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Task 2: Understand AWS Services

 Overview of AWS Services

o Compute Services
 Amazon EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud)
 Virtual servers in the cloud.
 Select an AMI, choose your instance type, configure the
instance, add storage, configure security groups, and finally
launch the instance.
 Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling
 Automatic scaling for Amazon EC2 instances.
 Create launch configurations, define auto-scaling groups,
specify scaling policies, and set up notifications.
 AWSAWS servelessserverless compute
 AWS Lambda
 Event-driven: Charges are based on the number of
requests for your functions and the time your code
 Serverless: AWS handles the infrastructure, scaling,
patching, and administration of the compute framework.
 Automatic scaling: Scales automatically with the size
of the workload.
 Managed: No need to worry about server provisioning
or management.
 AWS Fargate
 Serverless container execution: Runs containers
without the need to manage servers or clusters.
 Simplified workflow: You do not choose server types
or cluster scaling parameters.
 Integration: Works with other AWS services like ECS
and EKS.
 AWS DynamoDB
 NoSQL database service: Offers fast and predictable
performance with seamless scalability.
 Fully managed: AWS manages the underlying
 Security: Data encryption at rest helps protect sensitive
 Monitoring: AWS Management Console offers insights
into expenses and traffic.
 Backup and restore: Supports on-demand backup and
restore for your tables.
 Amazon Aurora
 Relational database: Compatible with MySQL and
 High performance and scalability: More efficient than
standard MySQL and PostgreSQL databases.
 Management: Part of Amazon RDS, simplifying
database setup, operation, and scaling.
 Amazon SNS (Simple Notification Service)
 Message delivery service: Connects applications and
users with notifications.
 Multiple channels: Supports email, SMS, mobile push
notifications, AWS Lambda, and more.
 Features: Includes message ordering, archiving,
filtering, and analysis.
 Security: Offers message encryption.
 Amazon SQS (Simple Queue Service)
 Message queuing service: Decouples and scales
microservices, distributed systems, and serverless
 Customization: You can select the type of queue that
best fits your needs.
 Reliability: High-security standards with message
encryption and multiple copies of messages stored
across servers.
 AWS CloudWatch
 Monitoring service: Provides data and actionable
insights to monitor applications, understand and
respond to system-wide performance changes.
 Alerts and notifications: Can set up to notify you when
certain thresholds are hit.
 Service integration: Tracks metrics from various AWS
 Serverless compute service to run code in response to events.
 Create a Lambda function, set triggers, and upload your code.
 AWS Batch
 Fully managed batch processing at scale.
 Define job definitions, create a compute environment, and
create a job queue.
 Amazon Lightsail
 Virtual private servers made easy.
 Choose a blueprint, pick your plan, and create your instance.
 AWS Outposts
 Run AWS infrastructure and services on-premises.
 Order an Outpost configuration, install it in your on-premises
facility, and launch services as you would in the cloud.
 Amazon EC2 Spot Instances
 Purchase unused EC2 capacity at reduced prices.
 Select Spot Instances during the EC2 launch process and bid
for capacity.
 AWS Compute Optimizer
 Recommends optimal AWS resources.
 Enable Compute Optimizer and review recommendations for
your resources.
For a detailed step-by-step deployment procedure for each service, it is best to
refer to the official AWS documentation, as the process can be complex and
may be updated over time.

 EC2
 Lambda
 Elastic Beanstalk
o Storage Services
 S3
 S3 Glacier
o Database Services
 DynamoDB
 Redshift
o Networking Services
 Route 53
 CloudFront

 Understand Terraform AWS Provider #Understand

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