarize subjects with the equipment. Sub-
jects began each test trial with both hands resting on Illumination Binocular Monocular
the edge of the table, with the needle in one hand the
thread in the other. They were given a verbal signal to Bright .39a 1.84b
begin and were timed from the start until they had suc- Dim .59a 3.69,;
cessfully pulled the thread through the eye of the needle.
The thread was trimmed between trials to prevent fray- Note. Means with the same subscript down columns and
ing from hindering performance. Subjects performed across rows do not differ significantly. Data are given
four trials under each of the four conditions: binocular in milliliters.
bright light, binocular dim light, monocular bright light,
and monocular dim light.
Experiment 8: Water Pouring
This task differed from the preceding in
Results that it required precise control of movement
in relation to an object (the vessel to be
A repeated measures ANOVA was per- filled) that was not in contact with the hand
formed on the times to completion of each or any part of the body.
trial for the factors of group (bright light
trials first vs. dim light trials first), eyes Method
(binocular vs. monocular), light (bright vs. Apparatus and procedure. An 8-ml graduated cyl-
dim), and trials (lst-4th). Significant main inder was placed in the center of a round container, 10
effects were found for eyes, F(\, 8) = 22.04, cm in diameter and 5 cm deep. The subject's task was
p < .01, and light, F(\, 8) = 9.12, p < .05. to fill the 8-ml cylinder, minimizing spillage, by pouring
(Also, significant interactions were found water into it from a full 50-ml Ehrlenmyer flask. The
between group and light and among eyes, diameters of the tops of the two containers were ap-
proximately 1 cm. Subjects were instructed not to touch
light, and trials, but since these interactions the tops of the flask and cylinder, and if they inadver-
do not bear on the hypothesis being tested, tently did so, they were requested to move the flask away
they will not be discussed here.) Although and begin again. Subjects performed four trials under
the interaction between eyes and light was each of the four conditions: binocular bright light, bin-
ocular dim light, monocular bright light, and monocular
not statistically significant, since an inter- dim light. After each trial the spillage was measured
action had been expected, Newman-Keuls by the experimenter to the nearest .25 ml, the cylinder
post hoc comparisons were performed. was emptied, and the flask was refilled.
The results (Table 5) show that binocular
stereopsis did not significantly aid perfor- Results
mance. Binocular performance in the bright A repeated measures ANOVA was per-
light, which was the only condition in which formed on the amount of spillage for each
binocular disparity information could have trial for the factors of group (bright light
been used, was not significantly better than trials first vs. dim light trials first), eyes
either the monocular bright or the binocular (binocular vs. monocular), light (bright vs.
dim performances. However, having binoc- dim), and trials (lst-4th). Significant main
ular concordance did facilitate performance effects were found for eyes, F(l, 8) = 32.04,
in the dim light. p < .01, and light, F(l, 8) = 7.34, p < .05,
and a significant interaction was found be-
tween the factors of eyes and light, F( 1, 8) =
Table 5 7.34, p < .05. No other main effects or
Mean Times to Thread Needle in Experiment 7 interactions were statistically significant.
Illumination Binocular Monocular Newman-Keuls post hoc comparisons were
performed on the means for the interaction.
Bright 5.30, 10.85. The results are given in Table 6.
Dim 8.78a 20.50b As in Experiment 7, binocular perfor-
Note. Means with the same subscript down columns and mance in the bright light was not signifi-
across rows do not differ significantly. Data are given cantly better than binocular performance in
in seconds. the dim light in which stereoacuity was

Table 7 pected between the factors of eyes and light,

Mean Deviation From Target in Experiment 9 Newman-Keuls post hoc comparisons were
performed. The results are given in Table 7.
Illumination Binocular Monocular
The pattern of results is the same as for
Bright 3.14, 4.28. Experiment 7, and the same conclusions can
Dim 3.74a 6.64b be drawn: Binocular stereopsis did not sig-
Note. Means with the same subscript down columns and nificantly facilitate performance, whereas
across rows do not differ significantly. Data are given having binocular concordance did, in the dim
in millimeters. light.

