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9/8/2021 AWS Immersion Days v2.

Itau Migration Immersion Day

9:00 - AWS Database Migration Service (DMS) Overview

9:45 An overview of the service, plus migration options and best practices

9:45 - AWS Schema Conversion Tool (SCT) Overview

10:30 Overview, getting started, menu navigation, and settings

Schema Conversion Tool - SQL Server to Amazon Aurora (PostgreSQL)

This lab demonstrates how to use AWS Schema Conversion Tool (SCT) for schema
10:30 - conversion from Microsoft SQL Server to Amazon Aurora (PostgreSQL). Additionally,
11:30 you will observe how AWS SCT helps you spot the differences between the two
dialects; and, provides you with tips about how you can modify procedural code
when needed to successfully migrate all database objects.

Database Migration Service - SQL Server to Amazon Aurora (PostgreSQL)

This lab demonstrates how you can use AWS Database Migration Service (DMS) to
11:30 - migrate data from the source Microsoft SQL Server running on an Amazon EC2
12:30 instance to the target Amazon Aurora (PostgreSQL) running on Amazon RDS.
Additionally, you will use AWS DMS to continually replicate database changes from
the source database to the target database. 1/1

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