greatly reduced. Thus, binocular stereopsis Experiment 10: Reaching With Hand
did not facilitate performance as much as Invisible
might have been expected. However, having
binocular concordance did aid performance This was a more demanding distance judg-
at both levels of illumination. ment task than the previous one in that the
subjects had to control their reaching on the
Experiment 9: Reaching With Hand basis of visual exproprioceptive information
Visible about the positions of the targets relative to
their body rather than their hand, since this
In the following experiment subjects was out of view.
reached for a target when their hand was
visible. It was predicted that if stereopsis is
important in controlling ordinary behavior,
it should facilitate performance on this task Apparatus and procedure. The five-rod apparatus
requiring judgments of relative distance. used in Experiment 9 was secured to a 17-mm thick
tray that pulled out from the side of a desk. A sheet of
graph paper was attached to the bottom of the tray.
Method Subjects were seated in front of the apparatus, which
Apparatus and procedure. A row of five 1-mm di- was less than an arm's length away. They were given
ameter rods was mounted vertically at 5-cm intervals a differently colored pen for each of the four conditions
between two horizontal 5 cm X 30 cm pieces of plywood and were instructed to reach under the tray and touch
3-mm thick. A sheet of graph paper was attached, the pen to the tray underneath the point where they
graph-side down, to the top piece of plywood. Subjects judged the rod to be located on the top of the tray.
sat at a table on which the apparatus was secured, just Although subjects could see their hand at the beginning
under an arm's length away, with the five rods in a of the trials, when it was in the vicinity of the rods, they
frontal plane. They were handed a hatpin and instructed could not see beyond the elbow. Subjects randomly be-
to reach out and jab the paper when they judged the gan at either the far right or the far left rod and made
pin to be lined up with the rod underneath it. The re- one judgment for each of the five rods, without seeing
sulting holes were not visible to the subjects. Subjects their hand.
used their preferred hand and randomly began at the
far left or far right rod and made one judgment for each
of the five rods. They performed the routine once under Results
each of the four conditions, a new sheet of paper being Since no consistency was found in the di-
used each time.
rection of the errors, a repeated measures
Results ANOVA was performed simply on the mag-
nitudes of the errors for the factors of group
No consistency was found in the direction (bright light trials first vs. dim light trials
of the subject's errors, so a repeated mea- first), eyes (binocular vs. monocular), light
sures ANOVA was performed on simply the (bright vs dim), and trials (lst-5th). Sig-
magnitude of the errors for the factors of nificant main effects were found for eyes,
group (bright light trials first vs. dim light F(l, 8) = 14.82,p < .01, and light, F(l, 8) =
trials first), eyes (binocular vs. monocular), 8.60, p < .05. (Also, significant interactions
light (bright vs. dim), and trials (lst-5th). were found between eyes and trials, between
Significant main effects were found for eyes, light and trials, and among group, light, and
F(l, 8) = 15.20,/? < .01, and light, F(\, 8) = trials, but since these interactions do not
10.49, p < .05, alone. No other main effects bear on the hypothesis being tested, they will
or interactions were statistically significant. not be discussed here.) Although the inter-
However, since an interaction had been ex- action between eyes and light was not sta-

tistically significant, since an interaction has Table 8

been expected, Newman-Keuls post hoc Mean Deviation from Target in Experiment 10
comparisons were performed. The results are Illumination Binocular Monocular
given in Table 8. The pattern was the same
as for Experiments 7 and 9. Bright 12.08a 16.16,
In summary, binocular stereopsis was not Dim 13.97. 23.08b
found to facilitate performance significantly Note. Means with the same subscript down columns and
in any of the four tasks requiring visual con- across rows do not differ significantly. Data are given
trol of movements and distance estimations. in millimeters.
However, using binocular concordance did
facilitate performance on all of the tasks,
especially under dim illumination. of the kinetic structure of the optic flow field
at one eye alone. Each source provides in-
General Discussion formation for the layout of the environment
that may be used in various situations. Our
The question we sought to answer was results suggest that when the head is moving,
"Are two eyes significantly better than one, the monocular kinetic information is used
independent of stereopsis?" The results of and the advantage of binocularity results
all 10 experiments indicate that the answer from the pickup of concordant information.
is yes. We found that using binocularly con- It is important to note that it is the in-
cordant information provided both better formation in the monocular arrays that is
exteroception of form and color and better concordant, not the optic flow fields them-
exproprioception of the dynamic relationship selves; they are noncongruent. This means
of the body to the environment, facilitating that the underlying mechanism cannot be
control of manipulation, reaching, and bal- one that simply sums the raw inputs to the
ance. eyes. Thus, the binocular advantage that we
As was noted earlier, it is unclear to what found is not explicable in terms of either of
extent using binocular disparity aids percep- the two mechanisms proposed by psycho-
tion under normal circumstances, when the physicists, namely, "probability" or "neural
head is moving. The results of the last set summation" (Blake & Fox, 1973). Rather,
of experiments suggest that the benefit of it appears that the two eyes work together
stereopsis may in fact be limited to situations as a unified dual ocular system that directly
in which the head is stationary. When the registers the matching of information be-
head is still, the optic arrays at the two eyes tween the optic arrays (Gibson, 1979, p.
are static, and there is inadequate infor- 213). The two eyes are not two separate
mation available in each monocular array sense channels for which signals must be
to specify the layout of the environment. compared; rather they constitute a single
However, the visual system apparently can binocular system that detects concordant in-
obtain information from the disparity be- formation.
tween the unchanging optic arrays if nec- The question remains as to why we found
essary, as well as obtaining information from such a robust binocular advantage when pre-
the continually changing optic flow field at vious binocular summation investigations
each eye. resulted in somewhat equivocal data. The
The relationship between these two ways major differences between our experiments
of obtaining information—binocular stati- and summation experiments lie in the con-
cally and monocular kinetically—is illus- straints placed on the observers and in the
trated by experiments using random-dot nature of the stimulus display used. In our
stereograms (Julesz, 1971) and random-dot experiments, the subjects were free to move
kinetic displays yoked to the subject's head their heads, whereas in nearly all summation
movements (Rogers & Graham, 1979). The experiments, subjects' heads are held sta-
shape and relative depth of one surface lying tionary. It is possible that head movements
in front of another can be perceived either are a necessary part of the orienting mech-
on the basis of the disparity between the anism involved in the use of binocular con-
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